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Your search for "*" yielded 538388 hits

Stimuli-controlled self-assembly of diverse tubular aggregates from one single small monomer

The design and synthesis of new stimuli-responsive hydrogen-bonding monomers that display a diversity of self-assembly pathways is of central importance in supramolecular chemistry. Here we describe the aggregation properties of a simple, intrinsically C2-symmetric enantiopure bicyclic cavity compound bearing a terminally unsubstituted ureidopyrimidinone fragment fused with a pyrrole moiety in dif

Looking is buying. How visual attention and choice are affected by consumer preferences and properties of the supermarket shelf

There is a battle in the supermarket isle, a battle between what the consumer wants and what the retailer and others want her to see, and subsequently to buy. Product packages and displays contain a number of features and attributes tailored to catch consumers' attention. These are what we call external factors comprising the visual saliency, the number of facings, and the placement of each produc

Tensile behavior of single-crystal nano-sized Cu beams – Geometric scaling effects

In this paper the mechanical response of single-crystal nano-sized Cu beams of different sizes, loaded in displacement controlled tension under constant strain rate is investigated through 3D molecular dynamic simulations using the free-ware LAMMPS. The effects from pure geometric scaling are determined for two different crystallographic orientations of the lattice. Stress–strain curves were recor

Primärvårdens funktion, organisation och ekonomi - en litteraturöversikt : Rapport till utredningen En nationell samordnare för effektivare resursutnyttjande inom hälso- och sjukvården (S 2013:4)

Svensk hälso- och sjukvård har i ett historiskt perspektiv dominerats av investeringar i specialistvård och sjukhus. Även om intresset för primärvården har ökat kvarstår många frågor om hur man bäst organiserar verksamheten och vilken betydelse primärvården har för hälso- och sjukvårdens samlade kvalitet och effektivitet. Flera internationella bedömningar pekar mot att det behövs mera grundläggandSvensk hälso- och sjukvård har i ett historiskt perspektiv dominerats av investeringar i specialistvård och sjukhus. Även om intresset för primärvården har ökat kvarstår många frågor om hur man bäst organiserar verksamheten och vilken betydelse primärvården har för hälso- och sjukvårdens samlade kvalitet och effektivitet. Flera internationella bedömningar pekar mot att det behövs mera grundläggand

Plasma metabolite profiles, cellular cholesterol efflux, and non-traditional cardiovascular risk in patients with CKD

BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) experience high rates of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and death that are not fully explained by traditional risk factors. In animal studies, defective cellular cholesterol efflux pathways which are mediated by the ATP binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 are associated with accelerated atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that c

The need for robust, consistent methods in societal exergy accounting

Studies of societal exergy use have the common aim of tracing the flow of exergy along society, and are used to gain insights into the efficiency of energy use and linkages to economic growth. However, their methodological approaches vary greatly, with significant impacts on results. Therefore, we make a review of past studies to identify, synthesize and discuss methodological differences, to cont

Personuppgifter som betalningsmedel

Personuppgifter som betalningsmedelDen här rapporten visar hur konsumenternas data kommit att få ett centralt värde i den digitala ekonomin. Förändringen väcker frågor om hur väl konsumentskyddet därmed står sig i förhållande till detta. Studien beskriver och analyserar de konsumentrelaterade utmaningar som den växande användningen av personuppgifter som en form av betalningsmedel medför. I studie

Exposure to inorganic arsenic and gene expression in peripheral blood

Arsenic is an established carcinogen and a risk factor for several non-malignant diseases. Mechanisms of arsenic toxicity may include interference with gene expression. The impact of arsenic exposure on gene expression was evaluated in women (n = 80) living in the Puna of the northern Argentinian Andes with varying concentrations (10–1251 μg/L) of arsenic in drinking water. DirectHyb HumanHT-12 v4

Planting to feed the city? : Agricultural production, food security and multi-spatial livelihoods among urban households in Ghana

The 2010 population and housing census in Ghana revealed that more than half of the Ghanaian population lived in urban centers. Critical to the phenomenon of urbanization is the question of how to sustainably feed the urban population especially the urban poor as rapid urbanization has the tendency to urbanize poverty. This has led to renewed policy debate about the implications of farming in citi

Making ‘Smart Meters’ smarter? Insights from a behavioural economics pilot field experiment in Copenhagen, Denmark

This paper examines the relationship between loss aversion and consumer behaviour in a non-price policy intervention that followed the installation of smart meter (SM) technology. Drawing upon insights from behavioural economics, we propose that consumers underestimate potential gains and overestimate potential financial losses resulting from electricity use. To test the hypothesis, we carried out

Biomarkers of microvascular endothelial dysfunction predict incident dementia : a population-based prospective study

BACKGROUND: Cerebral endothelial dysfunction occurs in a spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases. Whether biomarkers of microvascular endothelial dysfunction can predict dementia is largely unknown. We explored the longitudinal association of midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP), C-terminal endothelin-1 (CT-proET-1) and midregional proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM) with dementia and s

On the convergence rate of the Dirichlet-Neumann iteration for unsteady thermal fluid structure interaction

We consider the Dirichlet-Neumann iteration for partitioned simulation of thermal fluid-structure interaction, also called conjugate heat transfer. We analyze its convergence rate for two coupled fully discretized 1D linear heat equations with jumps in the material coefficients across these. These are discretized using implicit Euler in time, a finite element method on one domain, a finite volume

Physiological aspects on intracardiac blood flow

Magnetic resonance imaging enables detailed in vivo study of complex flow through 3D, time-resolved phase contrast imaging (4D flow). 4D flow may reveal previously unknown aspects of the physiology of intracardiac blood flow, and possibly elucidate pathophysiological processes that have yet to manifest themselves outside the heart.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the physiological role of

Supply Chain Risk Management : en idégenerator för hantering av avbrottsrisker i flödeskedjor

I denna publikation presenteras en idégenerator som är avsedd att användas när man letar efter nya alternativ för att hantera företagets avbrottsrisker. Det inledande skedet av sökandet brukar karaktäriseras som ”brainstorming” dvs. det gäller att hitta så många nya riskhanteringsalternativ som möjligt, gärna otraditionella sådana. Här kan idégeneratorn varit till stor hjälp. Den består av 22 olik