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Your search for "*" yielded 531622 hits

Sequential cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic characterization of an SV40T-immortalized nasopharyngeal cell line transformed by Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein-1 gene

Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic analyses were performed on four sublines derived from a newly established, SV40T-immortalized nasopharyngeal (NP) cell line, NP69, with two of the sublines expressing LMP1, an Epstein-Barr virus-encoded gene. A total of seven cytogenetically related subclones were identified, all having highly complex karyotypes with massive numerical and structural rearrangem

Common structure in amorphised compound semiconductors

Extended X-ray absorption fine structure has been utilised to determine the structural parameters of the amorphous III-V semiconductors GaP, GaAs, InP and InAs. The amorphous phase was formed by ion implantation to inhibit preparation-specific artefacts associated with the alternative fabrication techniques of sputtering and evaporation. Relative to crystalline standards, increases in bond length

A force allocation strategy for dynamic positioning

A force allocation strategy used in connection with dynamic positioning of ships and semi-submersibels is presented. The strategy dynamically allocates force, and in case of azimuth thrusters - force directions, to a set of thrusters. The strategy handles n thrusters (n greater than or equal to 2) in an arbitrary configuration. The decision making of the strategy is based on minimum power consumpt

Patients' experiences of consultations for nonspecific chronic orofacial pain: A phenomenological study

Aims: To use a qualitative research study to analyze the experiences of patients with nonspecific chronic orofacial pain with respect to consultations for their pain condition. Methods: Fourteen patients (11 women and 3 men; age range, 21 to 77 years) were strategically selected through a purposive sampling of the chronic orofacial pain patients referred to the Orofacial Pain Unit at the Faculty o

Neurotransmitter candidates in the vomeronasal organ of the rat.

Conclusion: The rich supply of nerve fibres containing neurotransmitters, particularly those containing SP and CGRP, is suggested to be a prerequisite for the recognition of chemical irritants as part of a chemical sense. Objective: The present study was designed to examine the distribution of different neurotransmitter candidates in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) of rats. Materials and methods: The

Identical Bands in 77Sr, 78Sr, and 78Rb - Evidence for a very good Spectator Orbital

The highest spin states in a T(z)=1/2 nucleus have been observed in 77Sr: I(pi)=(49/2+) and (29/2-). In addition, states up to I(pi)=(22+) have been seen in 78Sr. The alpha=1/2, g9/2 band and both signature partners of the negative parity band in 77Sr were found to be identical to the yrast band in 78Sr with relative alignments of 1.22(7)HBAR, 0.52(5)HBAR (alpha=1/2), and 0.42(4)HBAR (alpha=-1/2),

A dynamic object-oriented model for efficient simulation of fluid dispersion in turbulent flow with varying fluid properties

Dispersion coefficients for turbulent flow are commonly available, but the common models are not easily implemented for fast computation of dispersion in time-dependent large flow systems. Criteria were developed to aid in the choice of parameters for a model combining plug flow with the N-continuously stirred-tanks model to obtain the best agreement with the pure axial-dispersed plug-flow model,

Neurotrophins and brain insults

Epileptic, hypoglycaemic, ischaemic and traumatic insults to the brain induce marked changes of gene expression for the neurotrophins, nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3, and their high-affinity receptors, TrkB and TrkC, in cortical and hippocampal neurones. Release of glutamate and influx of Ca2+ are the most important triggering factors. The major hypothese

On global existence for semilinear parabolic systems

We present some results on global existence of classical solutions of certain semilinear parabolic systems with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in bounded domains with a smooth boundary, relaxing the usual monotonicity assumptions on the nonlinearities.

Socioeconomic and sociolinguistic predictors of children’s L2 and L1 writing quality

Spanish-English bilingual fourth grade children were reliably poorer in English receptive vocabulary and English grammar awareness compared to their English-speaking monolingual peers, but were as skillful in English language assessments of phonological awareness, reading comprehension, and five measures of writing (writing quality, word, clause, and transcribing fluency, and vocabulary diversity)

Structures of District Nurse : Patient Interaction

This dissertation is about social interaction between Swedish district nurses and patients when they meet to perform such routine things as to measure blood pressures or give injections. Conversation analytic methodology is used to explicate interactional structures and to understand how they come about; (i) how tests and treatments are achieved; (ii) how concerns are introduced; (iii) how test re

Harald Boklund : kosmopolitiskt, regionalt och nationalromantiskt i Skånes arkitektur 1890-1930

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den i Malmö verksamme arkitekten Harald Boklund (1868-1924) är avhandlingens huvudperson. Vi får följa hans liv och verksamhet från direktörsvåningen på Konstakademien i Stockholm, över studie- och praktikåren i kejsartidens Berlin och det produktiva kompanjonskapet med August Lindvall i industrialismens Malmö till hans roll som föreningsmänniska, arkitekt, kritiker ochThe major part of this thesis is dedicated to a biography of the Swedish architect Harald Boklund (1868-1924), but also deals with the problematic concepts of cosmopolitism, regionalism and National romanticism i Scanian architecture 1890-1930. Harald Boklund was the son of Johan Boklund, a famous painter and director of the Swedish Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. Harald Boklund got his educati

Joint attention, triangulation and radical interpretation: A problem and its solution

By describing the aim of triangulation as locating the objects of thoughts and utterances, Davidson has given in the double role of accounting for both the individuation of content and the sense in which content necessarily is public. The focus of this article is on how triangulation may contribute to the individuation of content. I maintain that triangulation, interpreted in terms of joint attent