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Muslimska högtider

Artikeln handlar om muslimska högtider, deras ursprung och betydelse i vardagslivet så som i religiösa livet.


Suggesting a twofold model of classification for varying forms of divination, the article briefly describes, from a historical perspective, a number of prominent Hindu divinatory techniques such as animal omens, oneiromancy, physiognomy, chiromancy, pneumomancy, oracular voices, bibliomancy and geomancy.

Knowledge creation and sharing: a role for paraconsistent logic

Recent research and practice have led to the development of relatively complex methods for inquiry which can be applied by human analysts wishing to investigate an organizational problem-space. However, it has appeared until recently that use of these methods could not be supported by software tools, since the limitations of traditional mathematical algorithms constrained their development. In con

Klimatomställningens förenlighet med de svenska miljömålen

I denna rapport studeras i vilken grad framtida energi- och transportsystem med låga utsläpp av växthusga¬ser är förenliga med övriga svenska miljömål. Utgångspunkt tas i de scenarier som tagits fram i forsk¬ningsprogrammet LETS. Ibland uppkommer synergier som innebär att minskningar av utsläppen av växt¬husgaser samtidigt leder till att det blir lättare att uppnå andra miljömål. I andra fall uppkIn this report potential synergies and conflicts between greenhouse gas mitigation and other environmental objectives (EOs) are studied. A starting point is taken in energy scenarios developed within the research programme LETS ( Environmental impacts appear in all steps of the energy chain, from land-use effects (both direct and indirect) of renewable energy extraction to emissio

Protease proforms as hematopoietic regulators

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hematopoes är bildandet av blodceller. Blodbildningen har sin utgångspunkt i benmärgen i stamceller vilka ger upphov till i huvudsak åtta typer av blodceller med var sina specifika uppgifter. De röda blodkropparna transporterar syre från lungorna ut i hela kroppen,blodplättar har sin främsta funktion i att initiera stopp av en blödning,granulocyter och makrofager äter uA common feature in myeloid leukemia is suppression of normal hematopoiesis, leading to infections, bleeding and anemia. It has been suggested for a long time that leukemic cells possess a growth-advantage by overproducing an inhibitor - a leukamia associated inhibitor. Such an inhibitor has been characterized in leukemic cells as well as subpopulations of normal bone marrow and blood cells, sugge

A priori modelling of an underground evacuation

“Can an engineer, using a current simulation modelling programs, produce evacuation flow rates of a live emergency evacuation a priori to the analyses of the evacuation?” The above question is explored with reference to previous pre-evacuation modelling attempts and a new series of “small-scale” underground train evacuation experiments conducted under the METRO research project. METRO is concerne

Debris disc stirring by secular perturbations from giant planets

Detectable debris discs are thought to require dynamical excitation (`stirring'), so that planetesimal collisions release large quantities of dust. We investigate the effects of the secular perturbations of a planet, which may lie at a significant distance from the planetesimal disc, to see if these perturbations can stir the disc, and if so over what time-scale. The secular perturbations cause or