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Measurement and Analysis of Intracardiac Blood Flow and Vortex Ring Formation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ökad förståelse för hjärtats pumpfunktion är av stort intresse för att kunna förbättra diagnostik, behandling och prognoser för hjärtsjuka patienter. Blodflöde i hjärtat är direkt kopplat till hjärtats form och rörelse och kan därför vara en viktig markör för hjärtats funktion. Därför var målet med denna avhandling att utveckla och förbättra mätningar av blodflöde med hIncreased understanding of the pumping mechanics of the heart are of great importance to develop diagnostics, treatment and prognostics for cardiovascular diseases. Blood flow in the heart is connected to its anatomy and function, and may therefore be a sensitive marker of cardiac health and disease. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to develop and validate methods for quantification and visual

Protein kinase B activity is required for the effects of insulin on lipid metabolism in adipocytes.

Protein kinase B is known to mediate a number of biological responses to insulin and growth factors, its role in glucose uptake being one of the most extensively studied. In this paper, we have employed a recently described allosteric inhibitor of PKB, Akti, to clarify the role of PKB in lipid metabolism in adipocytes - a subject that has received less attention. Pretreatment of primary rat and 3T

Att befolka en stadsdel. Pälsare i det medeltida kvarteret Blekhagen, Lund

The paper discusses the generally limited of use of animal bones in Swedish medieval archaeology and the potential of osteological remains as a source of information about social, ideological and economic conditions in the past. Results from analysis of animal bones from the quarter Blekhagen in Lund are used as examples of how osteological remains can be used to identify social and economic condi

Influences of sensory input from the limbs on feline corticospinal neurons during postural responses.

The dorsal-side-up body posture of standing quadrupeds is maintained by coordinated activity of all limbs. Somatosensory input from the limbs evokes postural responses when the supporting surface is perturbed. The aim of this study was to reveal the contribution of sensory inputs from individual limbs to the posture-related modulation of pyramidal tract neurons (PTNs) arising in the primary motor

Monoblock hemiarthroplasties for femoral neck fractures - A part of orthopaedic history? Analysis of national registration of hemiarthroplasties 2005-2009.

This study from the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register (SHAR) compares cemented (Thompson(®), Exeter Trauma Stem (ETS)(®)) and uncemented (Austin-Moore(®)) monoblock hemiarthroplasties (n=1116 and 616, respectively) with modular ones (n=18,659). Austin-Moore(®) prostheses lead to more re-operations (6.7%) compared to modular implants (3.5%) and Thompson(®)/ETS(®) (2.4%). A Cox regression analysis,

Vakuumassisterad sår- behandling ger goda kliniska resultat God läkning vid komplicerade sår--djupa sternuminfektioner ett exempel.

acuum-assisted closure (V.A.C.®) is a novel treatment for wound healing, which has been used extensively during the last years in a growing number of clinical applications. This wound-healing technique is based on the application of local negative pressure to a wound. During treatment with vacuum-assisted closure, several beneficial wound healing mechanisms are initiated. Topical negative pressure