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Analysis of RNA and enzymes of potential importance for regulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthesis in the protochlorophyllide accumulating barley mutant tigrina-d12
Dark-grown tigrina-d(12) mutants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accumulate abnormally high amounts of the chlorophyll intermediate protochlorophyllide. In light dark cycles this leads to necrotic segments of the seedling leaves and lethality due to photodynamic damage by the excessive protochlorophyllide accumulated in the dark period. Upon inhibition of the early chlorophyll biosynthetic enzyme,
Trademark statistics as innovation indicators?-A micro study
On the optical theory of underwater vision in humans
Defocus changes the visual contrast sensitivity function, thereby creating a complex curve with local dips and peaks. Since underwater vision in humans is severely defocused, we used optical theory and the phenomenon of spurious resolution to predict how well humans can see in this environment. The values obtained correspond well with experimental measurements of underwater human acuity from earli
Plan & Protest : En sociologisk studie av kontroverser, demokrati och makt i den fysiska planeringen
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den fysiska planeringen innebär interaktion mellan aktörer inom skilda samhällssfärer där parter med skilda sociala positioner, resurser, perspektiv och värderingar möts. Aktörernas bilder av vilka effekter ett givet planförslag medför och vilka effekter som ska betraktas som de mest centrala varierar regelmässigt. Mellan de berörda parterna är det därför inte ovanligt Since planning in connection with new building projects frequently generates controversy, it can be seen as a typical form of contentious politics. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze siting controversies, their origin, development and termination, in efforts to explore the problem of legitimacy in planning processes of this sort. The research approach employed is that of a multiple case s
Biologisk mångfald i jordbrukslandskapet - spelar ekologisk odling någon roll?
Analys och karakterisering av fysiologiska förlopp
Asthma and COPID: differences and similarities - With special reference to the usefulness of budesonide/formoterol in a single inhaler (Symbicort (R)) in both diseases
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) both have a high prevalence worldwide and yet each condition remains underdiagnosed. Despite a number of common features, these inflammatory respiratory syndromes have distinct clinical outcomes. COPD represents a greater economic burden than asthma because it has a less favourable prognosis and is associated with greater morbidity and mortal
dUTPase from the retrovirus equine infectious anemia virus: specificity, turnover and inhibition
The kinetic properties of dUTPase from equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) were investigated. KM (1.1 [plusmn] 0.1 [mu ]M) and kcat (25 s[minus ]1) were found to be independent of pH in the neutral pH range. Above pH 8.0, KM increases slightly. Below pH 6.0, the enzyme is rapidly deactivated. Detergent was found to enhance activity, leaving KM and kcat unaffected. Compared to the Escherichia col
On a possible candidate for Swedish middle
A tribute to Per Halldal (1922-1986), a Norwegian photobiologist in Sweden.
We present here a tribute to Per Halldal (February 2, 1922-March 26, 1986), a leader, an instrumentalist, an expert on phototaxis in algae, and one whom we remember, even after 20 years of his death, as a person who spread joy, enthusiasm and knowledge wherever he went.
Ecosystem service supply and vulnerability to global change in Europe
Global change will alter the supply of ecosystem services that are vital for human well-being. To investigate ecosystem service supply during the 21st century, we used a range of ecosystem models and scenarios of climate and land-use change to conduct a Europe-wide assessment. Large changes in climate and land use typically resulted in large changes in ecosystem service supply. Some of these trend
Development of Detector Systems for Internal and Fixed Target Heavy Ion Physics Experiments
This thesis deals with intermediate energy heavy ion reactions with the particular aim to study the nuclear matter equation of state which defines the relation between statistical parameters of a fermionic system. The development of equipment for two experiments, CA47 at The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden and R16 at Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI), Groningen, The Netherlands, are d
New structural chromosomal rearrangements in congenital leukemia
The karyotypic abnormalities and clinical data on three patients in whom acute leukemia was diagnosed within the first 6 months of life are presented. The four structural chromosomal rearrangements detected in the bone marrow from these patients, i.e., t(7;12)(q36;p13) and t(1;19)(q11;q11) in case 1, t(2;10;11;12)(q21q31;p13;q13;q24) in case 2, and t(11;19)(q23;p13) in case 3, have not previously
Kroppsfascism mot utomjordiska insekter: Tre filmer av Paul Verhoeven, del 2
Omvärdering av den kritikerutskällda Starship Troopers (1998)
"... sån svensk å blond å sånt du vet." Lexiko-grammatiska drag i Malmöungdomars talspråk
Malaria prevention - new signals
Trafikmedlens egenskaper
Effect of murine strain on metabolic pathways of glucose production after brief or prolonged fasting
Background strain is known to influence the way a genetic manipulation affects mouse phenotypes. Despite data that demonstrate variations in the primary phenotype of basic inbred strains of mice, there is limited data available about specific metabolic fluxes in vivo that may be responsible for the differences in strain phenotypes. In this study, a simple stable isotope tracer/NMR spectroscopic pr
A double-blind, randomised, parallel group, multinational, multicentre study comparing a single dosed of ondansetron 24 mg p.o. with placebo and metoclopramide 10 mg t.d.s. p.o. in the treatment of opioid-induced nausea and emesis in cancer patients
Nausea and emesis are common side effects of opioid drugs administered for pain relief in cancer patients. The aim of this study was to compare the anti-emetic efficacy and safety of ondansetron, placebo and metoclopramide in the treatment of opioid-induced nausea and emesis (OIE) in cancer patients. This was a multinational, multicentre, double-blind, parallel group study in which cancer patients