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Investigation of lifetimes in quadrupole bands of Gd-142

For a level scheme investigation of Gd-142 an experiment with the gamma -spectrometer EUROBALLIII has been carried out and lifetimes have been measured with EUROBALL IV using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The high-spin states have been populated in these experiments by means of the(99)Ru(Ti-48, 2p3n) reaction at a beam energy of 240MeV and the Sn-114(S-32, 2p2n) reaction at 160MeV, respect

A new species of Macrorrhyncha Winnertz from NW Europe, (Diptera, Keroplatidae)

Closer examination of material of Macrorrhyncha rostrata Zetterstedt, 1851 from Sweden revealed a mixture of two closely related species of which one, M. hugoi sp. n. is described based on type material from Southern Sweden and Southern England. The new species includes all known records of M. rostrata from England and the Channel Islands. Records of M. rostrata from continental Europe need to be

Ecological production functions for biological control services in agricultural landscapes

Research relating to ecosystem services has increased, partly because of drastic declines in biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. However, the mechanistic linkages between land use, biodiversity and service provision are poorly understood and synthesized. This is particularly true for many ecosystem services provided by mobile organisms such as natural enemies to crop pests. These species are

Shocked quartz grains in the polymict breccia of the Granby structure, Sweden-Verification of an impact

The Middle Ordovician Granby structure in Sweden is generally considered the result of an asteroidal or cometary collision with Earth, although no hard evidence, i.e., shock metamorphic features or traces of the impactor, have been presented to date. In this Study, drill core samples of a sedimentary breccia from the Granby structure have been investigated for microscopic shock metamorphic evidenc

Links between Successful Innovation Diffusion and Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders can positively assist or hinder attempts at innovation. Much depends on the nature of their engagement. The stakeholder engagement process can be complex and unpredictable, more so if no strategic plan is put in place or if no systematic thinking is invested in the innovation. Stakeholder engagement in the innovation process in general and innovation diffusion in particular is examine

Quantification of C uptake in subarctic birch forest after setback by an extreme insect outbreak

The carbon dynamics of northern natural ecosystems contribute significantly to the global carbon balance. Periodic disturbances to these dynamics include insect herbivory. Larvae of autumn and winter moths (Epirrita autumnata and Operophtera brumata) defoliate mountain birch (Betula pubescens) forests in northern Scandinavia cyclically every 9-10 years and occasionally (50-150 years) extreme popul

Starch determination, amylose content and susceptibility to in vitro amylolysis in flours from the roots of 25 cassava varieties

Cassava cultivars are classified following different criteria, such as cyanogenic glucoside content or starch content. Here, flours from the roots of 25 cassava varieties cultivated simultaneously in a single plantation, were characterized in terms of starch content (SC), amylose content (AC), alpha-amylolysis index (AI) and gel formation ability. Resistant starch content (RS) was measured in 10 o

Small Scale Reformers for on-site Hydrogen Supply

This paper presents the major outcome of the IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (IEA-HIA) Task 23 “Small-scale reforming for on-site hydrogen supply”. The task is briefly described, including the three sub-tasks: harmonized industrialization, sustainability and renewables and market information. An exclusive network of worldwide suppliers of reformers as well as gas companies has contributed to

Every breath you take every move you make. Studies on Asthma and Sports in Adolescent Athletes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Every breath you take – Every move you make Astma och allergier tillhör våra vanligaste folksjukdomar och de har ökat under de senaste fyra decennierna, särskilt bland barn och ungdomar. Under samma period så har inställningen till fysisk aktivitet och olika livsstilsfaktorer i samhället förändrats. Det är allmänt accepterat att fysisk aktivitet är bra for hälsan och viAsthma and allergies are common diseases in adolescents and have increased during the last few decades. All elite level sports activities result in increased risk of asthma and rhinitis regardless of sport practised. Physical activity is at the same time regarded as a health-promoting factor and is recommended both for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The aim of this study was to explore

Ultrasound methods to distinguish between malignant and benign adnexal masses in the hands of examiners with different levels of experience

Objectives To determine the effect of an ultrasound training course on the performance of pattern recognition when used by less experienced examiners and to compare the performance of pattern recognition, a logistic regression model and a scoring system to estimate the risk of malignancy between examiners with different levels of experience. Methods Using ultrasound images of selected adnexal mass

Grain boundary influence during short fatigue crack growth using a discrete dislocation technique

We have studied the effect of a grain boundary in front of a short edge crack on its propagation under cyclic loading conditions in bcc iron. The used model is a combination of a discrete dislocation formulation and a boundary element approach where the boundary is described by dislocation dipole elements, while the local plasticity is modeled by discrete dislocations. The grain boundary is consid

Life satisfaction after traumatic brain injury: comparison of ratings with the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-11) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS).

An optimal life satisfaction (LS) is considered an important long-term outcome after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is, however, not clear to what extent a single instrument captures all aspects of LS, and different instruments may be needed to comprehensively describe LS. The aim of this study was to compare self-ratings of life satisfaction after a TBI with two commonly used instruments.

Functional characterisation of the CAG polymorphism in the androgen receptor- in vitro and in vivo

The androgen receptor (AR) is the mediator of androgen actions. In the AR coding region there is a polymorphic CAG repeat encoding a stretch of the amino acid glutamine (Q). The repeat length modulates receptor activity and is normally distributed between 10-30 CAG with a median length of 22 repeats in white men. At the start of this work, a negative linear association between AR function and the

On the function of the interferon-inducible p53 target gene TRIM22

The interferon-inducible p53-target gene TRIM22 (Staf50) is a member of the TRIM (TRIpartite Motif) family. The TRIM family is a family of RING (Really Interesting New Gene) proteins, defined through a tripartite motif, containing a RING-domain, one or two B-boxes and a Coiled-coil-domain. The TRIM proteins are involved in diverse biological functions, such as apoptosis, cell-cycle- progression an