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Fungerar politiken för ett renare Östersjön?

Trots att jordbrukets näringsutsläpp till Östersjön har minskat krävs mycket mer för att uppnå de uppsatta miljömålen. Vi har utvärderat politiken som används för att minska utsläppen från de nio länder som samarbetar om restaureringen av Östersjön. Vi finner att den nuvarande politiken är otillräcklig eftersom:Många länder har inte genomfört de utlovade åtgärderna för att minska näringsutsläpp fr

LES/FGM investigation of ignition and flame structure in a gasoline partially premixed combustion engine

This paper presents a joint numerical and experimental study of the ignition process and flame structures in a gasoline partially premixed combustion (PPC) engine. The numerical simulation is based on a five-dimension Flamelet-Generated Manifold (5D-FGM) tabulation approach and large eddy simulation (LES). The spray and combustion process in an optical PPC engine fueled with a primary reference fu

Changes in perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) concentrations in human milk over the course of lactation : A study in Ronneby mother-child cohort

Background: Little is known about how PFAS concentrations in human milk change over the course of lactation, although this is an important determinant of cumulative infant exposure from breastfeeding.Objective: To estimate changes in PFAS concentrations in human milk over the course of lactation in a population with a wide range of exposure from background-to high-exposed.Methods: We measured PFAS

Simultaneous non-invasive gas analysis in artificial photosynthesis reactions using rotational Raman spectroscopy

Optimising reactions in artificial photosynthesis research requires screening of many reaction and operation parameters, which is often resource-intense and time-consuming. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of a rotational Raman-based spectrometer for non-invasive quantification of several gases (H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2) with short analysis times (15 s), enabling high throughput screening. Further

The desert-governess romance : Regency England meets exotic Arabia

In this article we discuss how two types of popular romances – the desert romance and the governess romance – have blended into what we refer to as the desert-governess romance. In the world of romance, the governess and the sheikh may be an odd couple but they do make good bedfellows. Etymologically speaking, the governess (“A woman who holds or exercises authority” (OED)) is the perfect love matIn this article we discuss how two types of popular romances – the desert romance and the governess romance – have blended into what we refer to as the desert-governess romance. In the world of romance, the governess and the sheikh may be an odd couple but they do make good bedfellows. Etymologically speaking, the governess (“A woman who holds or exercises authority” (OED)) is the perfect love mat

First study of the two-body scattering involving charm hadrons

This article presents the first measurement of the interaction between charm hadrons and nucleons. The two-particle momentum correlations of pD- and p¯D+ pairs are measured by the ALICE Collaboration in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s=13 TeV. The data are compatible with the Coulomb-only interaction hypothesis within (1.1-1.5)σ. The level of agreement slightly improves if an attractive nucleo

A scoring system for predicting malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: a multicenter EUROPEAN validation

Purpose: A preoperative estimate of the risk of malignancy for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) is important. The present study carries out an external validation of the Shin score in a European multicenter cohort. Methods: An observational multicenter European study from 2010 to 2015. All consecutive patients undergoing surgery for IPMN at 35 hospitals with histological-confirmed I

"Även Om Du är Analfabet Så Antar Jag Att Du ändå Har En Tidsuppfattning Som Alla andra." : En Kvalitativ Analys Av Temporala motsättningar I Svensk asylbyråkrati

Artikeln undersöker temporal styrning i den svenska asylbyråkratin genom en kvalitativ analys av tio familjers asylakter. Dessa består av över 5 000 sidors dokumentation: asylutredningsprotokoll, beslut, domar, intyg, överklaganden, inlagor, personliga brev, minnesnoteringar med mera. Studien fokuserar särskilt på Migrationsverkets beslut och de muntliga utredningar som myndighetens handläggare ha

High Gas-Phase Methanesulfonic Acid Production in the OH-Initiated Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide at Low Temperatures

Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) influences climate via cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) formation resulting from its oxidation products (mainly methanesulfonic acid, MSA, and sulfuric acid, H2SO4). Despite their importance, accurate prediction of MSA and H2SO4 from DMS oxidation remains challenging. With comprehensive experiments carried out in the Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets (CLOUD) chamber at CERN, w

Immune gene expression in the mosquito vector Culex quinquefasciatus during an avian malaria infection

Plasmodium relictum is the most widespread avian malaria parasite in the world. It is listed as one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species, having been responsible for the extinction of several endemic bird species, and the near-demise of several others. Here we present the first transcriptomic study focused on the effect of P. relictum on the immune system of its vector (the mosquito Culex qu

Evolution of residual stress when turning a fillet radius in stainless steel

Most studies have been carried out to investigate the surface integrity induced by metal cutting process. However, the previous studies are limited to a longitudinal turning or orthogonal cutting operations and the residual stresses generated in a fillet radius have been ignored. This study uses a combination of experiments and numerical simulations to study the evolution of cutting forces, temper

The extended affine Lie algebra associated with a connected non-negative unit form

Given a connected non-negative unit form we construct an extended affine Lie algebra by giving a Chevalley basis for it. We also obtain this algebra as a quotient of an algebra defined by means of generalized Serre relations by M. Barot, D. Kussin and H. Lenzing. This is done in an analogous way to the construction of the simply-laced affine Kac–Moody algebras. Thus, we obtain a family of extended

A micromechanically motivated multiscale approach for residual distortion in laser powder bed fusion processes

For the broader industrial usage of metal additive manufactured parts, especially made by laser powder bed fusion, a better prediction and understanding of the warpage and of eigenstresses within the final part are necessary. Due to the diverse and sophisticated metallurgical and thermal processes during production, physically motivated simulations are rather complex and time consuming. Therefore,

Can heavy metal pollution induce soil bacterial community resistance to antibiotics in boreal forests?

The emergence of microbial antibiotic resistance is a central threat to global health, food security, and development. It has been shown that heavy metal pollution can give rise to microbial resistance to antibiotics, but how wide-spread this phenomenon is remains an open question that urgently needs filling to enable appropriate environmental risk assessments. Here, we determined whether long-ter