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The release of organic compounds during biomass drying depends upon the feedstock and/or altering drying heating medium

The release of organic compounds during the drying of biomass is a potential environmental problem, it may contribute to air pollution or eutrophication. In many countries there are legal restrictions on the amounts of terpenes that may be released into the atmosphere. When considering bioenergy in future energy systems, it is important that information on the environmental effects is available. T

Framtidens pensionärer och deras boendeplaner

Boendefrågan för äldre har oftast analyserats från endera av två utgångspunkter. Den första utgår från bostadssituationen för äldre när det gäller lägenhetsstorlek, grannskapskvaliteter och boendekostnader så som situationen är idag. Dagens boendesituation används därefter inte sällan som en approximation för hur det kommer att se ut framöver när det gäller de äldre hushållens boende. Den andra ut

Software renting - Better business, better environment: The case of application service providing (ASP)

The author analyses the business model of Application Service Provider (ASP) as a less material intensive alternative to traditional computing - a promising example of ICT sector dematerialisation. The article compares the ASP vs. traditional computing models from environmental and business perspectives. The ASP service model has a potential to provide both economic and environmental benefits. By

A new, cleaner colour-magnitude diagram for the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6528 and the velocity dispersion in the Galactic Bulge

Using two epochs of observations with HST/WFPC2 we obtain the stellar proper motions for all stars in the field. The proper motion are used to separate the bulge from the cluster stars. The stellar sequences in the resulting colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) are better defined than in any previously published CMD. Using a-enhanced stellar isochrones we find NGC 6528 to have a probable age of 11 +/- 2

A Performance Study of Circular Polarization Selective Structures

A circular polarization selective structure (CPSS) reflects one handedness of circular polarization and transmits the other. In this paper the performance of a number of classical CPSS designs has been evaluated at the center frequency of operation for all possible spherical incidence angles. The results are presented in a compact way using two dimensional contour plots to represent the return los

Design and development of a roller with embedded heating for uniform temperature generation

This paper provides design experience based on 2D FE electromagnetic and heat transfer analysis that are used to support product development. An induction in-roll heater is analyzed, tested and verified. The scientific challenge is to develop fast and fair models to provide design guidelines for layout specification, material selection and performance estimation. The transferred energy capability

Thin and Thick Disk Results for α-, r- and s-Process Elements

We present the first results from several ongoing studies of the stellara bundances, ages, and chemical trends in the long-lived dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood that belong to the thin and thick galactic disk.We confirm that the trends of α-elements in the thin and thick disk are distinct, and we also find that the thick disk show the typical signature of SN Ia contribution to the chemical e