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Preterm Delivery and Long-Term Risk of Stroke in Women : A National Cohort and Cosibling Study
Background: Stroke has a high burden of disease in women, and adverse pregnancy outcomes have been identified as important risk factors for stroke later in life. However, long-term risks of stroke associated with preterm delivery and whether such risks are attributable to familial confounding are unclear. Such knowledge is needed to improve long-term risk assessment and stroke prevention in women.
Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at high transverse momentum in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV
Measurements of the production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV using the ALICE detector at the LHC are reported. The nuclear modification factor RAA at sNN=5.02 TeV is measured at forward rapidity (2.5
Internationell migration
Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Byggands - och anläggningsverksamhet 1800–1980
Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Offentlig verksamhet 1800–1980
Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and sea-level history of the Hirnantian Stage (uppermost Ordovician) in the Oslo-Asker district, Norway
We present a 13Ccarb chemostratigraphy for the Late Ordovician Hirnantian Stage based on 208 whole-rock samples from six outcrops in the Oslo-Asker district, southern Norway. Our data include the Norwegian type section for the Hirnantian Stage and Ordovician-Silurian boundary at Hovedøya Island. The most complete record of the Hirnantian Isotope Carbon Excursion (HICE) is identified in a coastal e
Meta-deliberation: everyday acts of critical reflection in deliberative systems
Associations between biomarkers of multimorbidity burden and mortality risk among patients with acute dyspnea
The patients’ burden of comorbidities is a cornerstone in risk assessment, clinical management and follow-up. The aim of this study was to evaluate if biomarkers associated with comorbidity burden can predict outcome in acute dyspnea patients. We included 774 patients with dyspnea admitted to an emergency department and measured 80 cardiovascular protein biomarkers in serum collected at admission.
Justifying interventions-The case of ECOWAS in Liberia
In contrast to the other chapters in Part V, Nina Wilén’s focus is on multilateral military interventions at the regional level: She explores the relationship between sovereignty, intervention, and the international normative order, by examining how ECOWAS, an African regional organization, justified its intervention in Liberia’s civil war referring to international norms. Based on a critical disc
Payment Systems as a Driver for Platform Growth in E-Commerce: Network Effects and Business Models
This chapter visits some of the fundamental concepts from platform economics, network effects, and network externalities. Further on, it discusses definitions of two-sided and multi-sided markets, how they are treated as business models. These concepts are further compared to the concept service ecosystem. A case of a payment service provider whose business model contributes to the growth of e-com
A quality optimization approach to image Achilles tendon microstructure by phase-contrast enhanced synchrotron micro-tomography
Achilles tendons are mechanosensitive, and their complex hierarchical structure is in part the result of the mechanical stimulation conveyed by the muscles. To fully understand how their microstructure responds to mechanical loading a non-invasive approach for 3D high resolution imaging suitable for soft tissue is required. Here we propose a protocol that can capture the complex 3D organization of
On the Thermodynamic Solvation of Biomolecules in Solution
The topic solvation thermodynamics is an important aspect of chemistry, dealing with the effects introduced by solvents onto solutes. In particular, biological systems are highly heterogeneous in their choice of solvent typically characterized by either being in a polar or non-polar environment. For example, the cytoplasm of cells constituting the internal environment of cells is an aqueous solven
Unpicking the Sex Work Conundrum
What is sex work? I have decided to start this short contribution with a question, which I think the reader should answer before continuing. So what is sex work? Is it a legitimate form of work or is it a job whose only characteristics are exploitation, harassment, and coercion? Also, can a person (woman or man) freely decide to be a sex worker or is it impossible to engage in such profession with
Clinical Characteristics and Self-Harm in Forensic Psychiatric Patients
Self-harm, comprising non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts, is a serious and potentially life-threatening behavior that has been associated with poor life quality and an increased risk of suicide. In forensic populations, increased rates of self-harm have been reported, and suicide is one of the leading causes of death. Aside from associations between self-harm and mental disorders, know
When gold turns to sand : A review of the challenges for fossil fuel rich states posed by climate policy
Petrostates face an unprecedented crisis as oil and gas revenues, on which their economies and states are built upon, are set to diminish rapidly the coming 20 years. The decline in revenues is an effect of the adopted climate policies in the major oil consuming countries that, together with a strong development of renewable energy, reduces the future demand for oil and gas. The challenges that thPetrostates face an unprecedented crisis as oil and gas revenues, on which their economies and states are built upon, are set to diminish rapidly the coming 20 years. The decline in revenues is an effect of the adopted climate policies in the major oil consuming countries that, together with a strong development of renewable energy, reduces the future demand for oil and gas. The challenges that th
Reduced repetition suppression in aging is driven by tau-related hyperactivity in medial temporal lobe
Tau deposition begins in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD), and MTL neural dysfunction is commonly observed in these groups. However, the association between tau and MTL neural activity has not been fully characterized. We investigated the effects of tau on repetition suppression, the reduction of activity for repeated stimulus presentations compared to novel sti
Towards an electric bike level of service
The fast-growing market of electric bikes (e-bikes) has introduced a paradigm shift in mobility with a promise to enhance the sustainability agenda. An in-depth understanding of transport quality of service (QOS) from the e-bike rider’s perspective is a promising approach to sustain the role of the e-bike in mobility. Level of service (LOS) is a method by which to quantify QOS for different transp
Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAIu) : A case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key ecological indicator for describing the structure of canopies and for modelling energy exchange between atmosphere and biosphere. While LAI of the forest overstory can be accurately assessed over large spatial scales via remote sensing, LAI of the forest understory (LAIu) is still largely ignored in ecological studies and ecosystem modelling due to the fact that it i
Hemma hos Hitler : Om veckotidningsreportage och badrumsbilder från södra Tyskland
Artikel om fotografen Lee Millers krigsfotografier samt om bilden av Adolf Hitler i framför allt svenska veckotidningsreportage under mellankrigstiden.