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Your search for "*" yielded 532058 hits

A Flexible Spatio-Temporal Model for Air Pollution: Allowing for Spatio-Temporal Covariates

Given the increasing interest in the association between exposure to air pollution and adverse health outcomes, the development of models that provide accurate spatio-temporal predictions of air pollution concentrations at small spatial scales is of great importance when assessing potential health effects of air pollution. The methodology presented here has been developed as part of the Multi-Ethn

The Effect of Jus Cogens Norms: : Whoever Opened the Pandora’s Box, Did You Think About the Consequences?

This article forms a contribution to the ongoing scholarly debate on the possible effect of jus cogens norms. For the purpose of the article, it is assumed that peremptory norms certainly exist in positive international law. According to the argument, even if we limit the effects of jus cogens norms to those described in the 1969 Vienna Convention, the jus cogens concept takes us farther than most

Membrane-bound thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases in Bacillus subtilis

Disulfide bonds in proteins are found between cysteine residues and are usually important for either function or stability of proteins. Thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases catalyse the formation or breakage of disulfide bonds in proteins. The gram-positive endospore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis contains several membrane-bound thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases. BdbA, BdbB and CcdA have been descri

The social weight of silver in the Íslendingasögur and the Viking Age hoards

This study suggests a predominantly socially-strategic function of the silver found in Viking Age hoards, more specifically, connected to the realm of customary law and the blood feud as a social institution. This suggestion is based on a quantitative and contextual analysis of the Íslendingasögur, and a comparison between the function of silver in the sagas and the composition and context of the

Improving Newton's method for Initialization of Modelica models

Initializing a model written in Modelica translates to finding consistent initial values to the underlying DAE. Adding initial equations and conditions creates a system of non-linear equations that can be solved for the initial configuration. This paper reports an implementation of Newton's method to solve the non-linear initialization system. This implementation also uses a regularization method

Adaptive Decoupling of Multivariable Systems

For many industrial processes, it is of interest to design a decoupling precompensator. The precompensator makes it possible to design controllers based on single-input-single-output models of the process. A model of the process must be known to design the precompensator. This paper shows how the precompensator can be designed adaptively using input-output measurements. The precompensator is first

The social shaping of television in old age

Various studies have highlighted older persons' problems in potentially failing to keep pace with developments in information technology and the latest technologies that prevent physical and social loss. In contrast to such studies that treat users as static and technology as changing, it's important to understand the use of technology can change over time. For example, older persons have used tec

Products, activities and competence - an integrated view in association with customization

Within the academic debate attempts have been made at combining the resource based view and the activities based view (C.f. Mathews, 2006). Among the calls for such attempts we find Haanes and Fjeldstad (2000) who point out that there is a need for integrating the activity based view and the resource based view, with a particular focus on competences. The view of activities as associated with comp