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Your search for "*" yielded 529186 hits

Mechanical Reperfusion Following Prolonged Global Cerebral Ischemia Attenuates Brain Injury

Previous experiments demonstrated improved outcome following prolonged cerebral ischemia given controlled brain reperfusion using extracorporeal circulation. The current study further investigates this. Young adult pigs were exposed to 30 min of global normothermic cerebral ischemia, achieved through intrathoracic clamping of cerebral arteries, followed by 20 min of isolated mechanical brain reper

Evolution of the ermine moth pheromone tetradecyl acetate

The nine sympatric forms of small ermine moths of the genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptere; Yponomeutidae) in the west palaearctic region show various degrees of differentiation1,2, including among other characteristics, differences in their sexual pheromones3. As is the case for many other moths4, the ermine moths so far analysed use delta 11-unsaturated acetates ((Z)-11-tetradecenyl, (E)-11-tetradeceny

Chain-elongated analogues of a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum. A structure-activity study using molecular mechanics

Chain-elongated analogues of (Z)-dec-5-enyl acetate, a pheromone component of the turnip moth, Agrotis segetum, have been studied. The conformational energies required for the analogues to mimic spatial relationships in the parent molecule, assumed to be crucial for the receptor interaction, were calculated by molecular mechanics (MM2). The calculated energies show a striking correlation with meas

Full scale tunnel evacuation experiment to determine appropriate emergency exit portal designs in road tunnels

In this paper, the execution and results of an evacuation experiment that was conducted in a road tunnel in Stockholm in 2014 is presented. The primary objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of different emergency exit portal designs, and other technical installations/aids in the tunnel, during a fire evacuation in smoke. Based on the results, it is concluded that the emerge

An exploratory analysis of the impact of climate change on macedonian agriculture

Using a mixed input–output model, this study examines potential changes in sector output and water requirements in Macedonia arising from climate change. By defining three climate change scenarios and exogenously specifying the warming shocks for five key agricultural sub-sectors, the effects on the economy were quantified. The results indicated that except for cereals and grapes, agricultural pro

Coherence and the Successive Contribution in Two-Neutron Transfer reactions

In this short letter we briefly address two important points of two-neutron transfer reactions, namely the successive nature of the process and the role of pairing correlations during this sequential transfer. The discussion is made within the 2-step DWBA formalism. The calculations were carried out making use of software specifically developed for this purpose, which includes successive, simultan

Quantitative study of coherent pairing modes with two-neutron transfer : Sn isotopes

Pairing rotations and pairing vibrations are collective modes associated with a field, the pair field, which changes the number of particles by two. Consequently, they can be studied at profit with the help of two-particle transfer reactions in superfluid and in normal nuclei, respectively. The advent of exotic beams has opened, for the first time, the possibility to carry out such studies in medi

Calculation of the transition from pairing vibrational to pairing rotational regimes between magic nuclei Sn100 and Sn132 via two-nucleon transfer reactions

Absolute values of two-particle transfer cross sections along the Sn-isotopic chain are calculated. They agree with measurements within errors and without free parameters. Within this scenario, the predictions concerning the absolute value of the two-particle transfer cross sections associated with the excitation of the pairing vibrational spectrum expected around the recently discovered closed sh

Injectable silver nanosensors:: In vivo dosimetry for external beam radiotherapy using positron emission tomography

Development of safe and efficient radiotherapy routines requires quantification of the delivered absorbed dose to the cancer tissue in individual patients. In vivo dosimetry can provide accurate information about the absorbed dose delivered during treatment. In the current study, a novel silver-nanosensor formulation based on poly(vinylpyrrolidinone)-coated silver nanoparticles formulated in a gel

Validation and Calibration of the EXIT89 Evacuation Model for Road Tunnel Evacuation Applications

The validation of an evacuation model is generally performed through testing its predictive capabilities within a set of standard environments (e.g. buildings) or standard layouts. Unfortunately, non-expert users could consider model results as reliable in unique environments as well, such as road tunnels, and extend their use to applications where no ad hoc validation tests have been performed. T

Insulation and Evaporative Resistance of Clothing for Sugarcane Harvesters and Chemical Sprayers, and Their Application in PHS Model-Based Exposure Predictions

Many workers are exposed to heat stress that can be exacerbated by the type of clothing they wear. The resulted heat strain can lead to short or long-term heat-related disorders. This study aimed to measure clothing properties of sugarcane field workers and evaluate the heat strain by an international standard, predicted heat strain model (PHS). The clothing thermal insulation and evaporative resi

Granzyme B-Mediated Activation-Induced Death of CD4+ T Cells Inhibits Murine Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease

Granzyme B (GzmB) has previously been shown to be critical for CD8(+) T cell-mediated graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) but dispensable for GVHD mediated by CD4(+) T cells. However, previous studies used high doses of CD4(+) T cells in MHC-mismatched models that caused rapid and lethal GVHD. Because of the hyperacute lethality, it is possible that the role of GzmB was concealed by the system. There

Vad är överturism? : En kunskapsöversikt

Turism dominerar alltmer det sociala livet i städerna. Detökade flödet av turister till vissa storstäder i Europa lämnarefter sig problem kopplat till trängsel, nedskräpning, trafik,prissättning på bostäder och missnöjesyttringar bland lokalastadsbor.Överturism beskriver ett tillstånd när det kommer så mångaturister till en plats att det får negativ påverkan på såvällokalbefolkningens livskvalitet

Is This Completely M.A.D.? Three Views on the Ruling of the German FCC on 5th May 2020

This brief note, on the Bundesverfassungsgericht’s Weiss judgment of 5th May 2020, highlights three implications of the German Federal Constitutional Court’s landmark ruling and its constitutional significance with implications for the wider context of Member States’ cooperation in the EU and European integration as a whole. We explain the relevant background of the judgment and argue that the spe

Hindlimb motor responses to unilateral brain injury : spinal cord encoding and left-right asymmetry

Mechanisms of motor deficits (e.g. hemiparesis and hemiplegia) secondary to stroke and traumatic brain injury remain poorly understood. In early animal studies, a unilateral lesion to the cerebellum produced postural asymmetry with ipsilateral hindlimb flexion that was retained after complete spinal cord transection. Here we demonstrate that hindlimb postural asymmetry in rats is induced by a unil

A population-based study on serious inpatient bacterial infections in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and their impact on survival

Objective: Infections in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have been thoroughly investigated in the setting of clinical trials and single-center studies. However, large cohort studies on real-world data and studies on temporal trends are lacking. We performed a nationwide study on serious bacterial infections in CLL. Methods: Using high-quality Swedish government-based registries, 13 009 CLL pati

Separation of the 1+/1- parity doublet in 20Ne

The (J, T)=(1, 1) parity doublet in 20Ne at 11.26 MeV is a good candidate to study parity violation in nuclei. However, its energy splitting is known with insufficient accuracy for quantitative estimates of parity violating effects. To improve on this unsatisfactory situation, nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments using linearly and circularly polarized γ-ray beams were used to determine the

Cooper pair transfer in nuclei

The second-order distorted wave Born approximation implementation of two-particle transfer direct reactions which includes simultaneous and successive transfer, properly corrected by non-orthogonality effects, is tested with the help of controlled nuclear structure and reaction inputs against data spanning the whole mass table, and showed to constitute a quantitative probe of nuclear pairing corre