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Sales of Fairtrade labelled foods in grocery stores is a growing business in Europe and the United States. The aim of the labelling scheme is to improve working and living conditions for export-oriented small-scale farmers and hired labour in developing countries The purpose of this report is to analyse the effects of the Fairtrade labelling scheme (Rättvisemärkt in Sweden) using economics theory
Holocene forest development, climate change and human impact in northern Europe
Role of the Au/III-V interaction in the Au-assisted growth of III-V branched nanostructures
The growth behaviour of Au-catalyzed III-V semiconductor nanowires and nanotrees is strongly affected by the temperature dependent interaction between the catalytic Au particle and the particular III-V material
Good trellis source codes at fractional rates
Two new kinds of fractional-rate trellis source codes based on linear congruential recursions are evaluated. Properties of good codes are given. Square error distortion is similar to or better than competing schemes
Firm Performance in the Periphery: On the Relation between Firm-Internal Knowledge and Local Knowledge Spillovers
This paper challenges one of the fundamental propositions within economic geography; that location in knowledge regions contributes to firm performance in general and especially for knowledge intensive firms that compete on the basis of knowledge. Our analysis of Swedish micro-data on 32,535 firms from 2004-2011 provides evidence that knowledge intensive firms benefit less from local knowledge spi
Computer-Aided Planning of Production, Working and Residential Environments
This paper discusses a computer-aided planning methodology and its applicability for planning of industrial production and working environments as well as for planning of residential and working environments for the differently abled. The methodology has been developed and evaluated in six case studies in mechanical industries and in six case studies related to adaptations for the differently able
”Hallå där! Tycker ni om musik?”
On the semantics and syntax of Scandinavian pronouns and object shift
In this article I argue that weak pronouns in the Scandinvian languages should be analysed as functional heads expressing pure phi-features, and that these heads occur either without complements or copying phi-features expressed in the rest of the extended projection. The description is modelled on a construction in Old and Modern Icelandic, where a pronoun may identify the phi-features of a delet
Nära västerns paradis. Dikter
Political Structure and Dam Conflicts: Comparing Cases in Southeast Asia
This paper argues that different political structures use different conflict management mechanisms to manage opposition to large hydro projects. Conflicts over the Pak Mun Dam, Thailand (a liberal democracy), and the Bakun Dam, Malaysia (a semi-authoritarian state), are the cases selected for comparison. The export oriented, fast industrialization process brought rapid development in these two cou
Interplay of Touschek Scattering, Intrabeam Scattering, and RF Cavities in Ultralow-emittance Storage Rings
When it goes into operation in 2016, the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring will be the first ultralow-emittance storage ring based on a multibend achromat lattice. Such ultralow-emittance rings make use of a large number of weak bending magnets which leads to low radiation losses in the dipoles compared to power radiated from insertion devices. Therefore, the emittance in such rings depends strongly on th
Under ytan djupet (Beneath the surface the deep)
Ett ämnes pedagogiska möjligheter. Den etnologiska kunskapen och dess möjligheter och hinder att föras över till andra ämnen
Cultural evolution, conceptual metaphors and science
Importance of and satisfaction with different accessibility factors as perceived by older pedestrians
Accessibility in public outdoor environments is an important issue for persons with reduced functional capacity, for example older persons, and is also crucial for older pedestrians’ safety. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the importance and satisfaction of accessibility issues in public outdoor environments the year around as perceived by older persons (65 years old and above). Within two bef
The Troubling Evolution of Journalism
Minnesteckning över Sven A E Johansson
Uncertain Real Parameters with Bounded Rate of Variation
Muslimska högtider
Artikeln handlar om muslimska högtider, deras ursprung och betydelse i vardagslivet så som i religiösa livet.