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Defining Success in International Border Police Collaboration

The risks and insecurities highlighted in contemporary societies have given rise to a diversity of forms of policing; intelligence based policing, and networked based collaboration projects. This study focuses on the collaboration project Turnstone, which was partly funded by the EU. The project was a joint collaboration among border organizations in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden

Djupt personligt om den svenska romansen före 1900

Recension av Lennart Hedwall: På sångens vägnar. Om svenska sånger och romanser från Joseph Martin Kraus till Josef Eriksson samt några tankar om sång.Kungl. Musikaliska akademiens skriftserie nr 143

Sustainable transition pathways for plastics

Plastic – the lightweight, flexible material created by humans – has been an amazing invention that changed the world and made us totally dependent on it. The past century saw the development of a number of synthetic plastic materials with different chemistries and properties suited for myriad applications unparalleled by any other natural material. However, the plastics are currently in focus not

Estimation of arterial pulse wave velocity with a new improved tissue Doppler method

The mechanical properties of the large arteries are important determinants in the circulation physiology. Quantities associated with vessel wall elasticity are of particular interest since they offer a possibility to separate diseased arteries from healthy. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a local measure of the arterial wall elasticity. This paper describes a new improved method for non-invasive loca

Effect of epitaxial graphene morphology on adsorption of ambient species

This work illustrates the impact of atmospheric gases on the surface of epitaxial graphene. The different rate of adsorption on different parts of graphene samples provides a concrete evidence that the surface morphology of graphene plays a significant role in this process. The uneven adsorption occurs only on the surface of the monolayer graphene and not on bilayer graphene. The second monolayer

Novel materials for Cr(VI)adsorption by magnetic titanium nanotubes coated phosphorene

The accumulation of Cr(VI)will cause mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on humans. Therefore, the standard regulations have been governed by the EPA to control the chromium content in the effluent and drinking water and have made it mandatory [1]. For the better recovery of the adsorbent; Magnetic nano particle based phosphorene titanium nano tubes were used for the first time in action which has

Block copolymers as bile salt sequestrants : Intriguing structures formed in a mixture of an oppositely charged amphiphilic block copolymer and bile salt

To study the formation and characterize the structure of mixed complexes of oppositely charged block copolymers and surfactants are of great significance for practical applications, e.g., in drug carrier formulations that are based on electrostatically assisted assembly. In this context, biocompatible block copolymers and biosurfactants (like bile salts) are particularly interesting. In this work,

Competition, seed dispersal and hunting : What drives germination and seedling survival in an Afrotropical forest?

Disentangling the contributions of different processes that influence plant recruitment, such as competition and seed dispersal, is important given the increased human-mediated changes in tropical forest ecosystems. Previous studies have shown that seedling communities in an Afrotropical rainforest in southeastern Nigeria are strongly affected by the loss of important seed-dispersing primates, inc

Proteomic profiling of extracellular vesicles reveals additional diagnostic biomarkers for myocardial infarction compared to plasma alone

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are submicron, membrane-enclosed particles that are released from cells in various pathophysiological states. The molecular cargo of these vesicles is considered to reflect the composition of the cell of origin, and the EV proteome is therefore a potential source of biomarkers for various diseases. Our aim was to determine whether EVs isolated from plasma provide addit

Collaboratively reframing mental health for integration of HIV care in Ethiopia

Background Integrating mental health with general medical care can increase access to mental health services, but requires helping generalists acquire a range of unfamiliar knowledge and master potentially complex diagnostic and treatment processes.Method We describe a model for integrating complex specialty care with generalist/primary care, using as an illustration the integration of mental heal

Full Downlink Channel Reconstruction using Incomplete Uplink Channel Measurements in Massive MIMO networks

While more and more antennas are integrated into a single mobile user equipment to increase communication quality and throughput, the number of antennas used for transmission is commonly restricted due to the concerns on hardware complexity and energy consumption, making it impossible to achieve the maximum channel capacity. This paper investigates the problem of reconstructing the full downlink c