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Novel Genetic Mutations in the First Swedish Patient with Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Deficiency and Clinical Outcome After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with HLA-Matched Unrelated Donor.

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) is an enzyme active in the purine salvage pathway. PNP deficiency caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the PNP gene leads to severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) and in two thirds of cases also to neurological effects such as developmental delay, ataxia, and motor impairment.PNP deficiency has a poor outcome, and the only curative treatment is allogen

Gestures and some key issues in the study of language development

The purpose of the current paper is to outline how gestures can contribute to the study of some key issues in language development. Specifically, we (1) briefly summarise what is already known about gesture in the domains of first and second language development, and development or changes over the life span more generally; (2) highlight theoretical and empirical issues in these domains where gest

Evacuation of a Smoke Filled Tunnel: Human Behaviour, Movement Speed and Exit Choice

The report focuses on an evacuation experiment, which was performed within the second work package of the Swedish METRO project. The experiment involved 100 participants, both men and women in the ages 18-66 years, who individually evacuated a smoke-filled rail tunnel of approximately 200 metres length. The main purpose of the experiment was to collect and derive data on human behaviour and moveme

Relationship of Tacrolimus Exposure and Mycophenolate Mofetil Dose With Renal Function After Renal Transplantation.

INTRODUCTION.: The most common immunosuppressive treatment in de novo renal transplantation is a triple regimen that includes tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and corticosteroids, and that may also include antibody induction. Whether nephrotoxicity is an issue with tacrolimus at the currently used dosages remains an open question. METHODS.: We pooled data from three large, randomized, de no


This study aimed to investigate the growth rate of 31 consecutive invasive breast cancers based on volume measures on at least two serial mammograms and its relation to histopathological findings. The average tumour volume-doubling time in all invasive breast cancer subtypes was 282 d (range 46-749 d). Grade III breast cancers had a significantly shorter average tumour volume-doubling time of 105

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Kulturkrönika om Victor Sjöströms amerikanska stumfilm Han som får örfilarna (He Who Gets Slapped) med anledning av en brittisk visning av filmen i London med nyskriven symfonimusik.

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Artikel om den amerikanska pornografiforskningen och kontrasten mellan de amerikanska feministerna som är pro-pornografi och den svenska feminismens demonisering av pornografin. Med anledning av Milos Formans film Larry Flynt - skandalernas man (The People vs Larry Flynt)

On the distribution of computation for sequential decoding using the stack algorithm

An analytical procedure is presented for generating the computational distribution for the Zigangirov-Jelinek stack algorithm. Multitype branching processes are employed to develop a procedure for estimating sequential decoding computation, without the need for simulation, but with sufficient accuracy to be a valid design tool. At information rates about the cutoff rateR_{o}the calculated computat

Characterising acute gynaecological pathology with ultrasound: an overview and case examples.

This article summarises the ultrasound features of a number of gynaecological emergencies: ectopic pregnancy, haemorrhagic corpus luteum, twisted adnexa, pelvic inflammatory disease, acute myoma necrosis, haematocolpos and haematometra. The basis of all diagnosis in women with acute gynaecological conditions is history and clinical examination. An ultrasound examination should only be performed if

Complex and context dependent regulation of hematopoiesis by TGF-beta superfamily signaling.

The transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta superfamily of growth factors, including the TGF-betas, activins, and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), provide cells with a broad spectrum of regulatory signals through the intracellular Smad pathway. Since loss-of-function studies of a majority of the TGF-beta superfamily members result in embryonic lethality, much of our current knowledge of the TGF-b

Systematic classification of primary immunodeficiencies based on clinical, pathological, and laboratory parameters.

The classification of diseases has several important applications ranging from diagnosis and choice of treatment to demographics. To date, classifications have been successfully created manually, often within international consortia. Some groups of diseases, such as primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs), are especially hard to nosologically cluster due, on one hand, to the presence of a wide variety o

Estimating and Predicting International Tourism Demand in Sweden

In this study, we consider a dynamic demand model for international tourism. The model is used to estimate separate demand functions for hotel and cottage visitors from different countries, with a multivariate structural time series model. Among other things, the estimated models are used to simulate the effects on international tourism demand in Sweden of an increase in the value added tax on typ