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Bindings of the Popes : conservation and use of the Codices Reginenses latini at the Vatican library.
Matthew Buckingham
Comparison of Echelon Stock and Installation Stock Policies with Policy Adjusted Order Quantities
Innovationsmarknader i konkurrensrättsanalys
Assessment of two automated DC resistivity data acquisition systems for landfill location surveys: Two case studies
Administration of rosehip and Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 9843 reduces lipid peroxidation after colonic ischemia in mice
Review of P. Young: Recursive Estimation and Time-Series Analysis: An Introduction
The ProBok-project and the place of bindings within the field of bibliography.
Decentralization and National Health Policy Implementation in Uganda - a Problematic Process.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ugandas regering har strävat efter att skapa en behovsbaserad och kostnadseffektiv hälso- och sjukvård på två olika sätt: hälsosektorn har decentraliserats för att öka ansvarstagande och medverkan på lägre nivåer. Kompetens har byggts upp för att kunna utveckla en nationell policy, och därigenom kunna bedöma sjukvårdsbehov och för att göra kostnadseffektiva prioriteringThe Ugandan Government has aimed at creating a needs-based and cost-effective health care system. The means to carry out this aim have been 1) a decentralization of the health sector in order to increase lower-level responsibility, accountability, and participation, and 2) a strong national policy formulation capacity, facilitating needs assessment and cost-effective prioritization. Aim The aim
What You See is What You Get: Contrasting Measures of Risk Exposure
More Edited Records: Liu Shaoqi on Peng Dehuai at the 7000 Cadres Conference
Textual criticism-comparison of two different transcripts (one from the Cultural Revolution, the other in an official post-CR source) of CCP-Vice Chairman Liu Shaoqi's speech at 1962 conference in Beijing.
Panoan marriage sections: A comparative perspective
Is Cognitive Research Enrichment for Apes? Can Cognitive Research Add to Ape Wellfare?
Stylized Facts of Financial Time Series and Hidden Markov Models with Time-Varying Parameters
A comparison of two numerical methods for homogenization of Maxwell's equations
When the wavelength is much larger than the typical scale of the microstructure in a material, it is possible to define effective or homogenized material coefficients. The classical way of determination of the homogenized coeffi- cients consists of solving an elliptic problem in a unit cell. This method and the Floquet-Bloch method, where an eigenvalue problem is solved, are numerically compared with
Different perceptions of the work context within the team: A study of a surgical unit
Permanent and Temporary Work Practices: Knowledge Integration and the Meaning of Boundary Activities
Democracy without Democratic Values: A Rejoinder to Welzel and Inglehart
In reply to Welzel and Inglehart in this issue, we deploy three lines of criticism. First, we argue that their newly invented construct "effective democracy" is conceptually and empirically flawed. Second, we show that their results are highly sensitive to model specification. Regardless of the time period, their supportive evidence vanishes if a more pertinent measure of democracy is used instead