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Effects of synaptic modulation on β-amyloid, synaptophysin, and memory performance in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice

Accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) and loss of synapses are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). How synaptic activity relates to Aβ accumulation and loss of synapses is a current topic of major interest. Synaptic activation promotes Aβ secretion, and chronic reduction of synaptic activity reduced Aβ plaques in an AD transgenic mouse model. This suggested beneficial effects of reducing synaptic acti

Patients' suggestions about how to make life at home easier when dependent on ventilator treatment- a secondary analysis

Background: While quantitative research has provided valuable information, studies presenting patients' experiences have been lacking in the field of knowledge of home mechanical ventilation. The aim of this study was, therefore, to present patient views and suggestions about how to improve home ventilator care and treatment.Method: Data in the present study comprise 35 qualitative research interv

A student-centered clinical educational unit - Description of a reflective learning model

This article describes a model of a student-centered Clinical Education Unit (CEU) within an undergraduate nursing education programme. The model comprises three various levels of learning in the nursing education programme at School of Health Sciences, University College of Borås, Sweden. The three levels of learning correspond to the first, second and third programme years of the nursing educati

Migrants and Life Satisfaction : The Role of the Country of Origin and the Country of Residence

We investigate how the life satisfaction of migrants is affected by life satisfaction in their background country and in their new country of residence. In particular, we contribute to the literature by differentiating between first- and second-generation immigrants and by differentiating between types of background country. Using data from the European Social Survey on 30,000 immigrants from 200

Nonlinear homogenization for topology optimization

Non-linear homogenization of hyperelastic materials is reviewed and adapted to topology optimization. The homogenization is based on the method of multiscale virtual power in which the unit cell is subjected to either macroscopic deformation gradients or equivalently to Bloch type displacement boundary conditions. A detailed discussion regarding domain symmetry of the unit cell and its effect on u

Towards eye tracking as a support tool for pilot training and assessment

A key challenge in pilot training and performance assessment is the lack of insight into pilot visual behavior. Without this, it is difficult for an instructor to assess, e.g., whether pilots fail because they did not monitor the instruments or because they did not act on them, and whether pilots comply with monitoring aspects of the Standard Operating Procedures. Eye tracking provides the opportu

Risk of colorectal cancer following CT-verified acute diverticulitis -a nationwide population-based cohort study

AIM: Routine colonoscopy to exclude colorectal cancer (CRC) after CT-verified acute diverticulitis is controversial. This study aimed to compare the incidence of CRC in acute diverticulitis patients with that in the general population. METHOD: Patients with an emergency admission for diverticular disease, to any Norwegian hospital, between January 1st , 2008 and December 31st , 2010 were included

Computer-aided optimization of complex processes in production systems and urban environments

Visst vore det fint om vi kunde producera nödvändiga kemikalier mer effektivt, förse alla människor med de läkemedel de behöver till en lägre kostnad än vad som är möjligt idag, och förhindra översvämningar i stadsmiljö? Men vad har dessa tre ting gemensamt, egentligen? Jo, att man kan optimera de olika processer som ligger bakom alla tre! Processer finns i princip överallt i världen, komplexa som eComplex processes can be seen as a series of actions, changes, and/or events that are related in different temporospatial manners, and thus are potentially difficult to understand. Optimizing such a process is therefore not necessarily a simple feat, and doing it experimentally may become both time-consuming and expensive. Computer-aided optimization therefore lends itself as a viable alternative,

The value of travel guidebooks in the digital age

Travel guidebooks are both travel information channels and objects of consumption. In contemporary tourism, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) make information abundant and mostly free of charge. Therefore, as tourists still buy them, there must be something that makes guidebooks a valuable object. This research aims at understanding the value of travel guidebooks in the digital age.

Determination of the Distance Between the Cytochrome and Dehydrogenase Domains of Immobilized Cellobiose Dehydrogenase by Using Surface Plasmon Resonance with a Center of Mass Based Model

Changes in the tertiary conformation of adsorbed biomolecules can induce detectable shifts (Δθr) in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) angle. Here it is shown how to calculate the corresponding shifts in the adsorbate's center of mass (Δzavg) along the sensing surface normal from the measured Δθr. The novel developed model was used for determining the mean distance between the cytochrome (CYT) an

Radical radiotherapy for prostate cancer : patterns of care in Sweden 1998–2016

Introduction: Radiotherapy is an established treatment option for prostate cancer (PCa), both as primary treatment and secondary treatment after radical prostatectomy (RP). Since 1998, detailed data on radiotherapy delivered to Swedish men with PCa (e.g. treatment modalities, absorbed doses, fractionation) have been collated within PCa data Base Sweden (PCBaSe). This study reports patterns of radi

The role of advocacy in critical care nursing : a caring response to another

With the aim of clarifying critical care nursing, six critical care nurses, working in a Swedish intensive care unit (ICU) were each asked to narrate a care situation with which they had been satisfied or dissatisfied. The stories were tape-recorded and analysed using a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach inspired by the philosophy of Ricoeur. The themes uncovered in the analysis describe the nu

Accurate solution-adaptive finite difference schemes for coarse and fine grids

We introduce solution dependent finite difference stencils whose coefficients adapt to the current numerical solution by minimizing the truncation error in the least squares sense. The resulting scheme has the resolution capacity of dispersion relation preserving difference stencils in under-resolved domains, together with the high order convergence rate of conventional central difference methods

Yttrande över remissen: En ny Riksbankslag (SOU 2019:46)

Lunds universitet har uppmanats att ge synpunkter på rubricerad remiss. Universitetet lämnar här följande kommentarer vilka har utarbetats vid Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet av docent Fredrik N G Andersson och professor emeritus Lars Jonung. Inflationsmålet infördes för över 25 år sedan. Villkoren för att bedriva penningpolitik har förändrats på ett omvälvande sätt under detta kvartssekel.