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Your search for "*" yielded 532156 hits

Renal handling of radiolabelled human cystatin C in the rat

Serum cystatin C concentration correlates negatively with glomerular filtration rate as well as or better than that of serum creatinine, suggesting a constant formation, and elimination from extracellular fluid mainly by glomerular filtration. It is not known, however, how well the renal plasma clearance of this 13-kDa basic polypeptide matches the glomerular filtration rate. This was investigated

Cystatin C, and inhibitor of bone resorption produced by osteoblasts

The effects of human cystatin C on bone resorption, enzyme release, osteoclast generation, bone cell proliferation and bone matrix protein biosynthesis have been examined in different in vitro systems. The effects of cystatin C were compared with those of calcitonin and E 64 (trans-Epoxysuccinyl-L-leucyl-amido-(4-guanidino)butane). Recombinant human cystatin C and E 64 dose dependently inhibited t

Range-wide migration corridors and non-breeding areas of a northward expanding Afro-Palaearctic migrant, the European Bee-eater Merops apiaster

Across their ranges, different populations of migratory species often use separate routes to migrate between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Recent changes in climate and land-use have led to breeding range expansions in many species but it is unclear whether these populations also establish new migratory routes, non-breeding sites and migration phenology. Thus, we compared the migration patter

Migration, wing morphometry and wing moult in Spanish and House Sparrows from the eastern Balkan Peninsula

On the Balkan Peninsula, migratory Spanish Sparrows breed sympatrically with resident House Sparrows. While the two species share many biological and ecological traits, migratory patterns and adaptions to migratory lifestyle of the Spanish Sparrow are unknown. We tracked a Spanish Sparrow across its 1800 km long migration from Bulgaria to the nonbreeding sites in the Nile Delta. Stopovers were sit

Spatiotemporal Group Dynamics in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird

Thousands of species migrate [1]. Though we have some understanding of where and when they travel, we still have very little insight into who migrates with whom and for how long. Group formation is pivotal in allowing individuals to interact, transfer information, and adapt to changing conditions [2]. Yet it is remarkably difficult to infer group membership in migrating animals without being able

Intra-tropical movements as a beneficial strategy for Palearctic migratory birds

Migratory birds often move significantly within their nonbreeding range before returning to breed. It remains unresolved under which circumstances individuals relocate, whether movement patterns are consistent between populations and to what degree the individuals benefit from the intra-tropical movement (ITM). We tracked adult great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus from a central and a sou

A pan-European, multipopulation assessment of migratory connectivity in a near-threatened migrant bird

Aim: The extent to which individuals from different breeding populations mix throughout the non-breeding season (i.e. 'migratory connectivity') has important consequences for population dynamics and conservation. Given recent declines of long-distance migrant birds, multipopulation tracking studies are crucial in order to assess the strength of migratory connectivity and to identify key sites en r

Intracellular accumulation of the amyloidogenic L68Q variant of human cystatin C in NIH/3T3 cells

AIM: To study the cellular transport of L68Q cystatin C, the cystatin variant causing amyloidosis and brain haemorrhage in patients suffering from hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA).METHODS: Expression vectors for wild-type and L68Q cystatin C were constructed and used to transfect mouse NIH/3T3 cells. Stable cell clones were isolated after cotransfection with pSV2neo. Clones express

In vivo XRF as a means to evaluate the risk of kidney effects in lead and cadmium exposed smelter workers

The effect on kidney function was studied in 22 smelter workers with concomitant exposure to lead and cadmium. One active and five retired workers showed early signs of kidney dysfunction. They all had a long-term and high lead exposure, while their kidney cadmium concentrations measured in vivo by XRF techniques were low to moderate. Thus, the exposure to lead has been a greater risk, although an

Point prevalence and motor function of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in Scandinavia and Scotland : a CP-North study

AIM: To describe the point prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) and distribution of gross and fine motor function in individuals registered in a CP-North surveillance programme.METHOD: Aggregate data of individuals with CP aged 6 to 19 years, sex, CP subtype, and gross and fine motor function levels were collected from each programme. Overall and age-specific point prevalence of CP was calculated for

Understanding the Natural Progression of Spina Bifida : Prospective Study

BACKGROUND: Spina bifida (SB) is monitored through birth defects surveillance across the United States and in most developed countries. Although much is known about the management of SB and its many comorbid conditions in affected individuals, there are few systematic, longitudinal studies on population-based cohorts of children or adults. The natural history of SB across the life course of person

International and Interdisciplinary Identification of Health Care Transition Outcomes

IMPORTANCE: There is a lack of agreement on what constitutes successful outcomes for the process of health care transition (HCT) among adolescent and young adults with special health care needs.OBJECTIVE: To present HCT outcomes identified by a Delphi process with an interdisciplinary group of participants.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A Delphi method involving 3 stages was deployed to refine

Polymer gel electrolyte

A polymer gel electrolyte comprising a metal salt, a polymer, optionally a plasticizer, characterized in that the polymer comprises a carbon-hydrogen base chain having at least two reactive groups incorporated wherein the reactive groups have different reactivities. The polymer gel electrolyte neutralises a passivating layer in the form of waste products produced in the electrolyte phase by the me