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Aggrecan fragments as biomarkers in osteoarthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid vår vanligaste ledsjukdom, artros, sker en progressiv förstöring av ledbrosk beroende på en störd balans mellan nedbrytning och nybildning av broskets extracellulära matrix. Ledbrosket utsätts för stort slitage och broskceller – kondrocyter – glest positionerade i vävnaden står för både nysyntes av broskmolekyler och för huvuddelen av nedbrytandet av slitna molekyleBackground: In osteoarthritis (OA) the balance of cartilage matrix synthesis and degradation is disturbed, resulting in a gradual destruction of the articular cartilage. Matrix components released into body fluids by proteolytic cleavage can be used as biomarkers of ongoing processes. This thesis focuses on proteolytic degradation of the proteoglycan aggrecan with the overall aim to study the pote

Innovation management through the use of diversity networks

A methodology for innovation and analysis in a context of complex problem spaces is presented, introducing the idea of a diversity network. The methodology draws upon a framework which puts ‘complexification’ into systemic practice. Such an application helps individual participants to outline their narratives, create and agree upon categories, and use these to classify their narratives. Clusters o

Career concerns, contracts, and effort distortions

A two-period, career-concerns model with symmetric information but uncertainty about each worker's ability is analyzed. Contracts are unobservable, but incomes are observable. It is shown that effort is distorted upward by contracts being unobservable and that the distortion depends positively on turnover.

H-2(e,e ' p)n reaction at high recoil momenta

The 2H(e,e(')p)n cross section was measured in Hall A of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility near the top of the quasielastic peak (x(Bj)=0.964) at a four-momentum transfer squared, Q(2)=0.665 (GeV/c) (2) (omega=0.368 GeV, W=2.057 GeV), and for recoil momenta up to 550 MeV/c. The measured cross section deviates by 1-2sigma from a state-of-the-art calculation at low recoil momenta. A

Arterial pulse wave velocity with tissue doppler imaging

This paper describes a new noninvasive ultrasonic method for estimating pulse wave velocity (PWV), an important physical parameter for characterizing the elastic properties of the arterial walls. The method utilizes a relatively new color Doppler modality for measuring tissue motion (tissue Doppler imaging or TDI). In contrast to previously proposed methods, the TDI modality offers multiple record

Three-pulse photon echo of an excitonic dimer modeled via Redfield theory

In this article the third-order response of an excitonically coupled dimer is studied. The three-pulse photon echo signals were calculated by extracting polarization components from the total polarization in the corresponding phase-matched directions. The total nonlinear response was obtained by numeric propagation of the density matrix, with the exciton-vibrational coupling modeled via Redfield r

Thermal transitions of DODAB vesicular dispersions

Two endothermic transitions, at 36 degrees C and 44 degrees C, were observed with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) upon heating dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide vesicle dispersions that were equilibrated below 15 degrees C while in samples kept at 25 degrees C there was only the transition at 44 degrees C, which was shown to be the gel to liquid-crystalline transition by H-1-NMR measurem

On A2-codes including arbiter's attacks

We comment on the work by R. Taylor presented at Euro-Crypt'94 (see this proceedings). We first extend some known results on authentication codes with arbitration to the case when protection against arbiter's attacks is provided. We give lower bounds on the secret key size for each participant and give a construction showing that these bounds are tight. These results improve upon previously known

Depth-Dependent Magnetization Profiles of Hybrid Exchange Springs

We report on the magnetization depth profile of a hybrid exchange-spring system in which a Co/Pd multilayer with perpendicular anisotropy is coupled to a CoFeB thin film with in-plane anisotropy. The competition between these two orthogonal anisotropies promotes a strong depth dependence of the magnetization orientation. The angle of the magnetization vector is sensitive both to the strength of th

Effect of commercial rye whole-meal bread on postprandial blood glucose and gastric emptying in healthy subjects

Background: The intake of dietary fibre has been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of commercial rye whole-meal bread containing whole kernels and white wheat bread on the rate of gastric emptying and postprandial glucose response in healthy subjects. Methods: Ten healthy subjects took part in a blinded crossover trial. Blood

Aglycone specificity of Thermotoga neapolitana beta-glucosidase 1A modified by mutagenesis, leading to increased catalytic efficiency in quercetin-3-glucoside hydrolysis

Background: The thermostable beta-glucosidase (TnBgl1A) from Thermotoga neapolitana is a promising biocatalyst for hydrolysis of glucosylated flavonoids and can be coupled to extraction methods using pressurized hot water. Hydrolysis has however been shown to be dependent on the position of the glucosylation on the flavonoid, and e. g. quercetin-3-glucoside (Q3) was hydrolysed slowly. A set of mut

Neuropathological findings and staging in dementia

Dementia is a clinical syndrome with the development of impairment in multiple cognitive functions (including memory), severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living, as the main symptom. There are a large number of disorders that can lead to dementia, and neuropathological examination after death is necessary to determine the underlying cause with certainty. The overall aim of this th

Observation of structural anisotropy and the onset of liquidlike motion during the nonthermal melting of InSb

The melting dynamics of laser excited InSb have been studied with femtosecond x-ray diffraction. These measurements observe the delayed onset of diffusive atomic motion, signaling the appearance of liquidlike dynamics. They also demonstrate that the root-mean-squared displacement in the [111] direction increases faster than in the [110] direction after the first 500 fs. This structural anisotropy

Staphylococcal enterotoxin H contrasts closely related enterotoxins in species reactivity.

Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin H (SEH) belongs to the staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) family of superantigens (SAgs). SEH has structural similarities to other SE; however, its biological properties are less well characterized. SEH binds with high affinity to human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and exhibits strong mitogenic activity in human T cells, although it was found to be

Shear-induced sponge-to-lamellar phase transition studied by rheo-birefringence

We report on the shear induced transition from the L-3- to the L-alpha-phase studied by means of flow birefringence using the system pentaethyleneglycol monododecylether (C12E5), decane, water. The dependence of the critical shear rate, at which the transition from the isotropic state to the anisotropic takes place, on membrane volume fraction was studied in temperature ramp experiments at differe

TGF beta receptor II gene deletion in leucocytes prevents cerebral vasculitis in bacterial meningitis

In bacterial meningitis, chemokines lead to recruitment of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN) into the CNS. At the site of infection in the subarachnoid space, PMN release reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta). Although these immune factors assist in clearance of bacteria, they also result in neuronal injury associated with meningitis. Tr

Diagnostic accuracy of 3D color volume-rendered CT images for peroneal tendon dislocation in patients with acute calcaneal fractures

Background: Use of three-dimensional (3D) color volume-rendered (VR) images has been reported to be more time-efficient compared to that of cross-sectional computed tomography (CT) images for the diagnosis of peroneal tendon dislocation. However, the diagnostic performance of this technique has not been studied. Purpose: To test diagnostic accuracy of 3D color VR CT images of ankle for peroneal te