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Modelling Grain Surplus/Deficit in Cameroon for 2030

Central Africa has the lowest food production per capita, slow yield development and the fastest growing population in the world. This study aimed to develop a model, which estimates the grain surplus or deficit in Cameroon for 2015-2030. Grains form the main diet in Cameroon and the modelled grains in this project are sorghum, millet, rice and maize. Additionally, in the case of a deficit, the yi

Heat transport in nano materials subject to high intensity nano focused X-rays

Vill man kunna se materialens minsta strukturer gäller det att man har de rätta verktygen. Röntgenstrålning är ett utmärkt verktyg för att urskilja små detaljer inuti material. Strålningen tränger djupt in (vilket du kanske själv erfarit om du röntgats på sjukhuset) och de har en kort våglängd, en nödvändighet för att urskilja små detaljer. Detta arbete har undersökt hur olika material, särskilt nThe thesis aims to investigate the amount and distribution of heat in nano materials irradiated by highly focused X-ray beams, like those that will be produced by MAX IV. The beam used in the study had a flux of 10e11 photons per second and a diameter of 100 nm. The materials studied were a 2 µm long and 100 nm wide Indium phosphide (InP) nanowire on a Silicon nitride (Si3N4) substrate, a similar

Privatizing the Ejido System: The Tradeoff of Land Tenure, Governance and Transaction Costs

This thesis examines the ejido system in Mexico in order to understand the dynamics of land tenure, governance and transaction costs through the lens of Elinor Ostrom’s theory of good governance. This case of the ejido system was chosen as their constitution that enabled a communal access land tenure regime in the agricultural sector, was amended to allow for privatization. The ejido serves as a p

”Det finns ju så många kulturer. Det är jättesvårt.” : En studie om aspekten kulturell kontext i text som är anpassad för andraspråksbrukare.

Kulturell kontext lyfts allt oftare som en viktig aspekt vid textanpassning för andraspråksbrukare. I den här studien har kulturell kontext, som begrepp och fenomen, undersökts och problematiserats närmare. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa metoder i form av litteraturstudier och intervjuer med andraspråksbrukare. I resultatet av detta framgår det att begreppet kulturell kontext i dagsläget ä

Wisdom-volkano : a novel tool based on open GIS and time-series to analyse and share volcanic data

Active volcanoes threaten life around. In order to predict their eruptions earlier and mitigate their hazards, several variables must be observed and compared. Geographical information systems (GIS) combine different geospatial images from remote or local sensing. However, GIS often miss how maps change during the time. In this thesis Wisdom-volkano is presented, a web GIS based on open source sta

Multi-layered G-Buffers for Real-Time Reflections

This thesis evaluates the use of screen space reflections combined with a deep G-buffer in computer graphics applications. Both visual inspection of rendered images and computational methods are used to evaluate the quality and performance of the reflections. Rendering reflections using screen space methods is generally faster than rendering them with other methods. The main drawback is that only

Improvement of the GPP estimations for Sudan using the evaporative fraction as water stress factor

Estimation of GPP in Sudan using the evaporative fraction as water stress factor The Gross Primary Production "GPP" quantifies the amount of carbon entering an ecosystem. It is an ecosystem service since it is a source of energy for all organisms and it is estimated to reduce atmospheric CO2 in about 123 Pg C per year at the global scale. Therefore, the improvement of estimation methods

Vad är en smart stad? En granskning av begreppet ”Smart City” och hur fenomenet kan utvärderas

Smart City är ett begrepp som blir alltmer frekvent inom många delar av samhället. Många städer kallar sig smarta, men det finns ingen vedertagen definition av Smart City. Städer driver projekt för att bli smartare, men det saknas emellertid en standardiserad utvärderingsmetod, vilket gör det mycket svårt att jämföra resultat. Eftersom smarta städer är ett snabbt växande fenomen, så har forskninge

The grammaticalized forms of oku and shimau, are they alone?

