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Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta enligt konceptet Crew Resource Management i ambulanssjukvård

Bakgrund: Ambulanspersonalen ställs inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till att upprätthålla en säker vård i dagens komplexa högriskmiljöer. Genom att arbeta enligt Crew Resource Management och fokusera på icke-tekniska färdigheter är det övergripande målet att undvika vårdskador prehospitalt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta enl

Is there a relationship between Corruption and Public-Private Partnerships?

Despite the importance of infrastructure, a big funding gap can be seen in infrastructure procurement. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) were once seen as a solution, but years later the results are underwhelming. As the industry can be susceptible to corruption, concerns have emerged about PPPs. To confront these concerns, this study aims to investigate if there is a link between corruption and

Valet av rätt trudelutt, när kunden är reklamtrött

Titel: Valet av rätt trudelutt, när kunden är reklamtrött - En experimentell studie om hur glad kontra ledsam musik kan påverka reklamens effekt vid Short-video-marketing Seminariedatum: 2021-06-02 Ämne/kurskod: FEKH29, Examensarbete på kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 hp. Författare: Ludvig Birkfeldt, Lisa Olsson, Antonia Paravac Handledare: Johan Gromark Nyckelord: Musik, köpintention, varTitle: The choice of music in advertisement when the customer is tired of ads - An experiment on how happy vs. sad music can affect the commercials’ effect in Short-videomarketing. Seminar date: 2021-06-02 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Marketing, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Ludvid Birkfeldt, Lisa Olsson & Antonia Paravac Advisor: Johan Grom

Upplevda möjligheter och hinder att bedriva personcentrerad vård – en kvalitativ intervjustudie ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv inom kirurgisk akutsjukvård.

Bakgrund: Personcentrerad vård är en av sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser. Studier har visat att om vården sker utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt, blev patientens upplevelse av vården mer positiv. Dessutom blev vården säkrare då det personcentrerade förhållningssättet även förutsatte ett välfungerande teamarbete över professionsgränserna. Syfte: Undersöka vilka möjligheter och hinder sjuk

Simulation of THz Quantum Cascade Lasers

Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) have since their invention in 1994 become a crucial source for mid-infrared and THz radiation. Mid-infrared QCLs have achieved room temperature operation while THz QCLs have not. As such, simulations are an important tool in order to achieve a THz QCL operational at room temperature. This work uses a simulation package based on a nonequilibrium Green’s function model Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) can be designed to emit radiation in the Terahertz (THz) range. For these frequencies, which are faster than electronics and slower than infrared light, there are currently only few devices facing a wide potential of applications. The realization of room temperature operation of THz QCLs would enable practical use in e.g. spectroscopy and public safety. The question i

Combining a substituted C-6 1,2,4 triazole with a substituted C-1 pyrazole in pursuit of a mannose-based galectin-9N inhibitor

Galektiner är en grupp proteiner som finns i de flesta djur och celltyper. Gemensamt är att de binder till kolhydrater. De flesta cellmembran är täckta av glykoproteiner, det vill säga proteiner med en kolhydratssvans längst ut. Till den, kan galektiner binda, vilket kan användas för att signalera och kommunicera mellan celler. Galektiner har visats vara aktiva i en rad olika sjukdomar så som cancThe family of proteins called galectins, are a group of carbohydrate-binding proteins. This allows them to take part in cell signalling by binding to glycoproteins on cell surfaces. Galectin-9 has been identified as a TIM3 ligand. TIM3 is a protein found on T-cells, which are used by the immune system to destroy for example cancer cells. When galectin-9 binds TIM3 it starts a reaction chain which

Investigation of immunomodulatory properties of anti-secretory factor in experimental brain tumor models

Glioblastom är den vanligaste och svåraste formen av hjärntumörer hos vuxna. De tillhör gruppen gliom som utgår från gliacellerna i centrala nervsystemet och utgör 80% av all gliom. Välkända riskfaktorer inkluderar exponering för joniserande strålning och vissa genetiska syndrom såsom Li-Fraumeni syndrom och Neurofibromatos typ 1. Medelåldern för insjuknandet är 59 år och trots behandling med kiruIntroduction: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive form of primary brain tumor in adults. Current treatment including chemotherapy poses a limitation due to consequences of systemic toxicity. Further studies for alternative, multimodal treatments are necessary. Antisecretory factor is an endogenous protein. Studies have shown that it has anti-inflammatory and immune modulatory effects in experiment

