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On the Margins : Migrants, Status Mobility and Recent Turns in Swedish Migration Politics

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning2008 infördes en reform inom svensk politik för arbetskraftsmigration som möjliggjorde för personer utanför EU att komma till Sverige för att arbeta om de erbjudits anställning oavsett utbildningsbakgrund. Reformen har fått mycket uppmärksamhet och ritat om kartan för svensk migrationspolitik. Till ett av de mindre utforskade områdena hör s.k. spårbyten, det vill Many people believe that changes in Swedish migration politics in the last decade signal a turning point and perhaps the end of the well-reputed Swedish exceptionalism. In 2008, Swedish labour migration policy was transformed into one of the most open in whole OECD, whilst Swedish asylum migration policy, known for its humanitarianism, took a significant turn toward restrictiveness in 2016. For se

Pulse-Distortion Analysis for Millimeter-Wave Time-Domain Material Identification

Analyzing the frequency dependent dielectric properties can be used to identify and distinguish materials in biomedical instruments. In the millimeter-wave range, the dielectric properties of biological tissues are mainly determined by their water content. For instance, it has been shown, that cancer cells have a lower water content than healthy skin cells, resulting in a significant dielectric co

Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery : Mapping the e-customer journey

The remarkable growth of e-commerce has defined the recent years of various industries worldwide. Driven by consumers, the e-commerce surge (e-retail in particular) stems from the final leg of the supply chain: the last mile. As the growing flow of e-commerce orders continues to generate new records for annual revenues, key actors in the last mile face the challenges of increasing customer demands

Classification of EEG signals based on mean-square error optimal time-frequency features

This paper illustrates the improvement in accuracy of classification for electroencephalogram (EEG) signals measured during a memory encoding task, by using features based on a mean square error (MSE) optimal time-frequency estimator. The EEG signals are modelled as Locally Stationary Processes, based on the modulation in time of an ordinary stationary covariance function. After estimating the mod

Molecular systematics of the arctiine tribe Syntomini (Lepidoptera, Erebidae)

The Old World tribe Syntomini is the most neglected of the three major groups of the subfamily Arctiinae – the most megadiverse lineage (c. 11 000 species) of the superfamily Noctuoidea, comprising about a quarter of its entire species diversity. In none of the previous morphogenetic studies was Syntomini (which are often conspicuously spotted, aposematic moths) sampled adequately enough to provid

Brain resting-state connectivity in the development of secondary hyperalgesia in healthy men

Central sensitization is a condition in which there is an abnormal responsiveness to nociceptive stimuli. As such, the process may contribute to the development and maintenance of pain. Factors influencing the propensity for development of central sensitization have been a subject of intense debate and remain elusive. Injury-induced secondary hyperalgesia can be elicited by experimental pain model

The factors affecting a native obligate parasite, Cuscuta australis, in selecting an exotic weed, Humulus scandens, as its host

In weed management, using native parasites to control exotic weeds is considered a better alternative than classical biological control. But the risk must be assessed because of the potential damage caused by these agents. We conducted this project to investigate the mechanism driving the choice of a native obligate parasite, Cuscuta australis, between the exotic, Humulus scandens, and native plan

Two layers of modal grounding of recommendations

This article centres on the modal properties of recommendations. Using data from the genre of wine tasting notes, it argues that a recommendation is understood in relation to its role in the social and discursive practice in which it occurs. Recommendations are profiled against two layers of modal grounding in the communicative situation. At the discourse level, recommendations express a weakly de

Structural basis for activation of plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase by calmodulin

Plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPases expel Ca2+ from the cytoplasm and are key regulators of Ca2+ homeostasis in eukaryotes. They are autoinhibited under low Ca2+ concentrations. Calmodulin (CaM)-binding to a unique regulatory domain releases the autoinhibition and activates the pump. However, the structural basis for this activation, including the overall structure of this calcium pump and its complex wi

A Comparative Evaluation of Human Motion Planning Policies

A recently proposed approach to human intention estimation in goal-oriented motion is further improved in this paper. The main features of the approach are the fact that the unicycle model has been rewritten with the natural coordinate as the independent variable, avoiding the explicit dependence from the walking velocity and lowering the number of input variables to one, the proposal of a novel c

Human multipotent adult progenitor cells enhance islet function and revascularisation when co-transplanted as a composite pellet in a mouse model of diabetes

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Hypoxia in the initial days after islet transplantation leads to considerable loss of islet mass and contributes to disappointing outcomes in the clinical setting. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether co-transplantation of human non-endothelial bone marrow-derived multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs), which are non-immunogenic and can secrete angiogenic gr