The Japanese language has as any other language been grammaticalized throughout history. Many different aspects regarding the Japanese language has at some point underwent this phenomenon. However, the aspect that will be considered in the following disquisition is the Japanese auxiliary verbs, with consistent focus on the two verbs oku and shimau. These two verbs have when used a grammatical mark

Digital communication with parents and their children in online healthcare

Swedish primary care is under a lot of pressure and struggle to keep up with the big patient flow. An alternative to visiting a physical primary care centre is to visit Min Doktor which is a digital healthcare centre offering doctor visits online that help patients with diagnosis, prescriptions and referrals. Today, Min Doktor’s service is only treating people from the age of 18 but they are curre

On the reporting of production performance in a global operation

As companies compete on the global market with an increasing amount of competitors trying to win market shares the need for an increasingly effective production becomes apparent. By utilizing the correct indicators the company can identify and improve their weaknesses to becoming more effective. The project is performed at five of Alfa Laval’s production sites, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The study is also

Public Perceptions of Street Children in Cairo: The Criminalization of Street Children and the Role of the Public

The present study seeks to explore the criminalization of, and punitive responses toward poor and marginalized people, through a case study on street children in Cairo. The specific focus of the study is public perceptions of the street children. Through focus group discussions with Cairo residents of different ages, gender and socioeconomic backgrounds, it explores how members of the public under

Effect of bladder volume changes and verification of CTV on CBCT for rectal cancer patients

Ändtarmscancer är en av de vanligast förekommande cancersjukdomarna. Tillsammans med tjocktarmscancer är det den tredje vanligaste cancersjukdomen i världen. Den behandlas vanligen med kirurgi, under vilken en stor del av ändtarmen och dess omgivande fettvävnad tas bort. För att minska risken för återfall kan operationen kompletteras med strålbehandling, där patienterna oftast strålbehandlas innanBackground and purpose: During radiotherapy, rectal cancer patients show inter-fractional internal motion that effects the delivered dose distribution. The purpose of this work is to study I) the inter-fractional bladder volume change, II) the effect of bladder volume change on bowel dose distribution, III) the effect of bladder optimization on the relationship between bladder volume and bowel dos

Evaluation of differences in attenuation pattern for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy between CZT and conventional gamma cameras

I dagsläget används två olika typer av kameror vid myokardscintigrafi-undersökningar, Kadmium-Zink-Tellurid (CZT)-kameran och den konventionella scintillationskameran. Kamerorna bygger på två vitt skilda tekniker vilket innebär att bilderna som de producerar innehåller vissa skillnader. Det är viktigt att läkarna som granskar bilderna är medvetna om att det förekommer skillnader i bilderna som uppThe new CZT camera has a different technology compared to conventional scintillation gamma cameras. The CZT camera have pinholes instead of parallel hole collimators, a static gantry instead of a rotating one and detection material made of a semiconductor in- stead of a scintillation crystal. The images arising from the CZT camera have a difference in appearance compared to the images produced by

Situating Gender in a Postnational Military: An Analysis of Changing Gender Attitudes in Peacekeeping Operations

This thesis looks at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations and sees how the centre constructs its own identity to align with the discourse of postna¬tional defense, and how it evaluates NATOs peacekeeping operation in Afghani¬stan. Through this, the thesis aims to analyse the hegemonic struggle between the discourses of traditional military structure and the cosmopolitan postnational

Employees’ Information Systems Security Policy Compliance: Understanding employees’ perception of their ISSP compliance through the theoretical lens of the social bond theory.

Företag har traditionellt koncentrerat sig på den tekniska biten av IT-säkerhet, med brandväggar, virusskydd och så vidare. Men eftersom många säkerhetsincidenter sker på grund av att företagets anställda inte följer företagets informationssäkerhetspolicy bör IT-säkerhet även innefatta den mänskliga faktorn. Med min studie så vill jag undersöka hur anställda uppfattar hur de sociala banden på arbe

The effectivity and easiness of Constraint Programming on the Vehicle Routing Problem

Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) är en variant på det mer kända Han- delsresandeproblemet. VRP går i stort ut på att finna rutter för en flotta av fordon som ska besöka ett antal kunder och i vissa fall optimera dessa rutter för att minimera sträckan som fordonen färdas. Det förekommer ofta flera bivillkor, exempelvis att en viss kund måste besökas innan en viss tidpunkt. Jag har undersökt lättheten The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a variant of the more famous Travel- ling Salesperson Problem. The VRP basically consists of finding the routes for a fleet of vehicles to visit a number of customers and in some cases op- timize this route to minimize distance traveled. Often there are many side constraints, e.g. a certain customer must be visited before a certain time. I have investigated the

Development of New Easy to Open Cheese Packaging for Elderly in Sweden - A Design Thinking Approach

Changing demographics in most of western society bring a range of new demands in the field of food and more specifically in food packaging. The need for convenience is one of the biggest drivers behind many innovations over the past decades. Current trends involve psychological convenience on environmental aspects, as well as ease of opening. Easy to open packaging is desirable because consumers w