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Pharmacological inhibition of ABCC3 slows tumour progression in animal models of pancreatic cancer
BACKGROUND: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an aggressive and lethal disease, lacking effective therapeutic approaches. Available therapies only marginally prolong patient survival and are frequently coupled with severe adverse events. It is therefore pivotal to investigate novel and safe pharmacological approaches. We have recently identified the ABC transporter, ABCC3, whose expressio
Spherical White with Diamond
Site-specific public work, commissioned by NATUR North Atlantic Tales/Curated Place in collaboration with National Trust Formby. The work includes three sound installations: 'Spherical White with Diamond', stereo work (voice: Jez Dolan). 'Þytur', 9 mono-channels (voices: Maja Jantar, Angela Rawlings, Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir). 'The Shadowy Space Beneath', a stereo work, which builds on texts f
Pedagogik för frihet och förändring : Didaktisk innovation och förnyelse av folkhögskolans undervisning: Samlade examensarbeten från folkhögskollärarprogrammet på Linköpings universitet vårterminen 2021
Den här antologin innehåller tolv examensarbeten skrivna av tretton folkhögskollärare examinerade från Linköpings universitet våren 2021. På Linköpings universitet erbjuds en lärarutbildning specifikt för folkhögskolan. Studenterna kombinerar teoretiska studier med praktik ute i verkligheten, och deras examensarbete syftar till att skapa eller analysera didaktiska innovationer för folkhögskolorna.
Svenska och hantverk : praktisk-estetiska uttrycksformer och estetiska lärprocesser i språkutvecklande arbete med vuxna
Why do inverse models disagree? A case study with two European CO2 inversions
We present an analysis of atmospheric transport impact on estimating CO2 fluxes using two atmospheric inversion systems (CarboScope-Regional (CSR) and Lund University Modular Inversion Algorithm (LUMIA)) over Europe in 2018. The main focus of this study is to quantify the dominant drivers of spread amid CO2 estimates derived from atmospheric tracer inversions. The Lagrangian transport models STILT
Stroke Learning Health Systems : A Topical Narrative Review With Case Examples
To our knowledge, the adoption of Learning Health System (LHS) concepts or approaches for improving stroke care, patient outcomes, and value have not previously been summarized. This topical review provides a summary of the published evidence about LHSs applied to stroke, and case examples applied to different aspects of stroke care from high and low-to-middle income countries. Our attempt to syst
Reevaluating the protective effect of smoking on preeclampsia risk through the lens of bias
Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that is usually diagnosed after 20 weeks' gestation. Despite the deleterious effect of smoking on cardiovascular disease, it has been frequently reported that smoking has a protective effect on preeclampsia risk and biological explanations have been proposed. However, in this manuscript, we present multiple sources of bias that could explain this association
Limiting recreational screen media use increases physical activity among children but not their parents
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Bread is the main food source that cuts horizontally across historical, social, cultural and economic areas. Bread is produced and consumed in the context of economic, political and social relations throughout human history. The factors affecting the production of bread are discussed. The political economy of the public bread practice, which is produced and distributed by the municipalities, is st
Clinical Significance of a 16S-rDNA Analysis of Heart Valves in Patients with Infective Endocarditis : a Retrospective Study
A substantial proportion of patients with infective endocarditis (IE) are subjected to heart valve surgery. Microbiological findings on valves are important both for diagnostics and for tailored antibiotic therapy, post-operatively. The aims of this study were to describe microbiological findings on surgically removed valves and to examine the diagnostic benefits of 16S-rDNA PCR and sequencing (16
Ex vivo and in vivo experimental investigation of miR-148a-3p as a novel therapy for insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes
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Solo violin part and electronics. The electronic part builds on an archival recording with Halla Lovísa Loftsdóttir (voice) and includes also reworking of improvisation by Nguyen Thanh Thuy (dan tranh). Loftsdóttir's performance is a vocalising of passion hymns, written in the Lutheran meditation style by priest and poet Hallgrímur Pétursson, first published in 1666. The archival recording is foun
Undersökning av betydelsefulla faktorer i mötet mellan patient och arbetsterapeut för att främja sexuell hälsa
Bakgrund: Åttiotvå procent av Sveriges befolkning har någon gång under sin livstid avstått från att söka vård för problem kopplade till sin sexuella hälsa. Majoriteten av arbetsterapeuter lyfter inte sexuella hälsoproblem med sina patienter på grund av bristande kunskap, otydliga riktlinjer samt få träningsmöjligheter. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka faktorer i mötet mellan arbetsterapeut och kliBackground: Eighty two percent of Sweden's population has at some point in their lifetime refrained from seeking care for problems connected to their sexual health. The majority of occupational therapists do not approach sexual health problems with their patients, due to a lack of knowledge, unclear guidelines and few training opportunities. Aim: The aim was to explore factors in the meeting b
Chefläkarens roll belyst från ett säkerhetsteoretiskt perspektiv
Risk factors of newly detected and masked untreated hypertension in a South Asian population of Type-2 diabetes patients
Impact analysis of energy efficiency measures in the electrolysis process in primary aluminium production
The Paris Agreement includes the goals of ‘holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industriallevels’ and ‘making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions’. Industrial energy efficiency will playan important role in meeting those goals as well as becoming a competitive advantage due to reduced costs for companies. The al
From genes to blooms : Diversity in microcystin phenotypes and mcy biosynthesis genes in the cyanobacterium Microcystis
Cyanobakterier är urgamla prokaryoter, som finns i en mängd olika livsmiljöer över hela världen. Deras förmåga att utföra fotosyntes (det vill säga att använda solljus, vatten och koldioxid för att producera syre- och kolhydrater) gör dem till viktiga primära producenter, och tillsammans med andra växtplankton utgör de basen för akvatiska näringsvävar.Vid optimala tillväxtförhållandena kan populatCyanobacterial blooms are increasing in occurrence and frequency world-wide, mainly due to eutrophication and increased water temperatures. In freshwater, Microcystis is one of the most common bloom-forming genera, renowned for producing the toxin microcystin which is harmful to humans and other mammals. The ability of Microcystis strains to produce microcystins is largely due to the presence or a
Draft Genome Assembly of Stutzerimonas sp. Strain S1 and Achromobacter spanius Strain S4, Two Syringol-Metabolizing Bacteria Isolated from Compost Soil
Two bacterial strains able to use syringol as a sole carbon source were isolated from compost. The isolates, named S1 and S4, were sequenced using the Illumina platform. The final assemblies contained 4.2 Mbp, 63% GC, and 3,912 genes for S1 and 6.2 Mbp, 64% GC, and 5,503 genes for S4.
Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion : III. Partitioning of volatiles between planetary core, mantle, and atmosphere
Volatile molecules containing hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen are key components of planetary atmospheres. In the pebble accretion model for rocky planet formation, these volatile species are accreted during the main planetary formation phase. For this study, we modelled the partitioning of volatiles within a growing planet and the outgassing to the surface. The core stores more than 90% of the hyd