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Branded space-time: Narrative productions of organisational identity and image
How to Save the Two-State Solution
Family law and social law: a reciprocal dependency in a comparative perspective
Detecting Deliberate Control during the Pre-transitional Period in a Sample of German Villages
Femtio år av förtryck sätter spår
The Hammer and the Nail : Interdisciplinarity and Problem Solving in Sustainability Science
This is a thesis about interdisciplinarity, scientific integration, and problem solving in sustainability science. Sustainability science is an emerging and highly interdisciplinary field that seeks to integrate vastly differentiated bodies of knowledge in addressing the challenge of transitioning contemporary societies towards sustainability. Interdisciplinarity is paramount. Interdisciplinarity
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Abstract in Italian Questo progetto di tesi prevede un lavoro di osservazione analisi e costruzione di una struttura comunicativa su Second Life al fine di stimolare, attraverso una serie di contenuti di natura archeologica, l’incontro e la collaborazione di ricercatori studenti e appassionati provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo. Per poter organizzare una struttura comunicativa utile a questo
A 53.3 Mb/s 4x4 16-QAM MIMO Decoder in 0.35um CMOS
An ASIC implementation of the K-best Schnorr-Euchner decoder is presented for a 4/spl times/4 16-QAM MIMO system. There are several low complexity and low power features incorporated in the proposed VLSI architecture. The chip is fabricated in a 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS technology. The chip core area is 5.76 mm/sup 2/ with 91 K gates. Furthermore, the decoding throughput that the chip can support is up
Indentation of thin copper film using peridynamics
The rapid development of the technology of today increasingly involves the design and fabrication of devices of smaller and smaller dimensions, down to the atomic length scales. At the nanoscale molecular dynamic (MD) models are often used. For many but the smallest systems, MD models are computationally too expensive, whereas classical continuum mechanics models not accurately can resolve microsc
Zero-Waste Kitchens and Low-Energy Cooking
A new approach of baseline correction when evaluating ice-formation in calorimetric experiments on micro-concrete
A Method and System for Consolidating Multimedia Object Management in Heterogeneous Media Systems
Today’s multimedia systems use different types of media with different play-out devices. Currently we are heading towards a situation where for example cellular content providers, the home entertainment industry and networked multimedia over the Internet provide different content and dirferent formats that are incompatible with devices from the other systems. This is in stark contrast with the cur
Fragmented Structure and Vertical Control Systems: Dilemmas in Human Service Organizations
Keeping track of gel-based proteomics experiments using the open-source Proteios software
Kundval för äldre och funktionshindrade i Norden. Konsumentperspektivet
Kundval för äldre och personer med funktionshinder diskuteras i de nor-diska länderna och i vissa fall har det också införts. Kundval i handikapp-omsorgen förekommer då personer med funktionshinder väljer sin per-sonliga assistent. I äldreomsorgen finns det system där den äldre efter ett biståndsbeslut kan få välja vem som ska utföra vissa insatser. Några svenska kommuner var pionjärer i början av
Foreignness and Language
Procedural Generation of 3D Caves for Games on the GPU
Procedural Content Generation in Games (PCG) is a thriv- ing field of research and application. Recent presented ex- amples range from levels, stories and race tracks to complete rulesets for games. However, there is not much research to date on procedural 3D modeling of caves, and similar en- closed natural spaces. In this paper, we present a modular pipeline to procedurally generate underground