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Interimistisk fullgörelse - en förankrad rättsfigur i tysk rättspraxis

Det har kommit att bli allt vanligare att tvister löses slutgiltigt i samband med beslut om interimistiska säkerhetsåtgärder. Detta har sin grund bl.a. i att parter förliks på grundval av det interimistiska beslutet eller väljer att avstå från att gå vidare med processen. I vissa fall är emellertid situationen sådan att kärandens rättsliga anspråk aldrig kan tillgodoses om inte tvisten avgörs myck

Förutsätter Europakonventionen att den svenska bestämmelsen om våldtäkt revideras? - En analys av rättsfallet M.C. mot Bulgarien och dess betydelse för svensk rätt

Den fråga som är föremål för utredning i föreliggande uppsats, är huruvida Europakonventionen, med utgångspunkt i Europadomstolens dom i M.C. mot Bulgarien (Bulgariendomen), förutsätter att den svenska bestämmelsen om våldtäkt revideras. Europakonventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna gäller som svensk lag, och Sverige är skyldigt att garantera att individen kommer i åtnjutande av de fri- och rät

Freedom of Expression in Newly Established Democracies of Eastern Europe: Azerbaijan in Focus

This paper examines the freedom of expression in a newly established in Eastern Europe democracy, namely in Azerbaijan. Before reviewing the domestic law of Azerbaijan on freedom of expression, the study touches upon a few important thoughts and statements about the interdependence of freedom of expression and democracy. Afterwards it elaborates international binding as well as non-binding standar

Challenges and Possibilities Arising in the Development of Human Rights Indicators for State Reporting

HR indicators are increasingly used as a method for analysis in the work with human rights. However, the concept of HR indicators is often subject to confusion due to the lack of a common and universal theoretical framework. This study focuses on the elaboration of HR indicators for state reporting within the UN treaty monitoring bodies and argues that an extended and more coherent use of HR indic

Corruption and Human Rights Violations

In the second chapter there is a description of corruption today. First I will provide a definition of corruption. Many definitions exist, but the common criteria in these definitions are abuse of power for private gain to the detriment of public interest. After explaining the theoretical definition I will describe corruption in practice through providing different forms of corruption. Public sect

Investigate the reasonable way of introducing the competition concept into Vietnamese law

As a tool to implement competition policies, Competition laws play important role in protecting and encouraging competition environment in market economy, guarantee the freedom of economic activities and the effective functioning of market mechanisms. Therefore, the competition laws have achieved more practical importance nowadays, and become indispensable components of legal structures in many co

Judicial Review and Judicial Activism of the European Court of Justice and the United States Supreme Court

Judicial review, power exerted by supreme judicial bodies to examine constitutionality of the actions of the legislator and the executive and declare them void if they violate the constitution, is a powerful instrument in hands of judiciary. First introduced in the United States by the Supreme Court as a constitutional principle it has spread all over the world and has been widely exercised by suc

Autonomy and International Law in the Context of the Nisga'a Final Agreement

The Nisga'a Final Agreement (NFA) is a legal agreement between the Nisga'a Nation of the Nass Valley, the government of British Columbia and the Canadian government. For the Nisga'a it is the culmination of over a 100 years of efforts to arrive at a mutually agreeable legal framework of land ownership, resource management and self-government. This paper evaluates the Nisga'a Final

The Role of Media in Russian Transition Towards Democracy

Russia is a country in transition towards democracy. However, the transition is very slow and many would say that Vladimir Putins's politics is pushing the country back to an authoritarian stage. One of the prerequisites of democracy is the possibility for the people to choose the leader. Nevertheless, democracy is much more than just being able to vote. The people of Russia are led by the man

Överförande av straffverkställighet ur en ideologisk synvinkel

Den straffrättsliga utvecklingen inom EU har alltsedan formulerandet av Tammerforsslutsatserna 1999 präglats av en strävan att skapa ett område av frihet, säkerhet och rättvisa. Principen om ömsesidigt erkännande är en viktig hörnsten i detta arbete. Principen ligger till grund för rambeslutet om ett europeiskt verkställighetsbeslut och överförande av dömda personer mellan Europeiska unionens medl