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Det annorlunda 1970-talet?
Influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field generated by transformation of endogenous Morris hepatoma field on its growth and metastatic ability (I)
As it has been shown in a number of reports, extremely-low- frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field (EMF) can induce different changes in various biological systems, even if its intensity is comparable to the level of thermal noise. According to the parameters of generated field variable results have been obtained, including these regarding cell proliferation. Simultaneously it has also been demonst
Rapid alterations of BDNF protein levels in the rat brain after focal ischemia : Evidence for increased synthesis and anterograde axonal transport
Cellular localization and tissue levels of BDNF protein were studied using immunocytochemistry and enzyme immunoassay, respectively, in the cortex and striatum at different reperfusion times (0-24 h) after 2 h of unilateral middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats. The distribution of neuronal injury was analyzed in NeuN-, cresyl violet-, and Fluoro-Jade-stained sections. At 2 h postischemi
Pinsam behandling av våra viktigaste kvinnor
Recension av "Märkvärdiga svenska kvinnor" av Lisbeth Larsson.
Seeding of protein aggregation causes cognitive impairment in rat model of cortical synucleinopathy
Background: Cortical α-synuclein pathology plays a role in the development of cognitive dysfunction in both Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, although the causative cellular lesions have remained unclear. We aimed to address causal links between α-synuclein-driven pathology in the cerebral cortex and the development of cognitive impairments using new experimental models. Methods:
Prevalence and goal attainment with spinal orthoses for children with cerebral palsy
PURPOSE: Analyze the goals for treatment and attained goals for spinal orthoses in children with cerebral palsy (CP), and describe the use of spinal orthoses in relation to age, sex, gross motor function, and scoliosis. METHODS: Cross-sectional data for all children born between 2000 and 2014 and registered in the Swedish CP registry were analyzed in relation to age, sex, Gross Motor Function Clas
Ab initio optical potentials and nucleon scattering on medium mass nuclei
We show the first results for the elastic scattering of neutrons off oxygen and calcium isotopes obtained from ab initio optical potentials. The potential is derived using self-consistent Green's function theory (SCGF) with the saturating chiral interaction NNLOsat. Our calculations are compared to available scattering data and show that it is possible to reproduce low-energy scattering observable
Spectral Signatures in the Different Layers of the Human Eyelid by Photoacoustic Imaging
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The eyelids are susceptible to a number of skin cancers, which are challenging to excise radically without sacrificing excessive healthy tissue. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is an emerging non-invasive biomedical imaging modality that could potentially be used for intraoperative micrographic control of the surgical margins of eyelid tumors. In this study, non-cancerous hum
The political economy of price controls : the Swedish experience 1970-1987
Actor relations in climate policymaking : Governing decarbonisation in a corporatist green state
This article focuses on the role of actor relations in advancing climate policymaking and argues that attempts to understand decisions to decarbonise in a green state should explore the institutional conditions for policymaking. The article explores the climate policy model in Sweden in terms of the societal actors included in the policy process, the nature of this inclusion, and its relevance for
Towards Superlattices via Evaporative Self-Assembly of Aerosol Nanoparticles
Nanoparticle superlattices consisting of densely packed particles with periodic arrangements can exhibit interesting collective properties different from those of individual nanoparticles and thus have attracted great interest in research due to their potential applications in optoelectronic, plasmonic, and magnetic devices[1, 2]. Evaporation-induced self-assembly on solid substrates which employs
Creativity within urban gardening at times of emergency
Creativity often erupts as individuals reshape tradition in the light of changing historical circumstances. This presentation focuses on creativity within urban gardening projects as an answer to worries about ecological crisis. It builds on ethnographic research during 2017-2018 among urban gardeners in the Malmö-Lund area, Sweden. The interlocutors, especially project coordinators, expressed a s
Status of Strong ChPT
The present status of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) in the strong mesonic sector is discussed. A very short introduction to ChPT is followed by an overview of existing two-loop calculations and the determination of the Low-Energy-Constants (LECs). I discuss the case of $\eta\to\pi\pi\pi$ decays in somewhat more detail and finish by mentioning some recent work on partially quenched ChPT and on
Carbon dynamics, net primary productivity and human-appropriated net primary productivity across a forest–cocoa farm landscape in West Africa
Terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) is an important metric of ecosystem functioning; however, there are little empirical data on the NPP of human-modified ecosystems, particularly smallholder, perennial crops like cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which are extensive across the tropics. Human-appropriated NPP (HANPP) is a measure of the proportion of a natural system's NPP that has either been reduc
Centennial-long trends of lake browning show major effect of afforestation
Observations of increasing water color and organic carbon concentrations in lakes are widespread across the Northern Hemisphere. The drivers of these trends are debated. Declining atmospheric sulfur deposition has been put forward as an important underlying factor, since recovery from acidification enhances mobility of organic matter from surrounding soils. This would suggest that the current brow
Fracture of laminated bamboo and the influence of preservative treatments
Treated bamboo can be made into large, durable structural elements which have the potential to become a transformative large-scale building material, but the fracture behaviour which determines their ultimate strength in various loading scenarios has not been studied. Laminated bamboo is a promising structural engineered bamboo material, and is generally made from bamboo treated to improve its dur
Den svenska supply chain-panelen : Supply Chain Risk Management
Den sjätte studien är fokuserad på Supply chain risk management (SCRM), d.v.s. vi försöker förstå hur företag identifierar, analyserar och hanterar risker i sin försörjningskedja. Det gäller både i Risk Management i interna logistikflöden (egna lager, egna fabriker, transporter mellan egna anläggningar etc) men framför allt Supply Chain Risk Management i externa försörjningskedjor (leverantörer, u
Manganese transporter genetics and sex modify the association between environmental manganese exposure and neurobehavioral outcomes in children
There is increasing evidence that environmental manganese (Mn) exposure early in life can have negative effects on children's neurodevelopment and increase the risk of behavioral problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Factors that may contribute to differences in sensitivity to Mn exposure are sex and genetic variation of proteins involved in the regulation of Mn conc
Geographic proximity is associated with transmission of suicidal behaviour among siblings
Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the role of ‘contagion’, or social transmission, in risk of suicidal behaviour (SB) among siblings. Methods: We followed Swedish sibling pairs until one of them (S1; N = 111,848) was registered for a suicide attempt or completion. We tested the effect of geographic proximity between siblings on risk of a first SB registration of S1's sibling (S2). To