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Encouraging Pro-Social Behaviours Through Feelings of Responsibility: Investigating factors influential to the behaviour of low-risk individuals during the COVID-19 response in Ireland
This research examined the experiences of 12 low-risk individuals to identify factors influential to their behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland. The method used a semi-structured format of interviews conducted over June 2021. The study found that participants held a subscription like mentality towards adopted protective behaviours which focused on the protection of loved ones. Behavi
Making Sydhavnen Meet
Social interaction is a basic human need that contributes to society by allowing individuals to compare and exchange opinions and perspectives, bridging the gap between different groups. The primary setting for this exchange is what we define as public space. In our daily lives, we find ourselves constantly interacting with the environment that surrounds us, influencing and being influenced by it.
The Impact of the UNCRC During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sweden
Sweden has expressed a commitment to children’s rights in the last few decades, signing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1990 and eventually incorporating it as Swedish law in 2020. With the Covid-19 pandemic coinciding with the convention as law and drastically changing the lives of many, including those of children and youth, what role do children’s rights play during a gl
Sharing local files with Kubernetes clusters
I takt med att världen blir mer datadriven flyttas allt fler stora beräkningar till molnet. Då tillkommer ofta problem med filhantering. Detta examensarbete bidrar med ett nytt sätt att dela filer med molnet, där molntjänsten får tillgång till filer som lagras på användarens dator.Data science development largely revolves around working in notebooks, and these usually run in a cluster environment. These cloud notebooks do however come with limitations. Support for tools like version control, testing, refactoring and linting is limited, which negatively impacts developer experience and software quality. We propose a networked file system for sharing local files and director
Post-democratic sustainability in the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement. On the depoliticized inclusion of the waters of occupied Western Sahara
The territory of Western Sahara (WS) has been occupied by Morocco since 1975, displacing many of the indigenous people now living in refugee camps in Algeria. In 2019, the EU adopted a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) with Morocco which includes WS waters. This in spite of two court rulings stating that trade agreements including WS resources are not legal without the cons
Considerations when Constructing a Food Recommender System with Sparse Data
Simuleringar i planeringsprocessen med 3D-stadsmodeller
Samhällsbyggnadsprocessen är en viktig del av samhällsutvecklingen där flera krav ställs för att skapa goda och hållbara möjligheter för alla. Vid byggnation måste man undersöka de befintliga förhållanden så att man inte bygger på en olämplig plats, men även analysera bland annat buller från trafik som har direkt påverkan på människors hälsa. Alla kraven undersöks vid olika skeden i planeringsprocIn Sweden, the urban planning process plays an important part of developing sustainable cities. Therefore, it is regulated by multiple requirements to ensure that nothing is built in areas where people may be negatively affected. The requirements are controlled at different stages in the process and there are recommended methods and guidelines on how to control them. Even if the requirements are c
A System for Search and Rescue Missions
The Nomad
For the purpose of gaining experience in the field of production design this project involved developing the production design of a self written short film of the fantasy genre. To reach the results, the three step production design process was used which includes concept art, planning and fabrication. The project started with writing a story that included elements of different categories
Information Extraction on Insurance Policy Letters using Deep Learning
Research on Risk Perception under Tourism Crisis-Take Hainan as an Example
Investigating cytoprotective roles of intracellular C3 in cytokine induced death of pancreatic cells in Type 2 Diabetes
A spoon full of insulin helps blood sugar go down Glucose is the primary source of fuel our bodies extract from carbohydrates to power our cells. Once glucose is released into the blood stream, pancreas reacts by releasing insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone which allows cells to uptake glucose after a meal. However, when insulin is not produced by the pancreas, or the cells don’
Leveraging and Being Leveraged by Big Data and AI: An Exploration of Tech Strategists’ Sensemaking of Human–Machine Dynamics in Strategic Decision-Making
It is amidst the digital saturation of life, globalised interconnections, and accelerated global AI market growth that we are witnessing today that new complexities and challenges emerge in strategically navigating these environments. This thesis explores the emerging dynamics of strategy and Big Data and Artificial Intelligence through a qualitative research design employing semi-structured exper
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) echolocation activity related to boat noise and boat presence near the Kullaberg marine reserve in northern Öresund, Sweden
The impacts of harbour porpoises by human-made, so called anthropogenic, underwater noise disturbance have been investigated in the past decades. As harbour porpoises are protected under the EU habitat directive, underwater noise management has been proposed as part of conservation efforts. Disturbance of harbour porpoises by ship noise and boat activity has previously been reported to have negati
Patienters upplevelse av vården efter att ha överlevt ett hjärtstopp En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: År 2019 drabbades 8404 personer i Sverige av plötsligt hjärtstopp, varav 1532 överlevde. Patienter som överlevt ett hjärtstopp upplever generellt försämrad livskvalité. Sjuksköterskan tillhör den profession som tidigt har kontakt med patienten efter ett hjärtstopp och har därav möjligheten att upptäcka eventuella komplikationer hos patienten. Till följd av detta behöver sjuksköterskan ha
Investigating the influence of moisture and temperature on adhesion and barrier properties in laminates
A world leading food processing and packaging company, Tetra Pak works with the vision of ‘Protect what’s good’ and aims to be a pioneer in developing sustainable packaging. Tetra Pak offers a wide range of carton packaging out of which aseptic carton packages are the most common. Aseptic cartons have laminate packaging material with six layers consisting of paperboard, aluminium (Al) and polyethy
Avvisning och normer - Hur social och romantisk avvisning påverkar tre incels normativa antaganden
The following bachelor’s thesis has been aimed to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon incels. Over the past decade an increasing number of socially and romantically rejected men have exchanged their experiences, values and the injustices of their existence online - identifying themselves as incels. Through mutual encouragement the participants develop a deep hatred of society in gene
How do SMAC mimetics+TNF Cause Immunogenic Cell Death?
A LASTING ANTI-TUMOR RESPONSE Cancer and its treatment have been a hot topic in research for quite a while. Despite, it being well researched, researchers still have not come up with one magic bullet. Will they ever though, is the question? Or should we be satisfied with several working treatments for individual cancers and patients? If we were only this far, since there are still some cancer typ
The design field is at a determining moment, with socially and environmentally imminent threats in the coming decades. To tackle such complex problems requires extensive and adaptive responses. Design at the intersection of anthropology, sustainability and innovation is the most pressing discussion of our time (Erickson, 2003). A starting point for designers could be to start digging were we st