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Urn-related random walk with drift ρxα/tβ
We study a one-dimensional random walk whose expected drift depends both on time and the position of a particle. We establish a non-trivial phase transition for the recurrence vs. transience of the walk, and show some interesting applications to Friedman's urn, as well as showing the connection with Lamperti's walk with asymptotically zero drift.
Participation in physical activities and sedentary behaviour among children with physical disabilities
Participating in physical activity promotes physical and mental health. Children with physical disabilities are not as physically active as other children. They tend to participate in lower intensity physical activity, choose more passive activities with less variety and have more sedentary time. The overall aim of this thesis was to gain knowledge about participation in physical activities, to i
Comparison of Liquid-Based Cytology and Conventional Filter Preparations in Urine: A Possible Serious Pitfall
Socioeconomic patterns of overweight and obesity in Scania, Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Socioekonomiska mönster av övervikt och fetma i Skåne, Sverige I världen idag är fetma och övervikt ett av de största hoten mot människors goda hälsa. Den här avhandlingen har försökt beskriva och öka kunskapen om hur olika faktorer, som levnadsvillkor och levnadsvanor, bidragit till ökningen av övervikt och fetma i befolkningen. Övervikt och fetma ökar risken för en rOverweight and obesity are major social and public health concerns globally. The obesity epidemic is caused by a widespread chronic energy imbalance between high-energy intake and low-energy expenditure, but this mechanism appears to be modified by a number of other biological, behavioral, and social factors that interact in a complicated manner. It has become a great challenge to understand the e
Systematic measurements of light vector mesons at RHIC-PHENIX
The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured and ω meson production in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions for GeV at mid-rapidity. Systematic measurements of light vector mesons for several decay channels provide information about properties of the strongly interacting matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We present transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors for and ω
The Kallikrein-Related Peptidases hK2 and PSA with Emphasis on Genetic Variation, Secretion, and Sperm Motility
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) are secreted by the prostate into seminal plasma and through leakage into blood. This leakage increases rapidly in prostate disease, and PSA is used worldwide as a marker of prostate cancer. PSA is activated in vitro by hK2, and cleaves the semenogelins in semen, which releases motile sperm, and low levels of PSA have been asso
Word Order in Övdalian : A Study in Variation and Change.
This dissertation discusses aspects of the syntax of Övdalian, a variety spoken by ca. 2,500 people in the province of Dalecarlia in Sweden. Initially, an overview of the history and current status of the language of Älvdalen is given, and the focus of the dissertation is on certain syntactic phenomena that have been well studied from a comparative and diachronic perspective in other Scandinavian
Samlade visor : perspektiv på handskrivna visböcker
An Experimental Protocol for Structural Characterization of Fe in Dilute Natural Waters
The properties of iron (Fe) complexes and compounds in the environment influence several central processes, e.g., iron uptake, adsorption/desorption of contaminants and nutrients, and redox transformations, as well as the fate of of natural organic matter (NOM). It is thus important to characterize Fe species in environmental samples. Synchrotron-based extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXA
Mild cognitive impairment and deficits in instrumental activities of daily living: a systematic review.
Introduction: There is a growing body of evidence that subtle deficits in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) may be present in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, it is not clear if there are IADL domains that are consistently affected across patients with MCI. In this systematic review, therefore, we aimed to summarize research results regarding the performance of MCI patients i
BIM Anatomy II: Standardisation Needs & Support Systems
This thesis presents the results of an investigation into BIM standardisation needs and procedural supporting mechanisms that may enable design, construction and operating (DCO) organisations to advance their deployment of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology, and improve construction project outcomes. To achieve sustainable development requires effective information management. Buildi
Sagan om the Comics Code
A numerical model of nearshore waves, currents, and sediment transport
A two-dimensional numerical model of nearshore waves, currents, and sediment transport was developed. The multi-directional random wave transformation model formulated by Mase [Mase, H., 2001. Multidirectional random wave transformation model based on energy balance equation. Coastal Engineering Jounnal 43(4), 317-337.] based on an energy balance equation was employed with an improved description
An Empirical Analysis of Factors Driving the Swap Spread
In this article, we perform a robust analysis of the determinants of U.S. swap spreads using a wide range of theoretically motivated candidate factors. We conduct an analysis by taking into consideration the interdependence between the candidate factors, as well as the time frequency under which the factors affect the spread. We find that the suggested variables can to a fair degree explain moveme
Hypothermia in cardiogenic shock reduces systemic t-PA release.
Therapeutic hypothermia has been found to improve hemodynamic and metabolic parameters in cardiogenic shock. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) is a pro-thrombolytic enzyme, which also possesses pro-inflammatory properties. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) are pro-inflammatory cytokines; interleukin 10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) are anti-in
Polackerna och vardagskorruptionen : 'Den 4:e polska republiken är inte korrupt'
Can Skylarks Alauda arvensis discriminate a parasite nestling? Possible case of nestling Cuckoo Cuculus canorus ejection by its host parents
The Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus is an obligate brood parasite and many studies have dealt with egg rejection by host species. However, evidence for ejection of Cuckoo nestlings by host parents has not been reported. Here we describe an observation of a Skylark Alauda arvensis pair that probably ejected a young Cuckoo and subsequently raised their own offspring. This was the only case we detected