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A randomised trial comparing two protocols for transrectal prostate repeat biopsy : six lateral posterior plus six anterior cores versus a standard posterior 12-core biopsy

Objective: To test the hypothesis that a combination of 6 posterior and 6 anterior cores detects more cancer than 12 posterior cores at a repeat transrectal prostate biopsy in men who have had one previous benign systematic biopsy. Patients and methods: Three hundred and forty men with persistently raised serum PSA were randomly allocated 1:1 to either a standard 12-core biopsy (12 cores from the

Evidence of association between type 1 diabetes and exposure to enterovirus in Cuban children and adolescents

A possible etiologic role of enteroviruses for type 1 diabetes has been researched for 40 years, but evidence to date is inconclusive. This article summarizes new evidence from Cuban research supporting a role for enteroviruses, both in preclinical stages of autoimmune reactions against pancreatic β cells and at clinical onset, in a population with low type 1 diabetes incidence. Possible pathogene

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This study aims to explore a possible silent circulation of wild and vaccine-derived polioviruses in departments of Colombia with polio vaccination coverage of below 80%. The study collected 52 samples of wastewater concentrated as a result of precipitation with polyethylene glycol and sodium chloride. The viral detection was carried out through isolation and the identification through neutralizat

Evidence for nonpoliovirus enterovirus multiplication in L20B cells

Stool specimens collected from 1 515 healthy children following a mass vaccination campaign in Cuba were tested for poliovirus excretion using L20B cell lines. In spite of the selectivity of this cell line for polioviruses (117/129; 90.7%) some other nonpolio enteroviruses (12/129: 9.3%), such as coxsackie A virus types 4, 8 and 10, can grow in L20B cells.

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OBJECTIVES: Implementing environmental surveillance for poliovirus circulating from wastewater.METHODS: Six wastewater samples were collected from each final site within a wastewater collection system in Armenia, Quindío. Virus was extracted and concentrated by a method using polyethylenglycol and sodium chloride as concentrating agent. Polioviruses were identified by polymerase chain reaction ass

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INTRODUCTION: Poliomyelitis is currently a rare disease in developed countries, where only vaccinal strains seem to be in circulation, which replace wild poliovirus. Nevertheless, it is still a serious disease for children in underdeveloped countries of Asia and Africa.PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analysed nine strains of poliovirus type 2 isolated from the faecal matter of patients with vaccine assoc

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The polymerase chain reaction techniques was introduced for the intratypic characterization of Poliovirus. Primers were used only to promote the amplification of the Sabin vaccine strains proved by electrophoretic run of the amplified DNA products (Sabin 1-97 pb, Sabin 2-71 pb, Sabin 3-44 pb) and whose specificity was satisfactorily verified. 23 Cuban poliovirus strains isolated and identified at

Focus characterization of the NanoMAX Kirkpatrick–Baez mirror system

The focusing and coherence properties of the NanoMAX Kirkpatrick–Baez mirror system at the fourth-generation MAX IV synchrotron in Lund have been characterized. The direct measurement of nano-focused X-ray beams is possible by scanning of an X-ray waveguide, serving basically as an ultra-thin slit. In quasi-coherent operation, beam sizes of down to 56 nm (FWHM, horizontal direction) can be achieve

Using Hidden Markov Models for recognizing action primitives in complex actions

There is biological evidence that human actions are composed out of action primitives, like words and sentences being composed out of phonemes. Similarly to language processing, one possibility to model and recognize complex actions is to use grammars with action primitives as the alphabet. A major challenge here is that the action primitives need to be recovered first from the noisy input signal

The meaning of action : A review on action recognition and mapping

In this paper, we analyze the different approaches taken to date within the computer vision, robotics and artificial intelligence communities for the representation, recognition, synthesis and understanding of action. We deal with action at different levels of complexity and provide the reader with the necessary related literature references. We put the literature references further into context a

Gabor wavelet networks for efficient head pose estimation

In this paper, we first introduce the Gabor wavelet network (GWN) as a model-based approach for effective and efficient object representation. GWNs combine the advantages of the continuous wavelet transform with RBF networks. They have additional advantages such as invariance to some degree with respect to affine deformations. The use of Gabor filters enables the coding of geometrical and textural

Domain-Informed Spline Interpolation

Standard interpolation techniques are implicitly based on the assumption that the signal lies on a single homogeneous domain. In contrast, many naturally occurring signals lie on an inhomogeneous domain, such as brain activity associated to different brain tissue. We propose an interpolation method that instead exploits prior information about domain inhomogeneity, characterized by different, pote

Putative Role of Nuclear Factor-Kappa B But Not Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α in Hypoxia-Dependent Regulation of Oxidative Stress in Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells

Aims: Adaptation to low oxygen of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow has been demonstrated to depend on the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α as well as the limited production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we aimed at determining whether HIF-1α is involved in protecting HSCs from ROS. Results: Oxidative stress was induced by DL-buthionine-(S,R)-sulf

Islet cell related antibodies and type 1 diabetes associated with echovirus 30 epidemic : a case report

Type 1 diabetes associated genes account for less than 50% of disease susceptibility. Human enteroviruses have been implicated as environmental factors that might trigger and/or accelerate this autoimmune disorder. We now report of a 12-year-old girl that developed pancreatic autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes after enteroviral infection. Diabetes-associated autoimmunity was evaluated by measurement

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Fecal samples were weekly obtained from children under 3 years of age to isolate non-polio poliovirus and enterovirus and to expand the knowledge on circulation of vaccine-derived viruses during mass campaigns. The steady vaccination schedules allow the circulation of these viruses for long periods of time. The interference of non-polio enterovirus by vaccine poliovirus was demonstrated in childre

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The introduction of a mollecular method to identify the Entoviruses based on the amplification sequecing and phylogenetic analysis of protein VPI was described. It was proved that this method reduces significantly the time required for the identification of the isolated Entoviruses and that it is very useful in the characterization of isolates which are difficult to typify by the routine immunoloi

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During the epidemic neuropathy occurred in Cuba from 1992 to 1993, viral isolations antigenically connected with Coxsackie viruses were obtained from the cerebrospinal fluid of patients. Virological, epidemiological, toxicologic, nutritional, immunological and histopathological investigations were made. Though the disease was related to toxic and nutritional factors, it has been impossible to iden

A Variational Approach to Solitary Gravity–Capillary Interfacial Waves with Infinite Depth

We present an existence and stability theory for gravity–capillary solitary waves on the top surface of and interface between two perfect fluids of different densities, the lower one being of infinite depth. Exploiting a classical variational principle, we prove the existence of a minimiser of the wave energy E subject to the constraint I= 2 μ, where I is the wave momentum and 0 < μ< μ, where μ is

Characterization of molecular properties of wheat starch from three different types of breads using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4)

In this study, molecular properties of wheat starch from three different types of breads were analyzed using asymmetric flow field-flow (AF4) connected to multi-angle light scattering (MALS) and differential refractive index (dRI) detectors. This analysis allowed the determination of molecular properties, i.e. molar mass (M), root-mean-square radius (rrms), apparent density (ρapp) and conformation