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Neuron-specific TGF-beta signaling deficiency results in retinal detachment and cataracts in mice

We generated a mouse model (cKO) with a conditional deletion of TGF-beta signaling in the retinal neurons by crossing TGF-beta receptor I (TGF-beta RI) floxed mice with nestin-Cre mice. Almost all of the newborn cKO mice had retinal detachment at the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/photoreceptor layer junction of the neurosensory retina (NSR). The immunostaining for chondroitin-6-sulfate showed a

Inter- and intraspecific trait compensation of defence mechanisms in freshwater snails

Trait compensation occurs when mechanically independent adaptations are negatively correlated. Here, we report the first study to demonstrate trait compensation in predator-defence adaptations across several species. Freshwater pulmonate snails exposed experimentally to predation chemical cues from fishes and crushed conspecifics showed clear interspecific differences in their behavioural avoidanc

Integrating risk reduction, urban planning and housing: Lessons from El Salvador

Increasingly, attention has been given to the need to mainstream risk reduction in development work in order to reduce the vulnerability of the urban poor. Using El Salvador as a case study, the paper analyses the mainstreaming process in the developmental disciplines of urban planning and housing. The overall aim is to identify how the existing separation between risk reduction, urban planning an

Att lyssna till röster. Ett vidgat lyssnandebegrepp i ett didaktiskt perspektiv.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta är en avhandling om hur en del av vårt meningsskapande går till, sedd genom åtta studenters användning av sina kontextuella resurser. Den handlar om hur vi lyssnar till auditiva, visuella och upplevda röster, och hur vi talar med stöd av dessa röster när vi skapar och utvecklar vår egen röst. Detta kallar jag för rapporterat lyssnande, d.v.s. dessa yttranden visarThis thesis has two points of departure and four main purposes. The first point of departure concerns the narrow perspective of the listening skill in Swedish. The first purpose is to show the lack of attention to the listening skill in research and mother tongue education in the Swedish compulsory school. Educational documents from 1842 to 2000 about Swedish as a school subject are examined from

Advanced intercross line mapping of Eae5 reveals Ncf-1 and CLDN4 as candidate genes for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Eae5 in rats was originally identified in two F-2 intercrosses, (DA x BN) and (E3 X DA), displaying linkage to CNS inflammation and disease severity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), respectively. This region overlaps with an arthritis locus, Pia4, which was also identified in the (E3 X DA) cross. Two congenic strains, BN.DA-Eae5 and BN.DA-Eae5.R1, encompassing the previously des

Experimental and theoretical investigation of an evaporative fuel system for heat engines

The evaporative gas turbine (EvGT) pilot plant has been in operation at Lund University in Sweden since 1997. This project has led to improved knowledge of evaporative techniques and the concept of introducing fuel into gas turbines by evaporation. This results in, amongst others, power augmentation, efficiency increase and lower emissions. This article presents the experimental and theoretical re

A prospective study of screening for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy at 11-13 weeks in a Scandinavian population

ObjectiveTo investigate the prediction of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension using maternal characteristics, mean arterial pressure (MAP), uterine artery pulsatility index (UtAPI), pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and placental growth factor (PlGF) at gestational weeks 11-13 in a Scandinavian population with a medium to high prior risk for developing hypertensive disorders of

Parallel and Distributed Graph Cuts by Dual Decomposition

Graph cuts methods are at the core of many state-of-the-art algorithms in computer vision due to their efficiency in computing globally optimal solutions. In this paper, we solve the maximum flow/minimum cut problem in parallel by splitting the graph into multiple parts and hence, further increase the computational efficacy of graph cuts. Optimality of the solution is guaranteed by dual decomposit

Apoptosis and tumor cell death pathways in response to HAMLET

Popular Abstract in Swedish Celldöd är en lika viktig process som celldelning. Under hela ens liv måste vävnadens storlek regleras och gamla eller skadade celler förnyas. Detta styrs av en process som kallas programmerad cell död. Denna process är noggrant reglerad så att enbart oönskade celler tas bort. Om regleringen sätts ur funktion leder detta till ohämmad celldelning och cancer. Ett problem HAMLET (Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a molecular complex of alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid, that induces programmed cells death in tumor cells but leaves healthy differentiated cells unaffected. It has a broad anti-tumor activity as more than 40 cell lines from different origin are sensitive. The cell death activity of HAMLET is retained in vivo. HAMLET limits the progr

Ska generna styra vad vi äter?

This article gives an overview of some ethical problems raised in connection to nutritional genomics, especially the use of knowledge from nutrigenomics as a basis for personalised nutrition after a genetic test.

Learner-centred education in end-of-life care improved well being in home care staff: a prospective controlled study.

The aim of this controlled study was to evaluate a 1-year learner-centred educational project in end-of-life care for home care staff in a rural district of Sweden. Another rural district in the same region served as a control area. A 20-item questionnaire measuring attitudes towards end-of-life care was designed, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale was used to measure mental well

Shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury: a case-control study

Objective and Background. To evaluate risk factors for shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury using a case-control study at the departments of obstetrics and gynecology at the four largest hospitals in southern Sweden. All cases of shoulder dystocia between 1987 and 1993 inclusive were identified. For each case, two control infants with similar birthweight (+/- 100 g) and identical year of b

Pharmacy Regulation in Sweden. A New Institutional Economic Perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att analysera och förklara den institutionella förändringen vad gäller läkemedelsförsäljning i Sverige. Avhandlingens bidrag är studier av denna specifika institutionella utveckling där nyinstitutionell ekonomisk teori har använts för att undersöka drivkrafterna. Avhandlingen består av tre artiklar. Syftet med den första artikeln är att beThe aim of this thesis is to analyze and to explain the institutional change in the provision of pharmaceuticals in Sweden. The thesis’ contribution is studies of this specific institutional development. New Institutional Economic theory is used to scrutinize the driving forces of this development. The thesis consist of three papers. The purpose of the first paper is to discuss and to analyze the

Liberalized Trade and Worker-Firm Matching

Recent theoretical analysis suggests that a reduction in the cost of exporting increases the degree of assortative matching between workers and firms in export-oriented industries. Changes that reduce the cost of imports have an ambiguous impact on matching. We combine detailed Swedish matched worker-firm data from 1995 – 2005 with tariff data to test these hypotheses. The data cover 94 sectors su