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Your search for "*" yielded 531682 hits

Something for everyone - Horizontal gene transfer in evolution

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a sensational topic largely because its exploitation to date has been primarily journalistic. Properly packaged it captures the attention of a sensitized lay public and peps up circulation. HGT provides technical challenges for academic scientists as well as market analysts. For fans of science fiction as well as for environmental pessimists, HGT is the stuff of d

Frequency Selective Detection of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Signals

Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) offers an unequivocal method of detecting and identifying both hidden explosives, such as land mines, and a variety of narcotics. Unfortunately, the practical use of NQR is restricted by a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and means to improve the SNR are vital to enable a rapid, reliable, and convenient system. In this paper, we introduce a frequency-selective ap

Demonizing Discourse in Mao Zedong's China: People vs Non-People

This article examines the use of demonizing rhetoric by the Chinese Communist Party during the first decades of the People’s Republic after 1949. It chronicles the rise, flourishing, and ultimate post-Mao demise of a political discourse predicated on an ‘essential’ distinction between people and non-people. With the help of illustrations lifted from public and until recently classified sources, it

Energy Efficient Window Systems. Effects on Energy Use and Daylight in Buildings.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om energieffektiva fönstersystem i svenska byggnader. Simuleringar av energianvändningen har gjorts för både småhus och kontor för att bedöma effekterna av olika fönsterval på energibehov och inneklimat. Två års mätningar av energianvändning och innetemperaturer för ett energisnålt radhus har utvärderats. Två beteendestudier har även genomförts This thesis deals with energy-efficient windows in Swedish buildings. Parametric studies were performed in the dynamic energy simulation tool Derob-LTH in order to study the effects of window choices on energy use and indoor climate for both residential and office buildings. A steady-state program was used to evaluate two years of measurements of energy use and indoor temperatures of an energy-eff

Brandrisker och brandskador - hur kan de påverkas. Fire hazards and fire damgages - how to influence them

Det är angeläget, att det schematiska sätt, som nu normalt tillämpas för en dimensionering och utformning av en byggnads eller ett samhälles försvar, på sikt ersätts med ett mer kvalificerat förfarande, som bygger på funktionsbaserade analyser eller bedömningar av brandpåverkade systems reaktion för alternativa möjliga scenarier. Detta är huvudbudskapet i följande rapport, som beylser förutsättnin

Signal-averaged P wave analysis for delineation of interatrial conduction - Further validation of the method

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The study was designed to investigate the effect of different measuring methodologies on the estimation of P wave duration. The recording length required to ensure reproducibility in unfiltered, signal-averaged P wave analysis was also investigated. An algorithm for automated classification was designed and its reproducibility of manual P wave morphology classification invest

Sulfhydryl oxidase modified composite electrode for the detection of reduced thiolic compounds

Thiol (SH) groups play a remarkable role in the cell with their redox state affecting the activity and structure of many enzymes, receptors and transcription factors. In the present work, carbon paste electrodes modified with sulfhydryl oxidase (SOX) were prepared. The proposed biosensor was based on the monitoring of the produced peroxide concentration that correlates with the concentration of re

Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox

The arctic fox Alopex lugopus excavates its dens in gravely ridges and hillocks, and creates a local environment quite distinct from the surrounding tundra or heath landscape. In northern Sweden, the vegetation of 18 dens of the arctic fox was investigated, as well as reference areas off the dens but in geologically and topographically similar locations. The species composition showed considerable

Photoemission study of LT-GaAs

The electronic structure of GaAs (100) grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy was investigated by means of photoemission spectroscopy. Slight differences are found in the valence band spectra of GaAs layers grown at different As-2/Ga flux ratios. Analysis of As 3d core level spectra does not indicate qualitative differences in respect to high temperature grown GaAs (100) layers. The Ga 3d

Determination of specific surface by the BET method

Abstract in French On peut déterminer la surface spécifique par des mesures d’adsorption des gaz ou des vapeurs d’après la théorie de Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, que l’on examine ici, de même que les techniques expérimentales disponibles: méthodes statiques (volumétriques ou gravimétriques) et dynamiques plus ou moins complexes. En s’aidant d’exemples, on discute l’application de la théorie de B.E.T. The theoretical background of the adsorption isotherm equation of Brunauer, Emmett and Teller is reviewed, together with the experimental techniques available for measuring physical adsorption of gases by solids. Examples are given to show how such measurements are used to determine the specific surface of constructional materials.

Tertiary phosphine abstraction from a platinum(II) coordination complex with SeCN-: Crystal and molecular structures of Se=PTA and [Se=PTA-Me]I center dot CH3OH

Reacting [PtCl(PTA)(3)]Cl (PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[,7)]decane) with KSeCN in aqueous or MeOH medium results in the abstraction of the PTA ligands to yield Se = PTA. The reaction also proceeds quantitatively by direct reaction of PTA and KSeCN in water or methanol. The methylated PTA ligand, [PTA-Me]I (1-methyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo[3.3. 1.1(3,7)]decane iodide),

Ärans och hjältarnas tid - eller de bondska töntarnas epok?

This subject of this article is the discrepancy in 20th-century popular culture with regard to views on the Middle Ages. On the one hand, the medieval period has come to represent darkness, stupidity and, in the negative sense of the word, an old-fashioned attitude to life. On the other hand, the Middle Ages is often visualised as a positive antithesis to modernity, an age of heoric values, knight

Optimization of energy-window settings for scatter correction in quantitative In-111 imaging: Comparison of measurements and Monte Carlo simulations

Activity quantification in nuclear medicine imaging is highly desirable, particularly for dosimetry and biodistribution studies of radiopharmaceuticals. Quantitative In-111 imaging is increasingly important with the current interest in therapy using Y-90 radiolabeled antibodies. One of the major problems in quantification is scatter in the images, which leads to degradation of image quality. The a

Tubular secretion of Tamm-Horsfall protein is decreased in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy

Signs of glomerular, proximal and distal tubular dysfunction as well as metabolic control were studied in type 1 diabetes mellitus. To that end, the urinary excretion rates of albumin, sodium, phosphate and Tamm-Horsfall protein as well as HbA1c levels were measured in 20 patients with different degrees of diabetic nephropathy (positive Albustix for several years). Eight diabetic patients with sho

Antifeedant and toxic activity of Adhatoda vasica leaf extract against Spodoptera littoralis (Lep., Noctuidae)

The effect of crude methanolic extracts of Adhatoda vasica leaves on the feeding and performance of Spodoptera littoralis larvae was investigated in the laboratory. Feeding on fresh leaves resulted in 100% mortality of larvae after 26 days of unsubstantial growth. The extract exhibited strong antifeedant and toxic activity against the larvae when applied either on leaf discs or incorporated into a