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Prosecution Reform and the Politics of Faking Democracy in South Korea
A public struggle in South Korea around prosecution reform brings into focus a deeper battle between forces seeking to make the state more responsive to ordinary people and those aiming to preserve the status quo. Opponents of prosecution reform turned to a mode of politics that appropriated the styles and symbols of democracy to justify the obstruction of reforms that would break down a key autho
Democracy Is More than a Political System : Lessons from South Korea's Political Transformation
Boronic Acid Functionalized Nanosilica for Binding Guest Molecules
Dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) has very high surface area and well-defined nanochannels; therefore, it is very useful as supporting material for numerous applications including catalysis, sensing, and bioseparation. Due to the highly restricted space, addition of molecular ligands to DFNS is very challenging. This work studies how ligand conjugation in nanoscale pores in DFNS can be achieved
Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus males increase their reproductive effort when subject to a flea experimental manipulation
Parasites exert a strong selection pressure on their hosts as manifested in behavioural antiparasite traits to reduce negative impacts on fitness. The numerous nest-dwelling ecto-parasites residing in avian nests make altricial birds excellent model-systems for investigating the relationship between parasites and their hosts. Here, we experimentally increased natural levels of hen fleas Ceratophyl
The perils of authentic leadership theory
In this commentary, we discuss perils of authentic leadership theory (ALT) in a modest effort to help weed out one theory that has gone amiss to pave the way for new ideas. We make an argument for why ALT is not only wrong in a harmless manner, but it may be outright perilous to leadership scholars, scholarship and those who believe in it. It may undermine academic work, delegitimize university in
Projection Bias and Youth’s and Parents’ Perceptions of Their Joint Political Discussions
This study investigated the idea that youth’s perceptions of the frequency of family political discussions and of parental political support mostly derive from their own political interest, a form of projection bias. Tests were performed of whether the same bias applies to parents, and whether youth’s and parents’ perceptions of political discussions and political support overlap to only a limited
A combined measurement and modelling approach to assess the sustainability of whole-tree harvesting—a swedish case study
The demand of renewable energy has increased the interest in whole-tree harvesting. The sustainability of whole-tree harvesting after clear-cutting, from an acidification point of view, depends on two factors: the present acidification status and the further loss of buffering capacity at harvesting. The aims of this study were to investigate the relationship between these two factors at 26 sites a
Asymmetric contributions of seed and pollen to gene dispersal in the marsh orchid Dactylorhiza umbrosa in Asia Minor
Orchids differ from other plants in their extremely small and partly air-filled seeds that can be transported long distances by wind. Seed dispersal in orchids is expected to contribute strongly to overall gene flow, and orchids generally express low levels of genetic differentiation between populations and low pollen to seed flow ratios. However, studies in orchids distributed in northern Europe
Hayek, welfarism, and the deserving poor
Hayek sees poverty in its absolute sense as a factual problem, which the society has an obligation to deal with. Relative poverty, on the other hand, is not a problem with which the state should be concerned. Hayek approves the use of redistribution to decrease absolute poverty. However, redistribution of income for the sake of greater material equality would necessarily imply unequal treatment of
Normalizing the Natural : A study of menstrual product destigmatization
I denna avhandling utvecklar jag förståelsen kring avstigmatiseringsprocesser till att inkludera produkters avstigmatisering. Tidigare forskning kring avstigmatisering har främst fokuserat på individer, grupper, organisationer och industrier. Dock finns det en mängd empiriskt bevis som vittnar om att produktstigma har signifikanta effekter på marknadslogiker, inklusive enligt lag bestämda produktkIn this thesis, I develop our understanding of the destigmatization process to include product destigmatization. Previous research on destigmatization has primarily focused on that of individuals, groups, organizations, and industries. However, there is an abundance of empirical evidence showing that a product stigma has a significant bearing on market logics, including legal classification of pro
Molecular characterization of coxsackievirus a24v from feces and conjunctiva reveals epidemiological links
Coxsackievirus A24 variant (CVA24v), the main causative agent of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC), can be isolated from both the eyes and lower alimentary tract. However, the molecular features of CVA24v in feces is not well-documented. In this study, we compared the VP1 and 3C sequences of CVA24v strains isolated from feces during AHC epidemics in Cuba in 1997, 2003, and 2008–2009 with thos
Buying brass : A method re-examined
This article is an account of a lecture-performance presentation held in the context of “Contradictions as a Method,” an international Bertolt Brecht symposium that took place in November 2019 at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. As three speakers engaged with theatre in different ways, we were inspired by the dialogical structure of Brecht’s play Buying Brass and staged a similarly struct
Sacred (re)collections : Culture, space and boundary negotiation in Turkish-Islamic memory politics
This article discusses how state-organized, memory-cultural production drawing on religious signifiers contributes to a sacralization of Turkish public memory institutions and public space. This reinforces an Islamic-nationalist imagination of contemporary Turkey. The article explores state-led, disciplinary interventions in museal space (the Sacred Trusts exhibition of relics at Topkapı Palace MuThis article discusses how state-organized, memory-cultural production drawing on religious signifiers contributes to a sacralization of Turkish public memory institutions and public space. This reinforces an Islamic-nationalist imagination of contemporary Turkey. The article explores state-led, disciplinary interventions in museal space (the Sacred Trusts exhibition of relics at Topkapı Palace Mu
Boro som mode och antimode
Crystal structures of NUDT15 variants enabled by a potent inhibitor reveal the structural basis for thiopurine sensitivity
The enzyme NUDT15 efficiently hydrolyses the active metabolites of thiopurine drugs, which are routinely used for treating cancer and inflammatory diseases. Loss-of-function variants in NUDT15 are strongly associated with thiopurine intolerance, such as leukopenia, and pre-emptive NUDT15 genotyping has been clinically implemented to personalize thiopurine dosing. However, understanding the molecul
GDR Cinema on Swedish Television: Institutional Entanglements and the Reception of East-German Narratives
Throat-Clearing Vocalizations in Primary Brain Calcification Syndromes
Comprehensive Analysis of Foulants in an Ultrafiltration Membrane Used for the Treatment of Bleach Plant Effluent in a Sulfite Pulp Mill
Fouling is a major obstacle in the introduction of membrane processes in new applications in the pulping industry. Due to the complex nature of the feed solutions, complementary analysis methods are usually needed to identify the substances involved. Four different methods were used for the comprehensive analysis of a membrane removed from an ultrafiltration plant treating alkaline bleach plant ef
The validation status of blood biomarkers of amyloid and phospho-tau assessed with the 5-phase development framework for AD biomarkers
Purpose: The development of blood biomarkers that reflect Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathophysiology (phosphorylated tau and amyloid-β) has offered potential as scalable tests for dementia differential diagnosis and early detection. In 2019, the Geneva AD Biomarker Roadmap Initiative included blood biomarkers in the systematic validation of AD biomarkers. Methods: A panel of experts convened in Nove