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Hemlösa och tiggare i det offentliga rummet

I Hemlösa och tiggare i det offentliga rummet diskuterer Hans Swärd hvilke årsagsforklaringer der kan være til det sidste tiårs øgede fokusering på hjemløse og tiggere i bymiljøer. Han konstaterer, at de hjemløses antal ikke er øget i Europa, til gengæld har gruppen af hjemløse som er dårligst stillet fået det værre, og det er svært for dem at få den fornødne hjælp. De hjemløses eget ansvar betone

Reduced training is associated with increased loss of BMD.

This 8-year controlled, follow-up study in 66 Swedish soccer women evaluated the effect of training and reduced training on BMD. The players who retired during the follow-up lost BMD in the femoral neck, whereas the controls did not. Introduction: Physical activity during adolescence increases BMD, but whether the benefits are retained with reduced activity is controversial. Materials and Method

Exact solution of the Zeeman effect in single-electron systems

Contrary to popular belief, the Zeeman effect can be treated exactly in single-electron systems, for arbitrary magnetic field strengths, as long as the term quadratic in the magnetic field can be ignored. These formulas were actually derived already around 1927 by Darwin, using the classical picture of angular momentum, and presented in their proper quantum- mechanical form in 1933 by Bethe, altho

Risks and possibilities in patch testing with contaminated personal objects: usefulness of thin-layer chromatograms in a patient with acrylate contact allergy from a chemical burn

We report a case of a chemical burn from dipropylene glycol diacrylate (DPGDA) spilt on working shoes, followed by active sensitization, thus giving an occupational allergic contact dermatitis on the patient's dorsal feet. Diagnostic tests included patch testing with acetone extracts made from the different shoe layers and thin-layer chromatograms. An invisible spot on the thin-layer chromatograph

Familial risks in nervous-system tumours: a histology-specific analysis from Sweden and Norway

Background There are limited data available on tumour subtype-specific familial risks for nervous-system tumours. We aimed to provide such data at the population level. Methods We used data from the nationwide Swedish and Norwegian databases on familial cancer to calculate standardised incidence ratios (SIRS) for the familial risk of developing a nervous-system tumour in offspring born after 1931

Comparison of SO2 and H2SO4 impregnation of softwood prior to steam pretreatment on ethanol production

The pretreatment of softwood with sulfuric acid impregnation in the production of ethanol, based on enzymatic hydrolysis, has been investigated. The parameters investigated were: H2SO4 concentration (0.5-4.4% w/w liquid), temperature (180-240 degrees C), and residence time (1-20 minutes). The combined severity (log Ro-pH) was used to combine the parameters into a single reaction ordinate. The high

Risk of invasive cervical cancer in relation to management of abnormal Pap smear results

OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the management of women with abnormal cytology in terms of subsequent risk of invasive cervical cancer. STUDY DESIGN: The screening histories of all invasive cervical cancer cases diagnosed in Sweden 1999-2001 and of 5 population-based controls per case were reviewed. In all, 159 patients and 258 control subjects aged < 67 years had an abnormal smear result 0.5-6.5

Polymer stamps for nanoimprinting

Stamp fabrication for nanoimprinting can be significantly simplified, when specialized crosslinking polymers are applied to pattern definition. The polymer patterns can be used as stamps themselves. Two possibilities are reported: (1) An e-beam sensitive resist was developed, which enables the fabrication of polymer-on-silicon stamps. Patterns with a feature size of 70 nm could be created. (2) Ful

Reproducibility of Doppler measurements of blood flow velocity in the uterine and ovarian arteries in premenopausal women

Intra- and interobserver reproducibility of Doppler measurements of the pulsatility index (PI) and time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMXV) in the uterine and ovarian arteries were evaluated in examinations of healthy premenopausal women. Each woman underwent reproducibility measurements once in the late follicular phase and once in the midluteal phase. Intraobserver repeatability was assessed in ex

Memory for perceived and imagined pictures: An event-related potential study

Event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioral measures were used to investigate recognition memory and source-monitoring judgements about previously perceived and imagined pictures. At study, word labels of common objects were presented. Half of these were followed by a corresponding picture and the other half by an empty frame, signalling to the Ss (aged 20-35 yrs) to mentally visualize an image

Cation coordination in ion-conducting gels based on PEO-grafted polymers

Ionic conducting polymer gels prepared from PEG-grafted acrylates, ethylene carbonate (EC), dimethyl carbonate (DMC), and LiPF6 are studied by means of infrared and Raman spectroscopy. It is found that the presence of grafted PEO chains substantially changes the coordination of lithium cations from 'cation-solvent' to 'cation-polymer'. Spectroscopic studies show that Li+-PEO coordination is strong

V(D)J recombination defects in lymphocytes due to RAG mutations: severe immunodeficiency with a spectrum of clinical presentations

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) comprises a heterogeneous group of primary immunodeficiencies, a proportion of which are due to mutations in either of the 2 recombination activating genes (RAG)-1 and -2, which mediate the process of V(D)J recombination leading to the assembly of antigen receptor genes. It is reported here that the clinical and immunologic phenotypes of patients bearing mut

ZnTe nanowires grown on GaAs(100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy

ZnTe nanowires with an average diameter of about 30 nm and lengths above 1 mu m were grown on GaAs(100) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. The growth process was based on the Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. A thin gold layer (3-20 angstrom thick) annealed in high vacuum prior to the nanowire growth was used as a source of catalytic nanoparticles. The nanowires are inclined about 55 de

Improved segmentation of deep brain grey matter structures using magnetization transfer (MT) parameter maps

Basal ganglia and brain stem nuclei are involved in the pathophysiology of various neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Currently available structural T1-weighted (T1w) magnetic resonance images do not provide sufficient contrast for reliable automated segmentation of various subcortical grey matter structures. We use a novel, semi-quantitative magnetization transfer (MT) imaging protocol

EPIC-Heart: The cardiovascular component of a prospective study of nutritional, lifestyle and biological factors in 520,000 middle-aged participants from 10 European countries

EPIC-Heart is the cardiovascular component of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition ( EPIC), a multi-centre prospective cohort study investigating the relationship between nutrition and major chronic disease outcomes. Its objective is to advance understanding about the separate and combined influences of lifestyle ( especially dietary), environmental, metabolic and genet

Effects of oxymetazoline on the ventilation of paranasal sinuses in healthy subjects

Background: Impairment of sinus ostial function is considered an important factor in the pathophysiology of sinus disease. The use of the decongestants such as alpha2-agonists is thought to improve sinus ostial function. Previous studies have shown an effect of alpha2-agonists on maxillary sinus ostial function only when administered in nasal bellows, but not as a nasal spray or nasal drops. The e

Molecular engineering of fluorescent penicillins for molecularly imprinted polymer assays

The interaction of seven novel fluorescent labeled beta-lactams with a library of six polymer materials molecularly imprinted (MI) with penicillin G (PenG) has been evaluated using both radioactive and fluorescence competitive assays. The highly fluorescent competitors (emission quantum yields of 0.4-0.95) have been molecularly engineered to contain pyrene or dansyl labels while keeping intact the

Analysis of ethylenethiourea as a biomarker in human urine using liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.

Ethylenebisdithiocarbamates (EBDCs) are widely used fungicides. Ethylenethiourea (ETU), the main metabolite and also a contaminant in the commercially available products, is of major toxicological concern. In this study, a method using liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) is described for the analysis of ETU in human urine after a single-step extractive derivatizati