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Order and Adornment : The Role of Dress in Plutarch
This dissertation investigates the role of dress in the ancient Greek author and intellectual Plutarch. The works of Plutarch comprise one of the most prolific authorships preserved to us from classical antiquity. His writings span a plethora of disciplines in ancient scholarship and have preserved a multitude of references to the lives and customs of both his contemporaries and his predecessors.
Value, Morality & Social Reality : Essays dedicated to Dan Egonsson, Björn Petersson & Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen
Dan Egonsson, Björn Petersson, and Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen have been instrumental in shaping the Swedish philosophical community over the last thirty years, particularly in the field of ethics. Through their research, teaching, and guidance of the next generation of philosophers, they have made invaluable contributions to the Department of Philosophy at Lund University. This festschrift, which celeb
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Abstract in DanishDenne temabog giver en ny og nuanceret vinkel på arabisk kultur gennem et indblik i dens tidlige filosofiske tradition.Fra det ottende århundrede og frem skrev store tænkere – muslimer, kristne og jøder – banebrydende værker om filosofi og teologi på arabisk, som skulle få stor betydning også i vesten, og som stadig er fascinerende læsning i dag.Arabisk filosofi indeholder 14 udd
Norwegian Men and their Surnames : Line Førre Grønstad, Fellesskap og individualitet. Kjønna etternamsval blant norske menn i heterofile parforhold
Framtida människors lika värde
Är doktrinen om ”alla människors lika värde” tillämpbar också på framtida, ännu icke levande personer? Artikeln argumenterar för ett jakande svar och ger därmed ett bidrag till hur denna vanliga moraliska övertygelse ska förstås och ger dessutom nya argument för omsorg gentemot framtida personer. Doktrinen tolkas som en kritik av handlingar och situationer snarare än som en fullständig värdering a
On User Involvement in Research on Ageing and Health
The aim of this thesis was to explore the perceptions of, prerequisites for and benefits of user involvement among older people, persons with functional impairments and other user groups important to the research area. By using an adapted conceptual tool to categorize the various user involvement studies comprising the thesis, the aim wasalso to reflect on the importance of study design for the ou
Exceptions (to exceptions) and decisions (about decisions) in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Schmitt’s Political Theology
This piece investigates a contested intersection between the decisionisms of Carl Schmitt and Søren Kierkegaard. In his Political theology (1922), Schmitt quotes from Kierkegaard’s Repetition (1843) to support his claims about sovereignty, decision, and exception. However, as I argue, it is more likely an implicit (mis)interpretation of Fear and trembling’s (1843) articulation of faith – particula
Substantial carbon sequestration by peatlands in temperate areas revealed by InSAR
Peatlands are unique ecosystems that contain massive amounts of carbon. These ecosystems are incredibly vulnerable to human disturbance and climate change. This may cause the peatland carbon sink to shift to a carbon source. A change in the carbon storage of peatlands may result in surface deformation. This research uses the interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technique to measure the
Species distributions models may predict accurately future distributions but poorly how distributions change : A critical perspective on model validation
Aim: Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to make predictions on how species distributions may change as a response to climatic change. To assess the reliability of those predictions, they need to be critically validated with respect to what they are used for. While ecologists are typically interested in how and where distributions will change, we argue that SDMs have seldom been eva
Antalet kristna högre än någonsin - men andelen krymper
Factor B Mutation in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Patients with knee injury have worse postural orientation than healthy controls
The Artisan Designer
This is a project about local small scale production, a story about how an artisan designer could take on the IKEAs of the world armed with modern day technology and some old fashioned hard work. This project is at its core a reflection about the future of design general and my role in particular. This contemplative journey does a few stops along the way to discuss the following sentence and wh
Musik i hela skolan: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares förutsättningar inom fritidshem och grundskola att samverka i musik.
I studien har jag kommit att undersöka samverkan mellan fritidshemmet och skolans musikundervisning. Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka förutsättningar skola och fritidshem har för att samverka med musik, samt att undersöka musik- och fritidslärares möjligheter och hinder i samverkan med musik. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra verksamma lärare, två fritidslärare och två musiklärare, In this study, I have come to investigate the interaction between the leisure-time center and the school’s music education. The purpose of the study is to identify the prerequisites that schools and leisure-time centers have for cooperation with music, as well as investigating the possibilities and obstacles of music teachers and leisure-time teachers in cooperation with music. Through qualitative
Beyond Prometheanism : Modern technologies as strategies for redistributing time and space
Technologies developed since the late eighteenth century differ from earlier forms of technology by being as dependent on world market prices of labour, land and other biophysical resources as on human inventiveness. Yet, whether their outlook is mainstream or heterodox, modern people tend to view technology simply as ingenuity applied to nature, while oblivious of the extent to which it is contin
Test för rörelsekvalitet vid korsbandsskada framtaget
Central Banks and Government Debt - Are central banks monetizing debt?
This paper aims to determine if central banks have been monetizing the government debt. That is the case if a higher government debt is associated with low short-term interest rate. The goal for central banks monetizing debt is to increase inflation, therefore decreasing the size of government debt. Three hypotheses are constructed. Firstly, higher government debt leads to lower short-term interes
A scenario analysis of the potential effects of decarbonization on the profitability of the energy-intensive and natural-resource-based industries
The decarbonization of the energy-intensive and natural-resourced-based industries is associated with potentially large economic costs. In this paper, I explore how decarbonization may affect the profitability and market value of these industries. I also discuss the possibility of compensating for the investment costs through higher prices and enhanced productivity. I answer these questions using The decarbonization of the energy-intensive and natural-resourced-based industries is associated with potentially large economic costs. In this paper, I explore how decarbonization may affect the profitability and market value of these industries. I also discuss the possibility of compensating for the investment costs through higher prices and enhanced productivity. I answer these questions using