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Behaviour of an Intumescing System Subjected to Different Heating Conditions

Previous studies have indicated that the expansion of fire seals and fire stoppers will be dependent on the heat exposure. Standardized methods for classification includes exposure to a rapid heat exposure of the product that is tested, but this might not always be the worst case scenario for the product. In this paper a series of tests are presented in order to study how a graphite based intumesc

Interoperating AliEn and ARC for a Distributed Tier1 in the Nordic Countries

To reach its large computing needs, the ALICE experiment at CERN has developed its own middleware called AliEn, centralised and relying on pilot jobs. One of its strength is the automatic installation of the required packages. The Nordic countries have offered a distributed Tier-1 centre for the CERN experiments, where the job management should be done with the NorduGrid middleware ARC. We have de

Strukturmekanik - Modellering och analys av ramar och fackverk

Strukturmekanik är den del av fysiken som beskriver hur olika material, som formats och sammanfogats till strukturer, bär sina laster. Kunskapen om dessa strukturers verkningssätt kan användas i en skapande process där hållbara och effektiva, funktionella och uttrycksfulla byggnadsverk utformas. Den här läroboken i strukturmekanik baseras på finita elementmetodens metodik. Förståelsen för struktu

Hjalmar Brantings jordafärd på film

This article is an examination of the short film “The funeral procession of Hjalmar Branting”. Branting was the first Swedish social democratic prime minister. When he died in February 1925 it was perceived as a great national loss in a country still profoundly marked by differences of class and gender. By way of analyzing the film, in the context of contemporary press and of others sources concer

Christian Europe : Borders and Boundaries of a Mythological Conception

The article investigates the notion of 'Christian Europe' by tracing some of its ideological roots. In particular, it engages with the Romantic era of German philosophy. If the idea of Europe from its very earliest stage was closely linked to Christianity, this gesture also became an important element in the attempts of a number of Romantic poets and philosophers to seek the foundations for a new

10-tals student

Återutgivning av redaktören och studentarkivarien Ture Sjögrens artikelserie "10-tals student", ursprungligen publicerad i Lunds Veckoblad 1961.

Characteristics of fresh and aged carbonaceous aerosol from anthropogenic combustion sources

Popular Abstract in Swedish Luftburna partiklar från transportsektorn och energiproduktion kan ge upphov till negativa hälsoeffekter hos människor och påverka det globala klimatet. Partiklarnas kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaper förändras när de åldras i atmosfären och ny partikelmassa kan bildas från ämnen som tidigare var i gasfas. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen är att öka kunsEmissions from anthropogenic combustion sources, such as light duty vehicles and small scale biomass combustion, contribute significantly to ambient aerosol particle concentrations both on local and global scales. These emissions have controlling impacts on public health and global climate. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate how atmospheric transformation and combustion conditions a