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The paradigm of the charismatic leader

This invited contribution is a reflection on my motivation for writing the book Leadership and Organization: A Philosophical Introduction (Spoelstra, 2018). The premise of the book is that popular leadership adjectives, e.g. ‘transformational’, ‘authentic’ and ‘servant’, are much more interesting than the corresponding leadership constructs suggest. The book claims that these popular leadership co

First epidemic of echovirus 16 meningitis in Cuba

From April to September 2000, an epidemic of aseptic meningitis spread throughout Cuba, with 16,943 reported cases. Virologic studies identified echovirus 16 as the cause of this epidemic. This is the first reported isolate of echovirus 16 from patients with viral meningitis in Cuba.

Single view motion tracking by depth and silhouette information

In this work1 a combination of depth and silhouette information is presented to track the motion of a human from a single view. Depth data is acquired from a Photonic Mixer Device (PMD), which measures the time-of-flight of light. Correspondences between the silhouette of the projected model and the real image are established in a novel way, that can handle cluttered non-static backgrounds. Pose i

A survey of advances in vision-based human motion capture and analysis

This survey reviews advances in human motion capture and analysis from 2000 to 2006, following a previous survey of papers up to 2000 [T.B. Moeslund, E. Granum, A survey of computer vision-based human motion capture, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 81(3) (2001) 231-268.]. Human motion capture continues to be an increasingly active research area in computer vision with over 350 publication

Gabor wavelet networks for object representation

In this article we want to introduce first the Gabor wavelet network as a model based approach for an effective and efficient object representation. The Gabor wavelet network has several advantages such as invariance to some degree with respect to translation, rotation and dilation. Furthermore, the use of Gabor filters ensured that geometrical and textural object features are encoded. The feasibi

Effect of bilberries, lingonberries and cinnamon on cardiometabolic risk-associated markers following a hypercaloric-hyperlipidic breakfast

Different dietary sources of bioactives may reduce cardiometabolic risk. This work investigated the feasibility of using a high-fat/high-caloric meal challenge as a tool for assessing the cardiometabolic protective effects of three bioactive-rich foods. Thirteen healthy, but overweight volunteers (65.1 ± 5.3 years old, fasting glycemia, ≤6.1 mmol L−1) received a high-fat reference breakfast meal (

HYTREES : combining matrix elements and parton shower for hypothesis testing

We present a new way of performing hypothesis tests on scattering data, by means of a perturbatively calculable classifier. This classifier exploits the “history tree” of how the measured data point might have evolved out of any simpler (reconstructed) points along classical paths, while explicitly keeping quantum–mechanical interference effects by copiously employing complete leading-order matrix

Association of female sex and positive rheumatoid factor with low serum infliximab and anti-drug antibodies, related to treatment failure in early rheumatoid arthritis : results from the SWEFOT trial population

Objective: Infliximab-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may respond insufficiently due to low serum infliximab (sIFX) levels, caused by anti-drug antibodies (ADAs). However, monitoring of sIFX and ADAs is not routinely implemented, and levels for optimal outcome have not been validated. We searched for predictors for sIFX < 0.2 μg/mL and ADA development in a randomized setting. Metho

Selective (E)valuations : The Production of Opacity and Transparency of Values in the Swedish Meat Supply Chain

(E)valuative technologies such as standards and conventionalized (e)valuative practices, some including the use of technological devices, govern the production of food in the global north. Food supply chains consist of multiple interrelated markets, where goods are (e)valuated to distinguish their qualities and prices. Qualities and prices that are transformed as the raw materials move through the

Effects of the neuropeptide Y (NPY)-receptor antagonist BIBP3226 on vascular NPY-receptors with different ligand requirements

The aim was to examine effects of a newly developed neuropeptide Y (NPY)-receptor antagonist, BIBP3226 and to characterize NPY-receptors in the isolated guinea pig caval vein and human subcutaneous artery, respectively. BIBP3226 < or = 1 microM did not affect the basal tension. Pretreatment with increasing concentrations of BIBP3226 (10 nM-1 microM) resulted in a progressive rightward shift of the

Determinants for non-sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast cancer : A population-based cohort study of 602 consecutive patients with sentinel node metastases

Background: Sentinel node biopsy (SNB) is the standard procedure for axillary staging in patients with clinically lymph node negative invasive breast cancer. Completion axillary lymph node dissection (c-ALND) may not be necessary for all patients as a significant number of patients have no further metastases in non-sentinel nodes (non-SN) and c-ALND may not improve survival. The first aim of our s

Bullying bystander behaviors : The role of coping effectiveness and the moderating effect of gender

Researchers have suggested that bystander behaviors and victim coping play an important role in counteracting the negative effects of bullying. The current study investigated the relationship between students’ ratings of coping effectiveness when addressing bullying and their behaviors as bystanders when witnessing bullying. Surveys were administered in a Midwestern, suburban school district. Some

GestaTIonal TrophoblAstic NeoplasIa Ultrasound assessMent : TITANIUM study

Background: There are limited data on ultrasound morphologic features of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. A predictive model to determine predictors of response to therapy would be ideal in the management of patients with this rare disease. Primary Objectives and Study Hypothesis: TITANIUM is a prospective, multicenter, observational study aiming to describe ultrasound features of gestational

Charge transport in nonstoichiometric 2-fluoropyridinium triflate protic ionic liquids

Pyridinium triflate protic ionic liquids have been demonstrated to be highly dissociated, and nonstoichiometric compositions have been used in protic energy devices such as the all-organic proton battery. Herein, we use a combination of pulsed field gradient NMR spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to investigate the charge transport properties of the nonstoichiometric protic io

MHMDA : Human Microbe-Disease Association Prediction by Matrix Completion and Multi-Source Information

Microbes are vital in human health. It is helpful to promote diagnostic and treatment of human disease and drug development by identifying microbe-disease associations. However, knowledge in this area still needs to be further improved. In this paper, a new computational model using matrix completion to predict human microbe-disease associations (mHMDA, Fig. 1) is developed. First, we extract the

The functional interlink between AR and MMP9/VEGF signaling axis is mediated through PIP5K1α/pAKT in prostate cancer

Currently, no effective targeted therapeutics exists for treatment of metastatic prostate cancer (PCa). Given that matrix metalloproteinases 9 (MMP9) and its associated vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are critical for tumor vascularization and invasion under castration-resistant condition, it is therefore of great importance to define the functional association and interplay between andr

Pricing Activities : Bridgeing the Performativity - Coordination Divide in Economic Sociology

A fundamental question for economic sociology is: how are prices set? In economic sociological theory, a price is generally conceptualized either in terms of the performative construction of economy (e.g. a market device), or in terms of co-ordinational effects of power relations between buyers and sellers (e.g. the effect of social structures and institutions). In this paper, I set out to show ho

Teoretisk problematisering : Tumregler för samhällsvetare och ekonomer

Vad är teori och på vilka sätt kan man arbeta med teoretisk problematisering i en uppsats? Den här boken är en introduktion till hur man förhåller sig till teori och problemformulering i uppsatser inom samhällsvetenskap och ekonomi. Inledningsvis ges en introduktion till vad en teori är, och vilken funktion teorier fyller i den vetenskapliga processen. Därefter presenteras olika praktiska metoder