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Molecular Cytogenetics in Sporadic Breast Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är i dag den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor i västvärlden. I Sverige insjuknar varje år drygt 6 600 kvinnor, och detta innebär att en av tio kvinnor kommer någon gång under sin livstid att utveckla bröstcancer. Antalet nydiagnostiserade fall av bröstcancer i Sverige har under de senare åren ökat, vilket bl.a. tros bero på den ökade medelåldern i befolknIn recent time breast cancer has become the most common form of female cancer in the western world. It has been estimated that the lifetime risk of women falling ill from the disease is 10%. The number of patients diagnosed each year has been increasing steadily since the 1970s. In 2002 the number of Swedish women diagnosed with breast cancer was 6,600, constituting every third female cancer diagn

Marley: Lejonets frihetssång

Denna biografi om Bob Marley är berättelsen om en liten stor man. Boken riktar sig till den som vill veta mer om Marley och hans sånger och skildrar också det samhälle och den kultur som formade Marley och reggaemusiken. Marleys dramatiska liv skildras mot bakgrund av det politiska och sociala våldet på Jamaica: hur han från att ha varit en ligist och slagskämpe i Kingston blev en symbol för kamp

Biogas production from a systems analytical perspective

Anaerobic digestion and the production of biogas can provide an efficient means of meeting several objectives concerning energy, environmental and waste management policy. Interest in biogas is increasing, and new facilities are being built. There is a wide range of potential raw material, and both the biogas and digestates produced can be used in many different applications. The variation in raw

FRAMTIDSBOKEN: Volym 1.0 ”The Darling Conceptions of Your Time”

"It is not the eyes that fool you, it’s not the ears that can’t hear It’s the darling conceptions of your time that makes you feel this way" Detta sjunger 1600-talsastronomen Galileo Galilei i en av FRAMTIDSBOKENS artiklar, och alla sex ingående artiklar kretsar kring konceptuella problem knutna till vår tid och ett samhälle som är mer och mer uppkopplat. Dessa dilemman är såväl juridiska som tan

Are there general principles of community law affecting private law?

The purpose of conference of the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies in Stockholm on March 22 and 23 was to detect and evaluate general principles of European community law. The conference was a follow up to the 1999 Malmö conference on the subject and the question was if there had been any new development. In 1999 general principles of Community law was discussed from the perspective of hu

Absorption through a coupled optical resonance in a horizontal InP nanowire array

We study through electromagnetic modeling the absorption of light of a given wavelength in an array of horizontal InP nanowires of diameter less than 100 nm. Such absorption is performed most efficiently by using polarized light and by exciting a coupled optical resonance in a sparse array. In that case, we excite a resonance in the individual nanowires and couple the resonances in neighboring nan