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The life course of women who have experienced abuse - a life chart study in general psychiatric care.

The life chart offers rich information that provides a broader picture of the lives of women who have experienced abuse. Life charts could be useful for nurses identifying women in general psychiatric care who have experienced abuse. Despite experiences of abuse and stressful events during childhood, there were only a few indications of them receiving support in the life charts. Many of the women

Sampling frequency and eye-tracking measures : how speed affects durations, latencies, and more

We use simulations to investigate the effect of sampling frequency on common dependent variables in eye-tracking. We identify two large groups of measures that behave differently, but consistently. The effect of sampling frequency on these two groups of measures are explored and simulations are performed to estimate how much data are required to overcome the uncertainty of a limited sampling frequ

The Impact of Pain on Function and Health Related Quality of Life in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Register Study of 14.821 patients.

Study Design. Descriptive register studyObjective. To describe preoperative levels of leg and back pain in patients operated for lumbar spinal stenosis and to obtain information on how three different pain constellations (back pain < leg leg pain, back pain > leg pain, back pain = leg pain) correlate to HRQoL and function in different morphological types of stenosis.Summary of Background Data. Deg

Gardells GT-brottning

Artikeln är en kritisk diskussion av Jonas Gardells bok "Om Gud". Särskilt fokuseras på frågan om helhetstolkning av Bibeln och vad vi menar med uppenbarelse.

Margin Setting in Credit Derivatives Clearing Houses

The possible benefits of introducing central counterparties, or clearing houses, in the credit derivatives market is currently intensively debated among bankers and policymakers. The exact outcome of this discussion is not yet clear but regardless of how any eventual clearing is organized the actual clearing house needs to be properly capitalized and needs to maintain accurate margin (collateral)

Too Many Dispositional Properties

This paper identifies an overdetermination problem faced by the non-reductive dispositional property account of disposition ascriptions. Two possible responses to the problem are evaluated and both are shown to have serious drawbacks. Finally it is noted that the traditional conditional analysis of disposition ascriptions escapes the original difficulty.

3D Archaeology at Çatalhöyük

The project “3D-Digging at Çatalhöyük” began in 2010 thanks to collaboration between Stanford University (Archaeological Center) and the University of California Merced with the scope to record, document (with different digital technologies) and visualize in virtual reality all the phases of archaeological excavation. Phase I (2010 excavation season) of the project was mainly oriented to test diff

Treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis of the scalp with a topical solution of urea, lactic acid, and propylene glycol (K301): results of two double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled studies.

Summary Alternative treatments for seborrhoeic dermatitis are needed because of the increasing risk of anti-fungal resistance to existing therapies. To investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of topical scalp treatment with K301 solution. Two multi-centre, randomised, double-blind studies were conducted. Study I: 4 weeks of once-daily treatment with either one form of K301 (a or b) or pl


The use of this material under current use conditions is supported by the existing information. This material was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity, skin sensitization potential, as well as, environmental safety. Repeated dose toxicity was determined using a suitable read across analog to hav

Lindholmen : Medeltida riksborg i Skåne

A collection of 25 articles on the medieval castle of Lindholmen in Scandia. The castle was excavated in the 1930s and 1990s. The articles discuss the castle with its excavations, remains and finds, its surrounding settlement and political context.