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Diffusion in Bone Tissue

In order to prevent or modify the processes of bone degeneration the modeling and remodeling of bone tissue must be better understood. In this thesis it is assumed that the primary condition leading to bone growth is a change of the chemical environment caused by transport of matter resulting from stress driven diffusion. The change in the chemical environment may consist of changes in the concent

Azep gas turbine combined cycle power plants thermo-economic analysis

Conventional power plants based on fossil fuel without CO2 capture produce flue gas streams with concentrations Of CO2 between 3% and 15%, contributing to the threat of increasing global warming. Existing capture technologies such as post-combustion flue gas treatment using chemical absorption or pre-combustion carbon removal suffer from significant efficiency penalties as well as major increase i

Ansvar och kontroll. Levd erfarenhet av ljudmiljöer hos personer med kokleaimplantat.

Aim: This study aims at exploring how persons with hearing impairments, using cochlear implants, create and negotiate meaning in relation to soundscapes in modern society. Methods: Participants were contacted through national organisations for persons with hearing impairments. Data was gathered by means of a combination of interviews and an ethnological questionnaire. Results: For persons with coc

Hip revisions with impacted morselized allograft bone and cement. Patient outcome, prosthetic fixation and risks.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I över 40 år har det varit möjligt att operera förslitning (artros) av höftleden med en konstgjord led. De allra flesta av de cirka 12 000 patienter, som opereras i Sverige varje år med så kallad höftplastik, får en ny höftkula av metall och en ny ledpanna av plast. De nya leddelarna förankras oftast i lårbenet (kulan) respektive bäckenbenet (pannan) med bencement, ett 144 consecutive hip revisions performed with morselized allograft bone and cement were followed up to 5 years after surgery. In 49 hips patient outcome was evaluated with the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) questionnaire and Charnley hip scores in 47 hips prosthetic fixation was evaluated with radiostereometry (RSA)and in all 144 hips risks and complications were recorded using a prspective protoc

Retailising Space, Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space

In recent decades we have witnessed a proliferation of new kinds of retail space. Retail space has cropped up just about everywhere in the urban landscape, at libraries, workplaces, churches and museums. In short, retail is becoming a more and more manifest part of the public domain. The traditional spaces of retail such as city centres and outlying shopping malls are either increasing in size or