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Your search for "*" yielded 531944 hits
Sleep in relation to psychiatric symptoms and perceived stress in Swedish adolescents aged 15 to 19 years
Background:Sleep affects psychiatric health and perceived stress during adolescence.Objective:The first aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of poor sleep in a sample of Swedish adolescents aged 15 to 19 years. The second aim was to investigate correlations between: a) sleep and psychiatric symptoms and; b) sleep and perceived stress. The third aim was to examine possible sex differ
Dealing with Development : The Protestant Reviewers of John Henry Newman's An Essay on the Development of Cristian Doctrine
Post-transcriptional control of stem and cancer cell fate. New roles for an old RNA modification.
Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies uncovered widespread RNA modifications on coding and non-coding RNAs collectively refer to as the epitranscriptome. However, we are only now starting to appreciate the impact of the epitranscriptome in regulating cell biology. Among more than 150 RNA modifications, I focused on pseudouridine (Ψ) the most abundant single-nucleoside RNA modi
Adjacent internationalism: the concept of solidarity and post-Cold War Nordic-Baltic relations
Prediction of Damage Accrual in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Using the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Frailty Index
Objective: The Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) frailty index (FI) has been shown to predict mortality, but its association with other important outcomes is unknown. We examined the association of baseline SLICC FI values with damage accrual in the SLICC inception cohort. Methods: The baseline visit was defined as the first visit at which both organ damage (SLICC/American
Normalisering av slöjan är vansinne
Huma skiljer inte mellan hur en religiös text skapades, hur den tolkades i historisk social kontext och hur texten bör tolkas idag. De religiösa påbud Huma följer är skrivna av män och har tolkats av män i en patriarkalisk kontext.
Visually impaired customers and (in)hospitable places
General Practitioners’ Experiences of Digital Written Patient Dialogues : A Pilot Study Using a Mixed Method
Background: The path between patients and health care providers has adopted new advanced information technologies. However, opinions vary about the digital care meeting. Physicians have expressed concerns about increased workload, changes in working methods, and information security. Purpose: To explore physicians’ experiences and satisfaction of digital primary health care. Method: A convergent m
Multimeric fusion single-chain variable fragments as potential novel high-capacity ligands
In basic and applied biotechnology, design of affinity ligands has become essential for high-capacity applications such as affinity-based downstream processes for therapeutic molecules. Here, we established a proof-of-concept for the use of multimeric fusion single-chain variable fragment (scFvs) as high-capacity ligands in affinity adsorbents. Mono- and di/tri-scFvs separated by Pro-rich negative
Novel host defence mechanisms during bacterial infections
The immune system has evolved through thousands of years and its architecture has challenged the medical field since the first hieroglyphs and will likely continue do so. With our co-evolution with millions of other species, the complexity to treat infectious diseases has been a race in increasing speed ever since. The establishment of penicillin shortened the length of that battle against a broad
Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion Improves the Inflammatory Signaling Profile of the Porcine Donor Lung Following Transplantation
BACKGROUND: Primary graft dysfunction and allograft rejection represent major caveats to successful lung transplantation. Reducing inflammation in donor lungs before transplantation may improve outcomes. Evidence exists that ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) can alter the donor lung environment, although the mechanisms remain unclear. This study aimed to characterize the inflammatory signaling profile
Kjell Grede 1936 - 2017
Short biographic entry, Kjell Grede
Colin Nutley b. 1944
Erland Josephson 1923-2012
Foreword of the KB Broberg symposium issue : Second KBB symposium held at the Trolleholm Castle in Svalöv, Sweden, 2009
To honour the memory of Knut Bertram Broberg, and to promote continuing work on the many ideas which he shared so generously with students and colleagues throughout his lifetime, a symposium was arranged at University College of Dublin in 2007. The idea was to create an informal atmosphere, and to keep the num- ber of participants fairly low. This has now become a bi-annual symposium with the high
Photon diagnostics for the seeding experiment at FLASH
Starting from next year the technical feasibility of a direct seeding scheme at 30 and 13 nm will be studied at the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH). During a major shutdown the SASE-FEL facility will be upgraded and it is planned to install in addition a high-harmonic generation (HHG) seed laser, a new chain of 10 m variable gap un-dulators and a dedicated commissioning beamline for photon
Technical design of the XUV seeding experiment at FLASH
The Free-electron-laser at Hamburg (FLASH) operates in the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) mode, delivering to users photons in the XUV wavelength range. The FEL seeding schemes promise to improve the properties of the generated radiation in terms of stability in intensity and time. Such an experiment using higher harmonics of an optical laser as a seed is currently under construction a
Experiences of teaching sexual and reproductive health to students with intellectual disabilities
There is growing awareness and international commitment to improving sexual and reproductive health for persons with intellectual disabilities. Despite this, people with intellectual disabilities continue to face stigma and have limited access to sexual health education and information. This qualitative phenomenological study uses data from 10 interviews to describe what it means to teach sexual a
Clonal competition within complex evolutionary hierarchies shapes AML over time
Clonal heterogeneity and evolution has major implications for disease progression and relapse in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). To model clonal dynamics in vivo, we serially transplanted 23 AML cases to immunodeficient mice and followed clonal composition for up to 15 months by whole-exome sequencing of 84 xenografts across two generations. We demonstrate vast changes in clonality that both progres