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Your search for "*" yielded 533513 hits

Real-time control of a virtual hand

A myoelectric control system for prostheses was developed and evaluated on six healthy subjects. These were able to control a computer-animated hand in real-time with a 20 Hz update rate. A data glove, equipped with joint angle sensors, was used to train the system and to evaluate the continuous predictions of joint angles. A linear envelop filter was used for EMG signal pre-processing and the rec

InAs nanowire metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors

We present a capacitance-voltage study for arrays of vertical InAs nanowires. Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors are obtained by insulating the nanowires with a conformal 10 nm HfO2 layer and using a top Cr/Au metallization as one of the capacitor's electrodes. The described fabrication and characterization technique enables a systematic investigation of the carrier density in the nanowire

Simulations of the glaciation of a frontal mixed-phase cloud with the Explicit Microphysics Model

Simulations with the Explicit Microphysics Model (EMM) of a case of lightly precipitating, glaciated stratiform cloud are presented. This frontal cloud was observed by the UK Met Office C-130 aircraft and the dual-polarization radar at Chilbolton in southern England. The Hallett-Mossop (H-M) process was found to cause extremely high number concentrations of crystal columns of up to almost 1000 1(-

GAD treatment and insulin secretion in recent-onset type 1 diabetes

Background: The 65-kD isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is a major autoantigen in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This trial assessed the ability of alum-formulated GAD (GAD-alum) to reverse recent-onset type 1 diabetes in patients 10 to 18 years of age. Methods: We randomly assigned 70 patients with type 1 diabetes who had fasting C-peptide levels above 0.1 nmol per liter (0.3

Impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, enhanced IP insulin tolerance and increased {beta}-cell mass in mice lacking the p110{gamma} isoform of PI3-kinase.

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3 kinase) has been implicated in G protein-coupled receptor regulation of pancreatic ß-cell growth and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. The G protein-activated p110{gamma} isoform of PI3 kinase was detected in insulinoma cells, mouse islets, and human islets. In 7- to 10-wk-old mice, knockout of p110{gamma} reduced the plasma insulin response to ip glucose injecti

Speciation by perception

During sympatric and parapatric speciation the diverging populations maintain geographical contact throughout the speciation process. In theoretical models an isolating mechanism, such as assortative mating, is usually needed to obtain genetic separation of populations in contact. We simplified the visual appearance of the crows that occur in the crow hybrid zone in Europe, the carrion crow, Corvu

Histaminergic effects on the isolated rat ovarian artery during the estrous cycle

Histamine may play a role in many of the events occurring in the ovarian tissue and leading to ovulation. To elucidate the histaminergic influence on the ovarian vasculature, the mechanical response of the isolated rat ovarian artery to histamine and histamine agonists was investigated. Histamine relaxed the precontracted vessel segments in a concentration-dependent way, amounting to 82.7 +/- 4.3%

Photon emission from translational energy in atomic collisions: A dynamic Casimir-Polder effect

It is demonstrated, using a Liouville formalism, that the relative motion of two atoms can result in the emission of photons and conversely that photons can be absorbed to excite the relative translational motion. The mechanism responsible for the energy transfer between the radiation field and the translational motion of the atoms is a dynamic version of the long-range Casimir-Polder interaction

Bandsawing. Part I: cutting force model including effects of positional errors, tool dynamics and wear

This article presents a mechanical cutting force model for bandsawing. The model describes the variation in cutting force between individual teeth and relates it to initial positional errors, tool dynamics and edge wear. Bandsawing is a multi-tooth cutting process, and the terminology of the cutting action is discussed and compared with other cutting processes. It will also be shown that the setti

Climate change: Motivation for taking measure to adapt

We tested two consequences of a currently influential theory based on the notion of seeing adaptations to climate change as local adjustments to deal with changing conditions within the constraints of the broader economic–social–political arrangements. The notion leaves no explicit role for the strength of personal beliefs in climate change and adaptive capacity. The consequences were: (i) adaptiv

Odour-mediated nectar foraging in the silver Y moth, Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae): behavioural and electrophysiological responses to floral volatiles

Naive male and female silver Y moths, Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were attracted in a flight tunnel assay to potted creeping thistle, Cirsium arvense (Asteraceae), butterfly-orchid, Platanthera bifolia (Orchidaceae), soapwort, Saponaria officinalis (Caryophyllaceae), greater knapweed, Centaurea scabiosa (Asteraceae), red clover, Trifolium pratense (Fabaceae), and catnip, Nepeta faas

Clinical utility of color-form naming in Alzheimer's disease: Preliminary evidence

Performances on Alzheimer's Quick Test color-form naming and Mini-Mental State Examination were compared for 38 adults with Alzheimer's disease and 38 age- and sex-matched normal controls. Group means differed significantly and indicated longer naming times by adults with Alzheimer's disease. The specificity for AQT color-form naming was 97% and sensitivity 97%, i.e., 3% false negatives. The speci

Liquid-liquid partitioning of some enzymes, especially phosphofructokinase, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at sub-zero temperature

The effects of low temperature (-18oC) on the stability and partitioning of some glycolytic enzymes within an aqueous two-phase system were studied. The enzymes were phosphofructokinase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase present in a crude extract of bakers' yeast. The partitioning of pure phosphofructokinase, isolated from bakers' yeast, was also examined. The two

Googling for opposites: a web-based study of antonym canonicity

This paper seeks to explain why some semantically-opposed word pairs are more likely to be seen as canonical antonyms (for example, cold/hot) than others (icy/scorching, cold/fiery, freezing/hot, etc.). Specifically, it builds on research which has demonstrated that, in discourse, antonyms are inclined to favour certain frames, such as ‘X and Y alike’, ‘from X to Y’ and ‘either X or Y’ (Justeson a

Synthesis of galactose-mimicking 1H-(1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)-mannosides as selective galectin-3 and 9N inhibitors.

1H-[1,2,3]-Triazol-1-yl mannosides have been synthesized as inhibitors for the beta-galactoside-binding family of galectin proteins. Easier synthetic access to C1 in mannose, as compared to C3 in galactose, for attachment of affinity-enhancing triazoles rendered a synthetic advantage. The best mannose-derived inhibitor for galectin-9N, 4-benzylaminocarbonyl-1H-[1,2,3]-triazol-1-yl beta-D-mannopyra

Worrisome thoughts in children clinically referred for anxiety disorders

Administered a 31-item worry measure, based on criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) for anxiety disorders, to referred children with anxiety disorders (n = 72) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n = 50), and to nonreferred, never psychiatrically ill controls (n = 55). Anxiety and ADHD groups

Mutual information in random Boolean models of regulatory networks

The amount of mutual information contained in the time series of two elements gives a measure of how well their activities are coordinated. In a large, complex network of interacting elements, such as a genetic regulatory network within a cell, the average of the mutual information over all pairs, ⟨I⟩, is a global measure of how well the system can coordinate its internal dynamics. We study this a