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The Professional Role and Technology Use Among Physical Therapists in Tokyo: A Qualitative Interview Study

Background: The role of physical therapists are affected by several aspects including the therapeutic relationship, inter-professional relations, workloads, autonomy and their relations to everyday tasks. In particular, the latter of these is a topic of interest in regards to Japanese physical therapists since healthcare in Japan has shown tendencies toward the adoption of new technology. This, th

Purification and crystallization of the I subunit of magnesium chelatase

The I subunit of magnesium chelatase is an AAA+ protein which binds and hydrolyzes ATP to drive the insertion of Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX during bio-synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll and chlorophyll. The purification method and co-crystallization conditions of the Rhodobacter capsulatus BchI (bacteriochlorophyll Magnesium Chelatase I subunit) protein with either ADP or AMPPNP and crystallization

Who takes care of the Elderly in Ethiopia when Reciprocal Relationships Breakdown?

In Ethiopia social welfare is found at an infancy stage where only people who have been working as public employees are guaranteed with a secured income upon retirement. On the other hand those who never had the opportunity of formal employment and those self-employed individuals do not have a guaranteed income where there is no provision by the state. By exploring care for the elderly in Ethiopia

Renewable hydrogen production. The role of Solar Thermal Water Splitting.

In a context of environmental crisis and depletion of conventional energy resources, the current energy model based on fossil fuels is obsolete and needs to be redefined and redesigned. Hydrogen economy can represent a good alternative. To get it, developing carbon-free renewable hydrogen production processes will be crucial. This Master Thesis is focused on the ones using solar thermal energy to

Motion detection and temporal filtering of noisy image sequences

When capturing digital video there is always some amount of noise in the resulting signal. This is more pronounced in low-light conditions. In this thesis we have evaluated five algorithms for motion detection and noise reduction. All algorithms produce a filtered image and a motion mask. One of the algorithms is based on block-matching, one on fuzzy logic and one on low-rank matrix completion. Th

Stock Market Response to Changes in Managerial Stock Ownership

The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the Swedish stock market and find any evidence that Swedish CEOs are able to gain abnormal returns by using inside information. The theoretical framework is based on the previous studies within the insider trading field. The key theories for this study are the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Signalling Hypothesis. In order to determine the abnormal ret

Who’s Heritage? : A study of the perceptions of cultural heritage in south-western Sweden among immigrants and Swedes with a foreign background

This essay has investigated immigrants and Swedes with foreign background’s perception of cultural heritage as it has been specified by UNESCO. The approach to focus on this particular sample population was born out of the realisation that the EU, nationalist parties and far - right extremists all point to a common her itage. What has not been studied however is the effect of immigration on nation

The Relationship between Fertility and Female Employment in East and West Germany

The paper investigates the relationship between fertility and female employment in East and West Germany in both a historical context and a status quo analysis. Thereby a major focus is placed on the different impacts of female part and full time employment on fertility. A descriptive part looks at the long-term trends also including pre-reunification characteristics and differences between both r

Väsentlighet och risk inom revision - En kvalitativ studie över revisorers resonemang vid risk- och väsentlighetsbedömningar

Resultatet av undersökningen visar att revisorernas fastställda väsentlighetsnivåer skiljer sig relativt mycket åt (den lägsta väsentlighetsnivån är 600 000 kr och den högsta är 1 250 000 kr) samt att det finns både skillnader och likheter i deras förda resonemang. Likheterna kan urskiljas i respondenternas arbetssätt och att de förhåller sig mycket till ISA. Orsaker till skillnaderna visar sig The result of the survey shows that the auditors determine materiality levels differently (the lowest materiality level is 600 000 kr and the highest one is 1 250 000 kr). There are both differences and similarities in the auditors´ argumentations. The similarities can be seen in auditors´ working process, during which they are regulated much by ISA. On the one hand, the differences can be expla

Creating Visual Effects by Solving Partial Differential Equations in Real-Time

The goal of this bachelor thesis is to create visual effects by solving partial differential equations (PDEs). The visual effects should be dependent on the input from music and the PDEs are solved in real-time. Creating visual effects can be done in many different ways and the reason for using PDEs is that they model natural phenomena which is appealing to the human eye. Focus will be on studying

Maktrelationer i beslutsprocessen - En analys av hur olika maktdimensioner synliggörs i EU- kommissionens integritetssystem

Omkring 30 000 lobbyister är verksamma inom maktens korridorer i EU:s institutioner. De verkar för att få sina intressen tillgodosedda genom att försöka forma beslutprocesserna till deras fördel. Men trots ett ökat samarbete med det privata näringslivet så har lagar och regler för oegentligheter inte skärpts tillräckligt. Organisationen Transparency International publicerade rapporten European Uni

Testing the Big Push Hypothesis - The Case of Montserrat

The idea of a big push is one of the earliest theories in development economics and the original justification for foreign aid. The past 30 years have witnessed the publication of numerous studies on aid effectiveness with varying results. This thesis proceeds from the discussion regarding the relationship between aid, economic growth and poverty reduction. The big push hypothesis implies increase

The big three rating agencies and the question of objectivity in sovereign ratings

The big three American-based rating agencies Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch are frequently accused of pursuing their sovereign ratings in the interest of their home country – the United States. Since these agencies have crucial influence on the financing costs of countries and share the sovereign rating market in an oligopoly structure, the question of independence is of crucial importan

Environmental Education and the Cultivation of Student Agency in the Himalaya. A case study of Dhading Besi township, Nepal

This study investigated the quality and availability of environmental education (EE) in Dhading Besi, Nepal. Focus was placed on the cultivation of students’ agency and their participation in environmental actions. Interviews were conducted jointly at two local high schools with students and teachers, and with climate science researchers and local environmental NGOs. The study found that current e

Ängsligheten : och det offentliga samtalet i kontexten av sociala medier

Nyhetsläsning sker allt mer via de sociala medierna vilket skapar nya förhållanden för konsumtionen av nyheter och därmed även en förändring av det offentliga samtalet. Genom sociala medier kan individer anpassa sin nyhetskonsumtion till att främst handla om egna intressen och med enkla medel dela utvalda nyheter med utvalda vänner. Möjligheten att dela nyheter med andra skapar även möjligheten at

Elfordon i Skåne Nordväst - Nulägesanalys och Framtida Strategier

In this study it is shown that Skåne Nordväst, which is a partnership between 11 municipalities in northwest of Scania, has good grounds to be able to increase its use of electric vehicles and seems to be using the right strategies to do so. The increased use of electric vehicles is something that they intend with their new operational plan for 2014. Using of available research and literature of w

Wasted energy : unlocking the biogas potential in Trinidad and Tobago : a transition theory perspective

Trinidad and Tobago is heavily dependent on fossil fuels and the attendant challenges from its consumption have sparked a growing interest in the capacity of renewable energies to remedy some of these issues. Biogas has been earmarked as one possible alternative, particularly in light of the problems with waste management however, efforts to initiate its usage have been negligible. This study ther