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Desining practical duct systems for a low life cycle cost
Nicander och Ranstorp okunniga om sociologisk metod
Remissvar till Yttrandefrihetskommitténs betänkande SOU 2012:55 En översyn av tryck- och yttrandefriheten
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On wolverines and epistemological totalitarianism: Guest editorial
The spatial tuning of colour vision
Activity concentrations of radionuclides in energy production from peat, wood chips and straw
Popular Abstract in Swedish Joniserande strålning- en introduktion (Ionizing radiation- Introduction in Swedish) 13.1 Storheter och enheter Effekten av strålningen från ett radioaktivt ämne eller röntgenapparat kallas stråldosen, eller egentligen den effektiva dosen , och anges i enheten sievert (Sv). Aktiviteten av ett radioaktivt ämne anges i enheten becquerel (Bq) och anger antal sönderfallanIn this thesis quantitative analyses of radionuclide concentrations in bioenergy fuels such as peat, wood chips and straw are presented. For comparison a brief description is included of radionuclide concentrations and radiation doses from other sources of power and also from some industrial applications. Radiation is a natural phenomenon and radionuclides occur naturally. The first man-made spre
From Media Control to Communication Control: Understanding the resilience of authoritarianism in contemporary China
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A Component-Based Approach to Localization and Collision Avoidance for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems
In the RUNES project a disaster relief tunnel scenario is being developed in which mobile robots are used to restore the radio network connectivity in a stationary sensor network. A component-based software development approach has been adopted. Two components are described in this paper. A localization component that uses ultrasound and dead reckoning to decide the robot positions and a collision
No Island is an “Island”: Some Perspectives on Development and Environmental Justice in Oceania
Since the 1990s, it has often been argued that the earth is like an island in space and that its brittleness is most clearly reflected on small islands in the oceans. Easter Island, for instance, with its largely depleted resources and an indigenous population which almost became extinct in the 19th century, has been seen as a microcosmic warning about what may happen to our entire planet. However
Musikinstrument. Omfång, transponering m.m.
De i västerländsk musik vanligast förekommande instrumenten - från blockflöjtsfamiljen till hela slagverket - presenteras i omfångstabeller. Vidare finns kortfattad sammanställning av "svåra" greppväxlingar, svårspelade lägen, tekniska finesser, sordineringar, olika spelarter m.m.
The Difficulties of Turning a Burden to a Blessing – The Dependency Ratio and Small-holder Agriculture in Colombia
Nothing new under the burning sun? Climate and verbs in North-West Semitic
From Theory to Practice: Peacekeeping in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Non-visual zoom and scrolling operations in a virtual haptic environment
The present article reports results from tests performed to investigate different designs of a scrolling function used to make it possible for the user to navigate a virtual environment larger than the limited workspace of the haptic device. A preliminary
Limits of agricultural transformation: Agrarian change and the labour question in Nyasaland: The case of Cholo district, 1950-1962
Coaching, styling och personal shopping - redskap för social differentiering och kulturell skillnad?
The effects of Dickkopf-1 antibody on metaphyseal bone and implant fixation under different loading conditions
Abstract in UndeterminedThe secreted protein Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) is an antagonist of canonical Wnt signaling, expressed during fracture healing. It is unclear how it is involved in the mechanical control of bone maintenance. We investigated the response to administration of a Dkk1 neutralizing antibody (Dkk1-ab) in metaphyseal bone under different loading conditions, with or without trauma. In this