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Implementation of an economic model to simulate manufacturing costs

An economic model describing manufacturing costs is implemented within the frame of a case study. The implemented economic model is developed to enable analyses of the cost items and parameters influencing the cost of a part or a batch and also to make simulations for the purpose of investigating the economic outcome of future development activities. The aim of the case study was to identify activ

Empatisk förståelse. Från inlevelse till osjälviskhet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgör en filosofisk studie av empatisk förståelse, dvs. förståelse av hur det är för någon att uppleva (t ex känna, se, tänka) någonting. De två centrala frågeställningarna är (1) hur är empatiskt förståelse möjlig och (2) hur kan empatisk förståelse motivera människor att hjälpa andra personer. Avhandlingen försvarar tesen att dessa frågor besvaras genom aThis treatise examines the nature of empathic understanding, i.e. understanding of what it is like for someone to be in a particular mental state. Its aim is twofold: (1) to explain how empathic understanding is possible, and (2) to explain how empathic understanding can cause unselfishness. The treatise defends a theory that meets both these desiderata. According to this theory (“the simulation i

Miljövård i marknadsekonomin

A tax financed universal basic income for everyone as a means to improve the environment and improve the quality of life.

Modelling the vegetation of the Earth

This thesis describes the development and application of an equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model, BIOME3. The model simulates vegetation distribution and biogeochemistry, and couples vegetation distribution directly to biogeochemistry. A photosynthesis scheme was developed with maximum photosynthetic rates derived using a theory based on optimal nitrogen allocation; the scheme has the important

Balance, gait performance and muscular strength in the elderly

Popular Abstract in Swedish Benbrott inträffar i betydligt högre grad hos stadsbor jämfört med landsortsbor. Bakgrundsfaktorer, såsom graden av fysisk aktivitet och belastning i arbetet, kan ha betydelse för fall, som orsakar benbrott. Vi fann att äldre kvinnor som brutit handleden inom 3 månader från undersökningstillfället föreföll ha nedsatt balans, en försämring som verkar förbättras till normFracture incidence is higher in urban than in rural inhabitants. Background factors such as physical activity and workload may have an influence on the tendency to fall, leading to fractures. We found that elderly women with a recent fracture of the distal radius appear to have impaired balance, an impairment that seems to normalise with time after fracture. The aim of this study was also to get n

The pair in the group: Boundaries for destruction and creativity

A comparative case study is performed of three working groups containing pairs and triads. Effects on cohesion and group development are analyzed and a model is constructed A distinction is made between pairs formed 1. out of earlier relationships, 2. and/or to pursue work and those that form, 3. as a reaction to the former. Pairs can contribute to work and development in constructive ways, but pa

Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

The Article is an introduction to the theology of Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger based on an analysis of his main works. It is shown that Joseph Ratzinger is part of the general renewal of Roman Catholic theology during the second half of the 20th century. Contrary to widespread assumptions there can be shown only small changes in the writings of this important theologian and present pope.

Ashes: Sweden

The article presents results from an investigation made in southern Sweden in 2001. Ten relatives of people whose remains were scattered were interviewed about the circumstances of the scattering. The forms for scattering the ashes varied depending on the locality. In several cases relatives scattered the ashes alone or together, and in some cases funeral directors and a minister did it. Reciting

Contextual Inquiry as a Critical Perspective in Research

Human systems create problem spaces that are ambiguous, uncertain and constantly changing. This requires researchers to find approaches to inquiry that can be used to explore inconsistent and ill-defined phenomena. Much analytical work is done without in-depth consideration of context. This means that important dimensions are lost – rigour in investigation is prioritised over relevance. Research m

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and aspirin in congestive heart failure

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid hjärtsvikt är hjärtats pumpförmåga nedsatt och kroppens vävnader kan ej förses med tillräckligt mycket blod utan kompensatoriska förändringar i kroppen. Dessa kompensationsmekanismer är kortvarigt ändamålsenliga men skjuter snabbt över målet vid hjärtsvikt och förvärrar istället symptomen. Under de senaste åren har behandlingen av hjärtsvikt därför kommit att inriktAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors act by decreasing production of angiotensin II and by potentiating the effects of bradykinin by inhibition of its breakdown. Bradykinin exerts part of its effects via vasodilating prostaglandins. Since the cyclooxygenase (COX)-inhibitors, e.g. aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs, block the formation of prostaglandins patients may