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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Evaluation of the supply chain network design at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - Through the development of a performance measurement system

Bakgrund: UNFPA är en underorganisation till Förenta Nationerna (FN). UNFPA fokuserar på populations- och utvecklingsstrategier och jämlikhet mellan könen. I mars 2005 bestämdes det i UNDP/UNFPAs styrelse att UNFPAs inköpsavdelning (PSB) skulle behöva förbättras om de skulle nå upp till sina mål. Flera studier har genomförts och resultatet av dessa visade bland annat på en rekommendation att införBackground: UNFPA is a subsidiary organ to the United Nations (UN) with a primary focus on population and development strategies, sexual and reproductive health and gender equality. In March 2005 the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board had realized that for the UNFPA Procurement Services Branch (PSB) to operate in line with its mission, focus would need to be directed specifically towards improvements in t

Den gröna staden från koncept till praktik – om hur urban grönstruktur kan bidra till en ekologiskt hållbar stadsutveckling

The establishment of green areas in urban environment for ecological sustainability is a strategy recognized in academics as well as in politics and governance. This thesis investigates how and to what extent various measures and interventions of increased urban green areas and their ecological benefits may contribute to ecological sustainability and improve urban life quality. In addition to a l

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This paper is an intertextual study of the biblical allusions in Carlo Collodis 19th century childrens book "Pinocchio", where the issue is to find out whether the biblical allusions are being used in an educative purpose or not. I.e. if the allusions increase the young audiences' appal for the immoral protagonist Pinocchio, or if they rather heighten his heroical air.

Konflikter och konflikthantering inom äldreboenden - Ur enhetschefens synvinkel

Author: Annika Lund Lagerberg, Ylva Blom Title: Conflict and conflict managment in elderly care settings - From a unit managers point of view [Translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Susanna Johansson The aim of this study was to determine the factors that contributes to conflict and how the unit managers manage and prevent these conflicts. We have chosen to examine conflicts from t

Att motverka utanförskap genom sociala företag - en studie om arbetsintegration

Arbetslösheten är hög i Europa idag och bidrar till ett utanförskap för många människor som har sämre förutsättningar att nå den ordinarie arbetsmarkanden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka på vilka sätt arbetsintegrerande sociala företag kan motverka detta utanförskap och vilka faktorer som kan främja organisationsformens utveckling. Det sociala företaget Yalla Trappan i Malmö har studera

Chefscoachning: En intervjustudie om chefers upplevelser av coachning i hälso- och sjukvården

Syftet med denna explorativa studie var att utforska chefscoachning och bringa större förståelse för klienters upplevelse av coachningsprocessen. Avsikten med studien var att generera hypoteser kring hur chefscoachning ser ut i praktiken och hur det uppfattas av klienterna. Med en kvalitativ ansats intervjuades nio respondenter semistrukturerat. Transkripten från intervjuerna bearbetades med tematThe purpose of this exploratory study was to examinate executive coaching and contribute to a greater understanding of clients' experiences of the coaching process. The purpose was to generate hypotheses about what executive coaching looks like in practice and how it is perceived by the clients. With a qualitative approach nine respondents were interviewed semi-structured. The transcripts of t

Human Trafficking - en studie över en obefintlig konsensus kring begreppet "trafficking" och dess betydelse för att kunna bedriva en brottsbekämpning

”What is human trafficking?” At first sight of this seemingly innocent question, it is difficult to imagine the implications and controversies that it contains. Although human trafficking is not a new phenomenon there was up to the 2000s no definite statement of the problem. But when the trade of human beings that increasingly grew in size was no longer possible to ignore, the United Nations tried

Bilden av Eslöv - En kommunanalys med fokus på platsmarknadsföring

The purpose of this essay is to investigate what or which practices Eslöv uses to find niches in the Öresund region. The basic data for the study is a community project called “The image of Eslöv” which began in autumn 2011, and that extends to the summer of 2012. Communal documents are a major part of the background facts to the essay to give the reader a better understanding of the municipality.

