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Block Copolymer Nanolithography for Sub-50 nm Structure Applications

När de kritiska mönsterdimensionerna för högteknologiska enheter fortsätter krympa och mönstertätheten fortsätter öka, behöver även litografin att gå i samma riktning. En lovande teknologi är sampolymerlitografi, som har en upplösning under 10 nm, en mönsterperiodicitet omkring 7-200 nm, och lätt kan skalas upp till större ytor till en låg kostnad. Användandet av sampolymerer där de ingående blockAs high technology device patterns are continuing to move towards decreasing critical dimensions and increasing pattern density, there is a need for lithography to move in the same direction. Block copolymer (BCP) lithography is a promising technique, which has single digit nanometer resolution, has a pattern periodicity of about 7-200 nm, and easily scales up to large area at a low cost. The use

Complex attosecond waveform synthesis at fel fermi

Free-electron lasers (FELs) can produce radiation in the short wavelength range extending from the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to the X-rays with a few to a few tens of femtoseconds pulse duration. These facilities have enabled significant breakthroughs in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, implementing different schemes based on two-color photoionization mechanisms. In this articl

A high-repetition rate attosecond pulse source for coincidence spectroscopy

The power of attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy combined with advanced detection schemes, such as photoelectron/ion coincidence spectrometers and time-resolved photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM), can be unleashed by properly accounting for the repetition rate of the source. In this work, we present a high-repetition rate (200 kHz) attosecond pulse source that opens up for exploring phenomena

Long-term ecosystem nitrogen limitation from foliar δ15N data and a land surface model

The effect of nutrient availability on plant growth and the terrestrial carbon sink under climate change and elevated CO2 remains one of the main uncertainties of the terrestrial carbon cycle. This is partially due to the difficulty of assessing nutrient limitation at large scales over long periods of time. Consistent declines in leaf nitrogen (N) content and leaf δ15N have been used to suggest th

Laccase bound to cryogel functionalized with phenylalanine for the decolorization of textile dyes

In this study, amino acid functionalized poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-N-methacrylolyl-l-phenylalanine) [PHEMAPA] cryogel discs were prepared. In this respect, phenylalanine containing N-methacryloyl-(L)-phenylalanine methyl ester (MAPA) was polymerized with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) without requirement of any activation step. Laccase bound poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-N-methacrylo

Access to sexuality : Disabled people's experiences of multiple barriers

This chapter concerns disabled people’s experiences of barriers to accessing sexuality. It draws on an analysis of materials produced in ten projects by civil society organisations, including self-advocacy organisations, sexual rights organisations and organisations working on behalf of disabled people. These materials comprise books, handbooks, videos, websites and other online materials, and are

Promotion of Cervical Screening among Long-term Non-attendees by Human Papillomavirus Self-sampling

Cervical cancer is preventable through gynecological screening. To promote participation among non-attending women, self-collected vaginal samples for detection of high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) is an option. The aims of this study were to investigate the response of self-collected vaginal samples for hr-HPV testing among long-term non-attendees, to explore the attendance at follow-up amo

Climapp—integrating personal factors with weather forecasts for individualised warning and guidance on thermal stress

This paper describes the functional development of the ClimApp tool (available for free on iOS and Android devices), which combines current and 24 h weather forecasting with individual information to offer personalised guidance related to thermal exposure. Heat and cold stress assessments are based on ISO standards and thermal models where environmental settings and personal factors are integrated

System-on-Chip Test Scheduling and Test Infrastructure Design

There are several challenges that have to be considered in order to reduce the cost of System-on-Chip (SoC) testing, such as test application time, chip area overhead due to hardware introduced to enhance the testing, and the price of the test equipment. In this thesis the test application time and the test infrastructure hardware overhead of multiple-core SoCs are considered and two different pro

Distinction of lymphoid and myeloid clonal hematopoiesis

Clonal hematopoiesis (CH) results from somatic genomic alterations that drive clonal expansion of blood cells. Somatic gene mutations associated with hematologic malignancies detected in hematopoietic cells of healthy individuals, referred to as CH of indeterminate potential (CHIP), have been associated with myeloid malignancies, while mosaic chromosomal alterations (mCAs) have been associated wit

Comparative Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer for Vehicular Independent Cooling Modules

To explore the internal flow distributions and heat transfer mechanism in different types of independent cooling modules for automotive, numerical, and experimental studies were conducted. According to the study, the independent cooling modules with parallel structure, on which the heat exchangers were located separately and close to the inlets, the performance improvement was significant. In addi

Prevention, incidence, and survival of cervical cancer in Sweden

Cervical cancer is preventable by screening. In 1967, Sweden introduced a cervical screening program. Screening for high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV), the causative factor of cervical cancer, is more sensitive than cytology and can be performed as a self-sample. Non-attendance to screening is a large risk factor for cervical cancer. Self-samples may improve screening attendance. The aims of

Designing Enchanted Rituals for Modern Man

This article discusses a new form of rituals, marketed as coaching or layman therapeutic practices, focusing on self-development and healing, which rapidly expanded in the early 2000s in Sweden. The targets of these rituals are individuals and workplaces, buying these and similar formalized practices. Questions raised include: How do these rituals reflect the structure of society? How are they desThis article discusses a new form of rituals, marketed as coaching or layman therapeutic practices, focusing on self-development and healing, which rapidly expanded in the early 2000s in Sweden. The targets of these rituals are individuals and workplaces, buying these and similar formalized practices. Questions raised include: How do these rituals reflect the structure of society? How are they des

Infection of brain pericytes underlying neuropathology of covid‐19 patients

A wide range of neurological manifestations have been associated with the development of COVID‐19 following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. However, the etiology of the neurological sympto-matology is still largely unexplored. Here, we used state‐of‐the‐art multiplexed immunostaining of human brains (n = 6 COVID‐19, median age = 69.5 years; n = 7 control, median age = 68 years) and demonstrated that express

Intermedial combinations

Media combinations of different basic media types are always, literally, intermedial combinations that involve intermedial relations between different forms of communication. This chapter looks at how words and images on pages convey a graphic narrative in comics. In the specific case of comics, scholars have attempted to categorize different types of interaction between words and images, which cr

Introduction : Into the fields of stubborn obstacles and lingering exclusion

Accessibility today has a contradictory character. One the one hand, people with disabilities are welcomed and included, with ambitious promises in policies and declarations. On the other hand, they are still excluded in everyday practices. This volume explores this contradiction in three areas: city and transport, knowledge and education, and law, institutions and history. Sweden is the primary cAccessibility today has a contradictory character. One the one hand, people with disabilities are welcomed and included, with ambitious promises in policies and declarations. On the other hand, they are still excluded in everyday practices. This volume explores this contradiction in three areas: city and transport, knowledge and education, and law, institutions and history. Sweden is the primary c

Acts and Alternative Analyses

I show that the act-type theories of Soames and Hanks entail that every sentence with alternative analyses (including every atomic sentence with a polyadic predicate) is ambiguous, many of them massively so. I assume that act types directed toward distinct objects are themselves distinct, plus some standard semantic axioms, and infer that act-type theorists are committed to saying that ‘Mary loves