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Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader : generell metod för fuktdimensionering av byggnader
Två tillämpningsexempel visar att den beskrivna fuktdimensioneringsmetoden är praktiskt genomförbar både när det gäller övergripande anvisningar (s k generella checklistor) för olika byggnadsdelar och för exakt definierade kontrollpunkter för en enskild byggnadsdelar (s k projekteringschecklista som redovisar ett oventilerat varmtak med papp eller dukar av gummi eller plast). De anvisningar som fi
Pain and quality of life among older people with rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis: a literature review.
The aim of this study was to review the research literature on pain and quality of life (QoL) and the relationship between these variables among people aged 75 years and above with rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis. A Medline and CINAHL search was carried out using MeSH terms rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, QoL and pain in various combinations. Seventeen articles were identified tha
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Effect of a conjugated carbonyl group on the photophysical properties of carotenoids
Effects of introducing a carbonyl group into the conjugation system of carotenoids were studied for four naturally occurring carotenoids: peridinin, fucoxanthin, siphonaxanthin and spheroidenone. The conjugated carbonyl group affects energetics and dynamics of all these carotenoids in a similar way, although the magnitude of the changes depends strongly on the carotenoid structure. Firstly, presen
Dentistry in Sweden - Healthy work or ruthless efficiency?
The general objective of this thesis is to provide an understanding of the organization of Sweden's Public Dental Health Service (PDHS) and the problems it has faced, e.g. dentists’ job dissatisfaction. This is done against the background of the historical development of the Service. The thesis comprises five papers, based on two empirical studies. Questionnaires were used for both studies: respon
Predictive factors of developing diabetes mellitus in women with gestational diabetes.
BACKGROUND: To investigate which factors during gestational diabetes pregnancies correlate with the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes 1 year postpartum and to compare this risk in women with gestational diabetes and women with a normal oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy. METHODS: Of 315 women with gestational diabetes, defined as a 2-hr blood glucose value of at l
Low frequency of hepatitis C antibodies among children from foreign countries adopted in Swedish families
89 children from 20 countries adopted to Swedish parents between 1984 and 1988 were tested for the presence of hepatitis C antibodies (anti-HCV). Sera taken soon after their arrival to Sweden were retrospectively analyzed. Two children, an 18-month-old boy from Poland and an 8-month-old girl from India, were anti-HCV positive. The girl from India had lost the anti-HCV antibodies in sera taken at t
Cyclin D3 protein content in human renal cell carcinoma in relation to cyclin D1 and clinico-pathological parameters
Aberrations in the G1/S checkpoint are common in malignancies and are probably important for tumor development. Few G1/S studies have been performed on renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and therefore in this study the cyclin D3 protein content in 80 RCCs and that in 12 corresponding normal kidney cortex tissues are characterized using Western blotting. High cyclin D3 protein content was observed in 16% o
Incidence and predictors of severe extra-articular disease manifestations in an early rheumatoid arthritis inception cohort
Neural beta-adrenergic dilatation of the facial vein in man. Possible mechanism in emotional blushing
Ring preparations of the superficial buccal segment of the human facial vein, taken from extirpated tissue in 12 patients during neck surgery, were studied in vitro. The vein developed a maintained intrinsic myogenic tone in response to passive stretch and was supplied with alpha- as well as beta-adrenoceptors, both of which could be influenced by transmural nerve stimulation (TNS) and noradrenali
Statsvetaren, debattinlägg. Politiker eller byråkrater - vem har makten?
Etik och känslor : en empirisk studie av skuld- och medkänslor hos gymnasieelever – en prövning av Ortonys teori
Popular Abstract in SwedishEn del av Ortonys teorimodell angående den kognitiva strukturen hos emotioner testades på svenska gymnasieelever. Den del av teorin som användes i föreliggande studie handlade om de emotioner som tillskrivs den som utfört s.k. orätta handlingar. De eventuella känslor som man får när man utfört en orätt handling kallar Ortony för "self reproach" emotioner. Detta begrepp sThe purpose of this study was to test parts of Ortony's theoretical model relating to the cognitive structure of emotions in Swedish upper secondary school students. That part of the model, which was appropriate for the present study, deals with emotions attributed to the person who has perpetrated what is referred to as blameworthy actions. Ortony calls the possible emotions that you experience w
Basic science of peripheral nerve repair: Wallerian degeneration/growth cone
Trauma to a peripheral nerve trunk is a complex injury because it involves not only repair processes locally at the peripheral level, but it also engages repair and compensation mechanisms at central levels. The main actor is the fascinating and unique neuron with its supporting cells, which consist mainly of Schwann cells. In the neuron and in the Schwann cells, intracellular signaling mechanisms
Acute mastoiditis in children aged 0-16 years-A national study of 678 cases in Sweden comparing different age groups.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the characteristics of acute mastoiditis in children in different age groups in order to identify risk groups and risk factors for acute mastoiditis. METHODS: Records for all children aged 0-16 years treated for acute mastoiditis during 1993-2007 at 33 Ear, Nose and Throat departments in Sweden were reviewed retrospectively according to defined criteria for acute mastoidi
Direct and inverse scattering in the time domain for a dissipative wave equation. Part 4: Use of phase velocity mismatches to simplify inversions
For pt.III see J. Math. Phys., vol.28, p.260 (1987). The one-dimensional inverse scattering problem is considered for lossy inhomogeneous media for the case in which the phase velocities at the two boundaries of the scatterer do not match that of the host medium. The model problem involves electromagnetic wave propagation in a medium of unknown thickness with spatially varying permittivity and con
What flavones can do, biflavones can do better?
Is administration of gadolinium-based contrast media to pregnant women and small children justified?
The use of gadolinium-based contrast media in pregnant or lactating women has been discouraged at many radiology departments due to the lack of knowledge of the risks for the fetus and the unwillingness to expose neonates to unnecessary drugs. In the present review the current literature and present guidelines regarding the use of gadolinium-based contrast media have been reviewed to validate the
Collaborative Resolution of Requirements Mismatches When Adopting Open Source Components
Abstract in Undetermined[Context and motivation] There is considerable flexibility in requirements specifications (both functional and non-functional), as well as in the features of available OSS components. This allows a collaborative matching and negotiation process between stakeholders such as: customers, software contractors and OSS communities, regarding desired requirements versus available
Specific mediator inhibition by the NO donors SNP and NCX 2057 in the peripheral lung: implications for allergen-induced bronchoconstriction.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine potential therapeutic effect of the two NO donors NCX 2057 (3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid) 4-(nitrooxy)butyl ester) and SNP (sodium nitroprusside) on the early allergic airway response in the peripheral lung. METHODS: The experiments were performed in guinea pig lung parenchyma (GPLP) derived from ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized guinea p