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Didaktiska irritationer i musiklärarutbildning : om kulturmöten och beredskap för pedagogisk utveckling

Genom reflekterande återblickar på musikpedagogiskt fältarbete i Västafrika, fokuserar detta kapitel på musikaliskt inspirerade forskningsmetoder och pedagogisk utveckling. Nyckelhändelsen är en intervju utförd i ett musikerhem i Basse, Gambia, ett samtal som får tjäna som typexempel på möjligheter i kulturellt gränsöverskridande forskning: Här tar min ”informant” rollen som medforskare, medan de

Joseph Beuys : fett och filt : en forskningskritisk essä

Joseph Beuys. Fat and felt. A critical essay. The extremely singular materials fat and felt for use in art, have an entirely dominating role in a long series of Joseph Beuys’ (1921-1986) most important work. They are found both in single works of art as well as in installations and happenings from the beginning of the 1960s and up to the end of the artist’s life. This essay deals with the artist’

Developing the modelling of Swedish prosody in spontaneous dialogue

The main goal of our current research is the development of the Swedish prosody model. In our analysis of discourse and dialogue intonation, we are exploiting model-based resynthesis. By comparing synthesized default and fine-tuned pitch contours for the dialogues under study, we are able to isolate relevant intonation patterns. This analysis of intonation is related to an independent modelling of

Insulin Polymorphism Crystallographic Characterization of Insulin Microcrystals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) eller sockersjuka som den också kallas, är en sjukdom som beror på att kroppens celler inte kan ta upp socker från blodet, vilket leder till hög blodsockerkoncentration. Socker utsöndras även i urinen vilket kroppen försöker kompensera för genom att också öka utsöndringen av vatten. Detta leder till att stora mängder urin bildas samt att manInsulin is a protein needed for the uptake of glucose from the circulating blood. In absence of sufficiently high insulin levels in the body or when the cells have a reduced sensitivity for insulin a disease state referred to as diabetes occurs. Treatment of diabetes generally requires daily injections of exogenous insulin. Many of the pharmaceutical formulations consist of insulin in a crystallin

Minimal Conditions on Intrinsic Parameters for Euclidean Reconstruction

We investigate the constraints on the intrinsic parameters that are needed in order to reconstruct an unknown scene from a number of its projective images. Two such minimal cases are studied in detail. Firstly, it is shown that it is sufficient to know the skew parameter, even if all other parameters are unknown and varying, to obtain an Euclidean reconstruction. Secondly, the same thing can be do

Ägare och kapital : klass och genus hos kapitalägare i Sverige 1918-1939

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en fallstudie som undersöker praktiker av klass och kön hos kapitalägare i Sverige under perioden 1918-1939, utifrån exempel från två av tidens mäktigaste familjer: Broström och Wehtje. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är ett försök att ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv förena en klassanalys utifrån Eric Olin Wrights modell med Bourdieus begrepp socialt oc"Owners and capital. Class and gender among capital owners in Sweden 1918-1939" The thesis examines practices of gender and class among capital owners in Sweden during the period 1918-1939, through the analysis of two of the most powerful families of the time: Broström and Wehtje. The theoretical frame is an attempt to develop an intersectional perspective through the combination of several theo

The importance of the second hairpin loop of cystatin C for proteinase binding. Characterization of the interaction of Trp-106 variants of the inhibitor with cysteine proteinases

The single Trp of human cystatin C, Trp-106, is located in the second hairpin loop of the proteinase binding surface. Substitution of this residue by Gly markedly altered the spectroscopic changes accompanying papain binding and reduced the affinity for papain, actinidin, and cathepsins B and H by 300-900-fold. The decrease in affinity indicated that the side chain of Trp-106 contributes a similar

Guarantee of the accused person's right to defense counsel. A comparative study of Vietnamese, German and American criminal procedure law

In Vietnam, practical settlement of criminal cases tends to indicate that incorrect judgments still exist that naturally prejudices the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, including the right to have defense counsel. This results from various causes, of which the overlapping and contradictory nature of the laws is one. This dissertation focuses on examining the contents of the applicable