Verksamheter öppna för tolkning: Fallstudier i tillämpningen av Riksarkivets processorienterade arkivredovisning

In January 2014 a new system for archival description will take effect in all Swedish government agencies, as prescribed by the Swedish National archives. This system is based upon the notion of processes as a way to describe organizations; processes containing activities and transactions that renders traces of information. It is a system that is fundamentally different from the preceding one. The

Omställningsavtal och arbetslöshetsförsäkringen

Det svenska arbetslöshetsunderstödet tog form under sent 1800-tal efter initiativ från fackförbunden. En arbetslöshetsförsäkring under statlig kontroll grundlades först 1935. Den statliga arbetslöshetsförsäkringen, i fortsatt statlig regi, var i princip den enda regelbundna ersättningen som en arbetslös kunde erhålla under sin arbetslöshet fram till slutet av 1960-talet. Ett nytt omställningssysteThe Swedish unemployment benefits took shape during the late 1800s by an initiative from the trade unions. An unemployment insurance under state control became reality in 1935. The unemployment insurance was, during a couple of decades, virtually the only regular compensation an unemployed could receive during his or her unemployment. This changed during the 1960s. A complementary transition syste

Professionell livskvalitet - en jämförelse mellan anestesi- och operationssjuksköterskor. En enkätstudie.

Det finns faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors hälsa och stressnivå. Dessa kan få konsekvenser för både individen och verksamheten. För att förutse och beskriva hälsoproblem kan skattningsformuläret ProQOL användas. Syftet med studien var att beskriva den professionella livskvaliteten bland specialistsjuksköterskor på operationsavdelningar samt se om den skiljer sig mellan anestesi- och operation

Estimating the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention’s Impact on International Trade

When administrations of customs procedures are heterogeneous, lack mutual cooperation and suffer from unnecessary complexity, they become non-tariff barriers to trade. The WCO International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention) serve as a blueprint for modern and efficient customs procedures, supplementary to the WTO negotiations on

Liberating Liturgy : Liberation Theology Traits in Anglican and Lutheran Worship Services in Jerusalem and the West Bank

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is of great interest to me for many reasons; particularly, I want to stress the Palestinian Christian’s position in the current situation. The Palestinian Christians belong to several denominations, of which I have chosen to focus on two minority churches: the Lutheran and the Anglican. My intention is to find if, and how, the situation affects the liturgy of these

Assessing team performance in healthcare team training: application of a protocol based on Hollnagel's contextual control model

This study introduces a protocol for healthcare team performance assessments, based on cognitive systems engineering and the contextual control model (COCOM). The protocol was developed by Palmqvist et al. focusing on team's joint level of control. This is contrasted by present means for team assessments, which are based on individual behavioural ratings. Data is analysed in intervals, and thr

Åh nej, varför sa jag så?!: En anpassning och utprovning av den svenska versionen av testet Faux pas

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att anpassa och att utprova det neuropsykologiska instrumentet Faux pas på en frisk svensk undersökningsgrupp (N=47), med en svensk version av testet. Intraklasskorrelationen visade ”excellent” interbedömarreliabilitet mellan studiens två bedömare. Undersökningsgruppens resultat visade sig vara jämbördiga med tidigare studiers kontrollgruppers resultat avseende dThe aim of the current study was to test and adapt the neuropsychological instrument Faux pas in a group of healthy Swedish adults (N=47), with a Swedish version of the test. Intraclass correlation showed an excellent inter-rater reliability between two raters. Results in this study are considered to be equal to results from previous studies regarding the detection aspect of Faux pas. The relation

Facebook eller Facework? - En fallstudie om facebookrelationer på Företag X

I takt med att sociala medier och framför allt Facebook växer sig allt större tar även företag sig ut på sociala forum i markandsföringssyfte. När företag får en inblick i arbetstagares privatliv genom aktivitet på Facebook innebär det allt oftare konsekvenser för dessa i arbetslivet. Denna uppsats undersöker, genom en fallstudie av Företag X, hur arbetstagare och arbetsgivare tolkar relationen t

HOW can WE picture YOU? - Encoding and decoding ‘African women’ in fundraising campaigns

Visual discourses on ‘African women’ in the fundraising campaigns of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hold the potential for stereotype creation. Previous research has shown that Africans are often portrayed with deficiencies (e.g. lack of water, education and productivity). By using Stuarts Hall´s theory of encoding and decoding, which highlights the active role of the audience in interpreti

Democracy and Human Development: A Cross-National Analysis

This thesis analyses the effects of democracy and democratisation on human development levels and growth. Theoretically, the idea of development as freedom is incorporated into the classical debate of democracy’s impact on development. Empirically, this is tested in a number of cross-sectional and pooled panel multiple linear regression models, covering the period 1980-2010. Democracy is measured

Urban Renewal In China: The Long Road From Top-Down to Bottom-Up

China’s cities are currently facing immense challenges due to the vast rural-urban migration that has been triggered by the country’s market-transition. The country’s rapid, top-down implemented, urban (re)developments have answered the call to a certain extent. However, the startling pace and scale of the projects has caused concerns internationally about the sustainability of its urban planning