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A combination of naso- and oropharyngeal swabs improves the diagnostic yield of respiratory viruses in adult emergency department patients

Background: Along with the current development of molecular diagnostic methods of respiratory viruses, the bedside patient sampling techniques need to be evaluated. We here asked the question whether the addition of an oropharynx swab to the traditional nasopharynx swab might improve the diagnostic yield of multiplex PCR analysis. Ct values from the two sampling sites were compared as well as pati

Pro-metastatic functions of lipoproteins and extracellular vesicles in the acidic tumor microenvironment

Although the overall mortality in cancer is steadily decreasing, major groups of patients still respond poorly to available treatments. The key clinical challenge discussed here relates to the inherent capacity of cancer cells to metabolically adapt to hypoxic and acidic stress, resulting in treatment resistance and a pro-metastatic behavior. Hence, a detailed understanding of stress adaptive resp

Vad vill männen bakom Islamiska skolan?

Islamiska Römosseskolan har fått rätt att etablera sig även i Borås. Ett beslut som media och debattörer under de senaste dagarna rapporterat om, samt om Abdirizak Waberi, som ligger bakom Römosseskolan, och hans tidigare uttalanden. Utbildningsminister Gustav Fridolin (MP) uttalade sig den 27 maj 2017: "I dag försöker vi kontrollera skolorna, men har väldigt lite kontroll på de huvudmän som vill

Så infiltrerar islamister de svenska partierna

Det är angeläget att svenska partier nu utreder infiltrationen av islamister och återgår till sina ideologiska värdegrunder. För varje nytt avslöjande förlorar partierna förtroende. Bland förlorarna hittar vi inte minst de muslimska väljare som inte håller med islamisterna. Det är dags att utreda saken nu – innan det är försent.

Förvaltningsrätten missar samband : Väst­fobiska, homofobiska och antisemitiska predikanter har inbjudits

Sum är en elitistisk förening och bidrag från Ungdomsstyrelsen utgör cirka 98 procent av Sums intäkter, där 70 procent av inkomsterna går till Sums centrala kontor. Av min studie framgår att söner till ledande personer i Ifis sitter på ledande poster i Sum. Till exempel finner man att den tidigare ordförande för Ifis, Chakib Benmakhloufs son, Mohamed Benmakhlouf, också var ordförande för Sum.

Fetal iGRASP cine CMR assisting in prenatal diagnosis of complicated cardiac malformation with impact on delivery planning

Limited visualisation of the fetal heart and vessels by fetal ultrasound due to suboptimal fetal position, patient habitus and skeletal calcification may lead to missed diagnosis, overdiagnosis and parental uncertainty. Counseling and delivery planning may in those cases also be tentative. The recent fetal cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) reconstruction method utilising tiny golden angle iGRASP (i

Biobank and Biomedical Research: Responsibilities of Controllers and Processors under the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Biobanks are essential infrastructures in current health and biomedical research. Advanced scientific research increasingly relies on processing and correlating large amounts of genetic, clinical and behavioural data. These data are particularly sensitive in nature and the risk for privacy invasion and misuse is high. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) developed and increased harmoni

Quantitative Assessment of Urea In-Solution Lys-C/Trypsin Digestions Reveals Superior Performance at Room Temperature over Traditional Proteolysis at 37 °C.

Urea-containing buffer solutions are generally used in proteomic studies to aid protein denaturation and solubilization during cell and tissue lysis. It is well-known, however, that urea can lead to carbamylation of peptides and proteins and, subsequently, incomplete digestion of proteins. By the use of cells and tissues that had been lysed with urea, different solution digestion strategies were q

The Interfacial Behaviour of Three Food Proteins Studied by the Drop Volume Technique.

The adsorption behaviour of three food proteins, a soy protein isolate, a sodium casein‐ate and a whey protein concentrate, at the air‐water interface has been studied by the drop volume method. The kinetics of surface tension decay were evaluated in terms of different rate‐determining steps at different ionic strengths and concentrations. This analysis indicates the following characteristics conc

Functional Characterization of Protein Stabilized Emulsions: Emulsifying Behaviour of Proteins in a Valve Homogenizer.

Protein stabilised emulsions have been prepared in a valve homogeniser incorporated into a recirculating emulsification system, where the power input and number of passes have been varied. The food proteins studied were a soy‐bean protein isolate, a whey protein concentrate (WPC) and a sodium caseinate. The emulsions obtained were characterized in terms of particle size distribution and amount of