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The serine protease Sp7 is expressed in blood cells and regulates the melanization reaction in Drosophila.

Serine proteases play a central role in defense against pathogens by regulating processes such as blood clotting, melanization of injured surfaces, and proteolytic activation of signaling pathways involved in innate immunity. Here, we present the functional characterization of the Drosophila serine protease Sp7 (CG3006) by inducible RNA interference. We show that Sp7 is constitutively expressed in

Mapping Primary Production for the West African Sahel with Satellite Data

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kartering av primärproduktion i Västrafrikanska Sahel genom användning av satellitdata. I avhandlingen har utvecklats en Light Use Efficency (LUE) modell som medger kartering av bruttoprimärproduktionen (GPP) exemplifierad i ett område i Västafrikanska Sahel. Modellen utnyttjar satellitbaserad månatlig Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) tillsammans med andraA light Use Efficiency (LUE) model is developed that allows the mapping of total growing season Gross Primary Production (GPP) for the West African Sahel, using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) together with other data. Image quality may be poor in monthly NDVI maximum value composites as shown by an improved geostatistical noise estimation technique. Quality may be improved by ot

Ordets hyggda i Babel, Alexandria, Hippo och Lissabon: Om teodicén som hermeneutisk metod

We are constantly reminded of the problem of evil. There are a number of models to cope with theodicy, but the problem with most of them is that, in different ways, they tend to legitimate evil and accuse the victims. In this article it is suggested that theodicy may serve as a hermeneutical key when reading often marginalised or misunderstood text belonging to the Jewish and Christian traditions.

On quantification of error and uncertainty in two-zone models used in fire safety design

The error in smoke transport models have mainly been analyzed with qualitative approaches till date. The results make it difficult to perform a quantitative assessment of the model error in fire safety design applications. Even if a model has a substantial model error, it can be a very useful tool, as long as the designer is aware of the errors and the uncertainties in the predictions. This paper

Some design recommendations to improve comfort in helmets: a case study from China

Abstract in UndeterminedUnless the basic user needs are satisfied in safety helmets, it is difficult to get workers to wear them habitually and for long periods. Hotness, weight and fitting problems are major wearability issues that require improvements. The enormous need for an optimally designed helmet in China prompted a case study on comfort aspects in helmets. The subjective impressions of th

Mature-onset obesity in interleukin-1 receptor I knockout mice

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a major mediator of inflammation that exerts its biological activities through the IL-1 type I receptor (IL-1RI). The body weights of IL-1RI(-/-) mice of both sexes started to deviate from those of wild-type mice at 5-6 months of age and were 20% higher at 9 months of age. Visceral and subcutaneous fat mass, measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and magnetic resonanc

Jitter Compensation in Digital Control Systems

A method to compensate for time-varying, possibly random, delays (jitter) in digital control systems is presented. Using time-stampsfrom the control system, a linear compensator is designed asan add-on to an existing control system. Stability andperformance analysis is performed, and leads to frequency domainconditions. Therefore, loop-shaping can be used for thecompensator design. The design ofth