Hemlig dataavläsning - Intresseavvägningen mellan effektiv brottsbekämpning och skydd för den personliga integriteten

På senare år har det diskuterats frenetiskt om arbetet mot gängkriminaliteten. Inom ramen för regeringens 34-punktsprogram, ett program bestående av flera förslag till åtgärder mot gängkriminaliteten i Sverige, infördes en ny tillfällig lag som gäller under en femårsperiod. I april 2020 trädde lagen (2020:62) om hemlig dataavläsning i kraft, för att möjliggöra för de brottsbekämpande myndigheternaOver the past years in Sweden, there has been a lot of discussions concerning the struggle on gang-related misconduct. Enclosed in the framework of the Swedish government's 34-point program, moreover an agenda comprising several proposals for measures to combat gang-related criminality, a new temporary legislation was introduced for a period of five years. In April 2020, the Secret Data Interc

A speech therapy support tool based on spectral density adjustment

The purpose of this work is to expand the toolbox of speech language pathologists and give them the ability to redesign a patient’s voice to a healthier sounding one, thereby giving the patient a target voice to strive towards. A modified voice is generated by applying a finite impulse response (FIR) filter, altering the spectrum of the patient’s voice. In order to facilitate the filter design pro

Automatic Detection of Rouleau Formations Using Image Processing and Deep Learning

Analysis of peripheral blood smears is commonly used to aid physicians in diagnosing diseases, checking for infections and evaluating the function of organs. One object of interest in such analysis is the presence of red blood cell aggregates called rouleaux. CellaVision's product currently automates the traditionally resource-intensive process of blood smear analysis, which leads to improved

Språkförmåga och tidigare språkprestationers prediktiva värde vid inlärning av ett främmande språk

Syfte. Studien syftade till att undersöka om tidigare språkförmåga och språkprestationer, mätt med tre deltest, kan predicera inlärning av ett nytt språk. Vidare undersöktes relationen mellan vardera deltest samt deltagarnas utbildningsnivå i relation till resultatet. Metod. 45 vuxna deltagare rekryterades till studien. Llama B och Llama D användes som mått på språkprestation och LexTALE som mått Purpose. This study aimed to investigate whether general language abilities and previous language experience, measured by three tests, can predict the learning of a new language. Furthermore, the relationship between each test was investigated and the participants’ level of education was examined in relation to learning performance. Method. 45 adult participants were recruited for this study. Llam

Article 6 On Trial in Macedonia

The right to a fair trial is a fundamental human right. Still, it is being violated by states on a daily basis and just in Europe there are thousands of cases regarding unfair trials. Academic work regarding fair trials is vital in order to highlight where the right is violated. This thesis describes the concept of an independent and impartial tribunal as enshrined in article 6 of the European Co

Implications of ice-bedrock dynamics at Ullstorp, Scania, southern Sweden

The field of Quaternary science has, through a long history of high-quality research, produced a vast record of evidence regarding ice sheet dynamics. Consequently, our understanding of such processes and their effects are well understood. However, historically the predominant focus has been of a loose sediment perspective, which has resulted in limited insight into ice-bedrock dynamics. This is i

Information-Decision-Collaboration Assessment: An Integrated Requirements Approach for Emergency Management Decision Support Systems

Modern emergency management is a demanding profession characterized by accelerated decision- making, dynamic information needs, and complex collaboration to execute mission objectives. Decision support systems in this setting must be suitably optimized in turn, with clear requirements to inform such design. To date, comprehensive approaches to capture these requirements remain underdeveloped, per

From "the Will to Improve" to "the Will to Transform": Some Promises & Challenges of Sida's Multidimensional Poverty Analysis (MDPA) Framework in Bolivia

Objectives: This study sets out to answer the following research questions: 1. How do Sida and CEDLA problematize poverty and what does this reveal about their underlying development paradigms? 2. What are some of the key promises and challenges of Sida and CEDLA’s differing understandings of capitalism for their use of the MDPA framework in Bolivia? The key areas of focus are the organizations

Forward start options in Heston model

En undersökning om stokastisk volatilitet för Forward start optioner, kan också användas för cliquet- optioner. Heston parameteriseringen användes. Det är i klassen AJD, av Duffie-Pan- Singleton

New Passdoor for Fix Panel Industrial Gates

This Master Thesis, executed in collaboration with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, focused on designing a new and improved secondary entrance for overhead panel industrial gates, which is part of the existing product line. The secondary entrance developed in this project is called a Passdoor, which is placed in a fixed section next to the gate and is used to separate pedestrian traffic through the in