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Your search for "*" yielded 531899 hits

Can heavy metal pollution induce soil bacterial community resistance to antibiotics in boreal forests?

The emergence of microbial antibiotic resistance is a central threat to global health, food security, and development. It has been shown that heavy metal pollution can give rise to microbial resistance to antibiotics, but how wide-spread this phenomenon is remains an open question that urgently needs filling to enable appropriate environmental risk assessments. Here, we determined whether long-ter

Age and gender relations on LinkedIn pages of global staffing agencies

This study investigates the ways in which age and gender play out on the LinkedIn pages of global staffing agencies through an intersectionality lens. A discourse analysis of 437 LinkedIn posts (including visual images, captions, and comments) was conducted. This study found that the corporate discourse of diversity shaped the ways that age and gender were represented. The portrayals of age and ge

Detaching Betterness From Value

This paper discusses whether, as a matter of logic, better-than relations require value-bearing relata. Must an x that is better than y be in any sense good (or, where x is less disvaluable than y, bad?) Examples I provide suggest the contrary—that it is possible for something to be better than something else without having any sort of value (other than betterness). Several reasons for being suspi

Governing Emotions : Hybrid media, Ontological Insecurity and the Normalisation of Far-Right Fantasies

Focusing on the debates on ‘due impartiality’ provided to far-right leaders in Swedish media, this article uses a Lacanian approach to address the relationship between the practices of normalisation of far-right discourses and fantasies, and the evolution of emotional governance at the interstice of old (i.e. traditional) and new (e.g. social media) media. Emotional governance refers to the everyd

Hot-carrier extraction in nanowires

A hot-carrier solar cell aims to generate power from energetic, photoexcited, charge carriers, so called hot carriers, in order to reach higher conversion efficiencies than current solar cell technology.Creating a hot-carrier solar cell has proven challenging for two main reasons: hot carriers lose their energy very quickly, and they need to be extracted over distances of a few hundrednanometers v

Cervical neoplasia in relation to socioeconomic and demographic factors – a nationwide cohort study (2002–2018)

Introduction: Cervical cancer is a major cause of mortality and morbidity. We aimed to estimate the association between sociodemographic factors and cervical neoplasia. Material and methods: In this Swedish nationwide open cohort study, 4 120 557 women aged ≥15 years at baseline were included between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2018. The two outcomes were cervical cancer and carcinoma in situ

Interstitial hydrogen diffusion in M7C3 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe),

To increase the understanding of the role of carbide precipitates on the hydrogen embrittlement of martensiticsteels, we have performed a density functional theory study on the solution energies and energy barriers forhydrogen diffusion in orthorhombic M7C3 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe). Hydrogen can easily diffuse into the lattice andcause internal stresses or bond weakening, which may promote reduced ductili

DN Debatt: Klimatlagen kräver att regeringen ändrar politik

Nästa år ska regeringen enligt klimatlagen presentera en handlingsplan för hur Sverige ska nå klimatmålen. Minst ett dussin myndigheter har bidragit med underlag. Men inte ens om samtliga förslag i dessa rapporter genomförs kommer det att räcka för att fylla det gap som har uppstått med den nya regeringens politik, skriver Klimatpolitiska rådet.

Communication officers in local authorities meeting social media : On the production of social media photos of older adults

European local authorities increasingly use social media to present services and activities organized for citizens living in the particular area. Previous studies found that authority-managed social media visually depicted older adults as being active, sociable, happy, and physically capable, reflecting the normative “third age” representation. Yet few studies to date have examined how local autho

Reconstruction of curves in ℜ3, using factorization and bundle adjustment

In this paper, we extend the notion of affine shape, introduced by Sparr, from finite point sets to curves. The extension makes it possible to reconstruct 3D-curves up to projective transformations, from a number of their 2D-projections. We also extend the bundle adjustment technique from point features to curves. The first step of the curve reconstruction algorithm is based on affine shape, is in

Balancing in the pandemic: how social workers respond to new risks when supporting clients who experience domestic violence

Sedan vintern 2020 har Covid-19 förändrat livet för många människor.Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka hur socialarbetarespecialiserade på våld i nära relationer balanserar förväntningar ochbehov av att skydda sig gentemot infektion med förväntningar ochbehov att skydda klienter och hur detta påverkar deras diskretion.Kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare, teamledare och chefer i

Purposeful combination : Management of Knowledge Integration in the Development of Self-Driving Cars

See English version.Se engelsk version.Knowledge integration theory frames outputs of firm activity as a combination of multiple individuals’ knowledge. Previous research have greatly advanced our understanding of the management of knowledge integration by exploring the influence of various problem characteristics. This study attempts to contribute to an alternative, more strategic, approach in which knowledge integration is treated as

A large cohort study of the effects of Lewis, ABO, 13 other blood groups, and secretor status on COVID-19 susceptibility, severity, and long COVID-19

Background: Previous studies have reported Blood type O to confer a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, while secretor status and other blood groups have been suspected to have a similar effect as well. Study design and methods: To determine whether any other blood groups influence testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 severity, or prolonged COVID-19, we used a large cohort of 650,156 Danish b

Photophysical Integrity of the Iron(III) Scorpionate Framework in Iron(III)-NHC Complexes with Long-Lived 2LMCT Excited States

Fe(III) complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands belong to the rare examples of Earth-abundant transition metal complexes with long-lived luminescent charge-transfer excited states that enable applications as photosensitizers for charge separation reactions. We report three new hexa-NHC complexes of this class: [Fe(brphtmeimb)2]PF6(brphtmeimb = [(4-bromophenyl)tris(3-methylimidazol-2-yl

The prototyping of a high-resolution neutron activation analysis system - Based on a Pelletron accelerator and fast pneumatic sample-transport

A new neutron activation analysis system is currently being designed at Lund University. The design incorporates a compact accelerator driven neutron source, based on a 3 MV Pelletron accelerator and a pneumatic sample conveyor to transport samples from the neutron source to a measurement station consisting of an array of high-purity Ge γ-ray detectors. A prototype for this new station is currentl

Template-Assisted Selective Epitaxy of InAs on W

Results on integration of InAs on W films through template assisted selective epitaxy are presented. The InAs crystals are analysed using SEM, electron beam backscattering and in-situ electrical measurements. A high yield of single crystalline InAs can be obtained for certain template diameters and pitches which demonstrates that this is a viable route to integrate III-V semiconductors in the back

Comparison of the enzymatic depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate and AkestraTM using Humicola insolens cutinase

The enzymatic depolymerization of synthetic polyesters has become of great interest in recycling plastics. Most of the research in this area focuses on the depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) due to its widespread use in various applications. However, the enzymatic activity on other commercial polyesters is less frequently investigated. Therefore, AkestraTM attracted our attention

Development of Models, Methods, and Materiel for Deep Tissue Imaging using Light, Ultrasound, and Spectral-Hole Burning

The medical imaging technique called “ultrasound optical tomography” (UOT) entails light scattered in tissue that is given spatial information by interacting with an ultrasound field, thus allowing for molecular information to be imaged with ultrasonic resolution. This thesis discusses how UOT can be implemented, with most attention put toward the implementation using spectral-hole-burning filters