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Inget beslut om mer pengar till Max IV
Emissions of particles during hair bleaching
Forskarseminariet som praktikgemenskap
Stress responses in men and women with identical job tasks
Bling and how its message captures our interest
Moving Average and Self-Tuning Control
On the Computation of Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov Functions
Numerical simulation of the primary breakup of a liquid fuel
In situ high pressure XPS investigations of PdAg alloy nanoparticles: Towards cheaper catalysts
Do people avoid opportunities to donate? A natural field experiment on recycling and charitable giving
State Rescaling in the EU: the Case of Employment Regulation
The structure and meaning of participation in very old age – Preliminary results from a qualitative in-depth study of the European research project ENABLE-AGE.
Remissvar: Departementspromemorian Föräldrarskap vid assisterad befruktning för homosexuella (Ds 2004:19)
Densities and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Matching Constraints
On Hardware Implementation of Radix 3 and Radix 5 FFT Kernels for LTE systems
Abstract in UndeterminedThis paper treats the hardware architecture andimplementation of mixed radix FFTs with cores of radix 3 andradix 5 in addition to the standard radix 2 core. The implementationflow graphs of the higher radix cores are presentedtogether with a description of how these cores afTect a pipelinedFFT implementation. It is shown that the mixed radix FFT ismore expensive than the ra